Chapter 567 Misaki Comes To The Manga Shop

After getting the new ability, Mikoto didn't flaunt them but instead focused on training them. The modified fruit she received actually had an additional feature. While it consumed mental energy, it could also refine her mental energy.

This was a little surprise and bonus from Asahi. At least after a while, Mikoto didn't have to worry about Misaki's ability anymore.

Although she could already block it now, it was unavoidable that she felt somewhat uncomfortable at the time.

The conflicts between Mikoto and Misaki are minor, but they were also significant. Well, it was just a case of not liking each other.

However, their most recent encounter was a resounding defeat for Misaki. In the past, although she can't control Mikoto's thoughts, she can still control the people around her, so Misaka Mikoto can't do anything to her.

But in this most recent conflict, Misaki suffered a complete defeat. While she still attempted to use her power to manipulate the people around Mikoto, it didn't work as expected.

Given Mikoto's personality, she naturally wouldn't target those who are controlled, so she'd be fine. But this time, it was different. Right before her eyes, Mikoto transformed directly into a bolt of lightning and dashed out from the crowd.

Mikoto even hovered in the air, taunting her. And this time, Misaki could not escape, and was hit by a burst of electricity from Mikoto.

This electrical current didn't cause any harm to the human body, but it still caused pain and numbness.

Therefore, Misaki was directly electrocuted and fell to the ground, only able to watch in frustration as Mikoto walked away.

This left Misaki baffled. She wondered how could Mikoto transform into lightning like that? Even with superpowers, it shouldn't be this exaggerated.

After all, their superpowers are, strictly speaking, reliant on calculations. In reality, their true strength lies in their brains, and these abilities aren't something they can simply use at will.

But now, it's clear that Mikoto's abilities have blatantly defied this principle, as her entire body has transformed into lightning.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Misaki became. She then mobilized her subordinates to investigate what had happened to Mikoto.

They ran over every place Mikoto had visited, and finally, they found a place that seemed the most likely.

"It should be here, right? She comes here every day, and this manga shop has been making such a commotion. There must be something wrong with this place!"

At this moment, Misaki had already arrived at the manga shop's location/ She found that Mikoto's change had occurred a few days after entering this manga shop.

And coupled with the unique nature of this manga shop, she refused to believe there was no connection, and she was certain that something was amiss here.

"Why is Misaki here? Besides being able to lure Mikoto, it seems this manga shop can also lure this person … though she probably hasn't encountered Kamijou Touma yet!"

Asahi was somewhat puzzled because he hadn't seemingly done anything, but he couldn't resist the curiosity about why Misaki had come. So, he decided to let her in.

Misaki and Mikoto can be said to have completely opposite personalities. Mikoto is very carefree and had a very straightforward mind. On the other hand, Misaki had a cunning, fox-like personality, and she is also quite sly. Of course, their physical appearances also had a vast difference.

Although Misaki had impressive abilities, her powers also made her somewhat of an outcast. Everyone has their secrets, and when these secrets are exposed in front of others, they naturally become wary of that person.

When facing Misaki, if they can't resist her ability, then it was almost as if she could completely uncover your secrets.

Coupled with her unique eyes, in fact, Misaki is also very distressed. Many people would distance themselves from her, even though she didn't actually peer into their memories. Nevertheless, people didn't want to get too close to her, as they couldn't be sure if they were being observed by her.

It's like that big bald guy from the Marvel World. He constantly claims he won't casually probe into anyone's thoughts and memories because he knows the importance of respecting others. He talks with such righteousness and integrity, but later on, you'd realize that everyone's habits are as clear as day to him.

It's impossible to guard against it, so who knows if their memories have been read or not? Misaki was also troubled by this, but she had already grown accustomed to it. However, currently, these concerns weren't an issue.

After entering the manga shop, Misaki looked around with great curiosity. As she wasn't a manga enthusiast, she didn't understand what the manga in this shop meant to the outside world.

She came here this time for only one purpose, and that was to investigate Misaka Mikoto's ability.

Her sole purpose for coming this time was to investigate Misaka Mikoto's abilities. So she quickly took control of a few people around her and began to read their memories.

However, she didn't obtain any specific information from them, so Misaki soon focused her attention on Asahi.

'Not many people came here repeatedly, so the boss should know something, right?' Holding a remote control in her hand, Misaki aimed it at Asahi and activated her abilities.

Normally, after activating her powers, she should be able to read the person's memories. But now, it seemed as if her efforts were in vain, as if she wasn't able to hear anything at all.

"What's going on?"

Her ability didn't show anything, and this left Misaki puzzled, especially as she didn't understand what had happened. Even Mikoto had to rely on electric currents to disrupt her abilities, but when using it on Asahi, there was no reaction at all.

"Reading someone's memories on the first meeting? Is there something wrong with you Level 5 Espers?"

Asahi said a little speechlessly. He felt this girl had some malicious intent, reading other people's memories right away after entering, and now, she even seemed to want to take action against him. Wasn't this tempting fate?

However, upon reflection, he realized that Mikoto also enjoyed picking fights with others. And the reason she hadn't done so with him on their first meeting was probably because she didn't know how powerful he was.

Once she knew that Asahi was quite strong, Mikoto immediately had her sights set on him. One likes to fight, and the other likes to read other people's memories at every turn. It can be said that every Level 5 Espers are somewhat crazy.

"Oh, come on, I was just playing around with you, boss!"

After being seen through, Misaki didn't show much embarrassment. She simply put away the remote control as if nothing had happened.

"Your face's thickness really matches your ability!"

Asahi didn't say much more, but this remark instantly put Misaki in an awkward position.