Chapter 565 Creating Rumble-Rumble Fruit Out of Thin Air

Seeing Asahi assumed an attacking stance, Mikoto couldn't help but feel a sense of panic.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying killing intent erupted from Asahi, not aura, but pure killing intent.

This killing intent was somewhat similar to the killing intent displayed by Sebastian, the subordinate of Momonga, towards that minor character guy.

In Mikoto's eyes, Asahi had become a demon-like existence at this moment, emanating a horrifying killing intent that instantly caused the ambient temperature to drop considerably, and invisible ice and blades seemed to rush towards her.

It's as if a blade had been brought to her throat, and the horrifying killing intent left Mikoto paralyzed, making her unable to move her body.

This terrifying presence lingered for several seconds before Asahi reeled it back in. Mikoto, on the other hand, had already sat down on the ground.

"Sure enough, safety pants and the likes are truly inhumane invention!"

Seeing this scene, Asahi couldn't help but silently comment. But at this moment, Mikoto was really genuinely scared to the point where her legs felt weak.

"Do you see how real combat can be now? Just from the killing intent, you can't stand your ground anymore. Remember not to provoke random people in the future, otherwise, you might provoke an existence that you can't provoke."

"It's understandable if there's no other choice, but actively provoking trouble is just plain foolish!"

Asahi shook his head as he spoke. In the original work, Mikoto could act recklessly since that was part of the established plot.

However, now that they were in the real world with Asahi's presence, unpredictable issues could arise.

Therefore, in this world, Mikoto couldn't afford to act recklessly, as it might lead to significant problems. And if she provoked someone she shouldn't could deal with, it will lead to dire consequences.

"By the way, even though you didn't manage to hit me, here's the gift for you. There will be a delightful surprise when you eat it. I'm leaving for now, so make your way back on your own. If you have the time, come by the manga shop and chat with me!"

After saying this, Asahi left. As for what he left, it was none other than Rumble-Rumble Fruit, but this fruit was created by him. After all, creating this kind of thing was quite simple for the current him.

In fact, strictly speaking, the fruit he created wasn't a Devil Fruit, but the power of lightning that is compressed into the fruit.

After eating it, the power of lightning will enter Mikoto's body. She can also elementalize her body, and there is no weakness like from eating Devil Fruit.

Of course, with Asahi's mischievous tendencies, he had retained one characteristic of a Devil Fruit, which tasted awful, something that Mikoto would likely never forget.

This can be regarded as Asahi's dark sense of humor. As for Mikoto, after Asahi left, it took her a few minutes before she came to her senses.

"What a monster! Why is just his killing intent so terrifying!"

Mikoto, who has now recovered, pondered. At least this time, she would heed Asahi's words.

She realized that it wasn't wise to provoke powerful individuals for no reason. Otherwise, if she really encounters a monster like Asahi, it would lead to dire consequences.

After a bit of complaining, Mikoto shifted her focus to the peculiar fruit in front of her. It was indeed a very unique fruit. It had an odd appearance, but Mikoto felt a strong urge to take a bite and consume it.

Of course, Mikoto was not from the One Piece World, where someone could simply devour such a fruit in one bite. That was a unique ability found only in the One Piece World.

In the end, Mikoto couldn't resist the temptation and took a bite of the fruit. However, the experience was far from pleasant.


Instantly, she felt as if she had combined all the worst tastes from everything she had ever eaten into one awful concoction, amplified it by a hundredfold, and then shoved it all into her mouth.

In just a moment, she couldn't hold back her nausea and ended up spitting it out. Even so, the power of lightning had already entered her body.

"Ugh... that was awful! That bastard must be messing with me. I won't let him off the hook!"

Mikoto muttered to herself, unable to believe there's something so unpalatable in this world. It was downright nauseating. However, right after she finished complaining, she suddenly felt her mind was filled with new knowledge and a surge of power appeared in her body.

"Is this for real? There's actually something like this in this world!" Mikoto exclaimed, and her eyes widened with amazement.

After accepting the memory in her mind, Mikoto was shocked. What appeared in her mind was the memories of how to use the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, which included elementalization and several other abilities.

Out of curiosity, Mikoto then decided to give it a try. To her surprise, her body suddenly exploded into a burst of lightning, and there were traces of her here and there.

This transformation shocked her. However, she quickly reverted to her human form.

The fruit Asahi gave her relied on her mental energy, as Esper's mental energy are many times stronger than those of an average person, after all, using Esper's superpowers required precise calculations.

As for physical stamina, let's not kid ourselves. Although Mikoto's physical fitness is quite good, it was nothing out of the ordinary.

Therefore, using physical stamina alone, let alone elementalization, even releasing a small amount of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit's lightning would be very difficult.


Mikoto can control lightning with a power of one billion volts, but the Rumble-Rumble Fruit is only a few hundred million in Enel's hands. However, in terms of application, Enel is undoubtedly stronger.

Of course, the current Mikoto can also use it too, and she is not limited by the current like Enel.

A lightning dragon with the thickness of an ordinary person's arm emerged, and Mikoto could control this little lightning dragon at will, which surprised Mikoto very much. Moreover, she still had many other powerful techniques in her mind.

The lightning dragon transformed into a lightning sword in Mikoto's hand, and then into a lightning puppy.

In summary, Mikoto could easily shape thunder now, something she couldn't do before.

She also discovered she could fly, moreover, it's at the speed of lightning. It only took the blink of an eye for her to return from her current location to her dormitory.

Of course, she had to control her speed, otherwise, she would end up somewhere completely unknown.

Moving around needed restrictions. Just like Kizaru, who's known for his lightspeed movement in One Piece. He had to be cautious when using his Devil Fruit, otherwise, he could dash off the planet in the blink of an eye.

The same applied to Mikoto. Even with her newfound speed, she couldn't recklessly use it, and she had to stay within certain limits.

Nonetheless, she made it back to her dormitory in the blink of an eye. She didn't even need to go through the front door, as she can just transform into lightning and darted through the window. It was incredibly convenient.

At this moment, Mikoto felt like she had a new, fascinating toy to play with, and she is enjoying every moment of it.