Chapter 584 At The End of Science, There is Theology

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"I don't know what to do next. I originally planned to apply for the use of the Tree Diagram, but I failed dozens of times. The AIM Burst could have been used for it, but now, it has caused such a big chaos, and it still failed!"

Harumi expressed her helplessness, as she really can't find any way to help her students.

It can only be said that the Kihara Family is really sinful, and they are capable of anything.

"It's simple. I will give you time to gather those children together, and then I will help you wake them up, and there is no need to worry about any major issues. However, after they wake up, you'll work for me, deal?"

Asahi directly stated his conditions directly, but this time, Harumi fell silent once again.

"Do you really have a way to wake up these children? Without substantial computing support, it's difficult to achieve that!"

Harumi finally spoke, and she believed that this matter was not as simple as it seemed.

"You don't need to worry about that. All you have to do is gather these children. You must have heard the saying, 'At the end of science, there is theology'!"

Asahi said with a smile. For him, this saying is not just empty words, and it's really true.

To be precise, things that humans cannot understand are referred to as mysteries or theology. In ancient times, many things that modern science can now explain were once considered mysteries, and as science progressed, these mysteries became part of the scientific domain.

However, there are still things that cannot be explained, and these are the realms of theology. That's why there's a saying of 'at the end of science, there is theology'. It's because there will always be mysterious phenomena that science cannot explain.

As for Asahi, after obtaining Whis's power, he is comparable to a demigod in this aspect. While he may not be able to change the Law at will, logically speaking, these children don't seem to be entangled with the Law.

In the original work, forcibly awakening these children would lead to chaos and even threaten Academy City, but with Asahi here, this is no longer a problem.

Someone like Asahi can easily bypass what is considered conventional science. After all, when it comes to these children, the issues typically revolve around two aspects, one is the physical bodyand the other is the soul. And soul matters are difficult to explain and touch with science.

That's why Asahi can deal with AIM Burst easily. If it's other powerful people, although they might be able kill AIM Burst easily, but without the treatment program, it will still cause the victim's brains to fry.

"Theology, huh? I understand. If you can awaken those children, my life is yours!"

Harumi didn't waste any time and promised Asahi directly. She was doing it solely for the sake of those children. As for Harumi's ability, to be reasonable, she could be quite helpful to the likes of Orochimaru and others.

The integration of these scientists is truly terrifying, especially when coupled with the AIM Diffusion Fields. The speed at which technology is advancing would be staggering.

"Then it's settled. You might need some time to do what I ask, so just let me know once you've gathered them all!"

After saying this, Asahi left with the others. As for Harumi, she was still weak and needed to rest, so even if she wanted to go gather those children, she can't do so, as she needed to continue lying down and recuperate.

"I didn't expect that Academy City's dark side had so many secrets, those scumbags should really be locked up in prison!"

Mikoto is very upset. This was perhaps her first encounter with the dark side of Academy City. She is extremely irritated with those higher-ups and the researchers. She wished she could just send these people to jail.

"Don't think about it, it's impossible. There's darkness everywhere, not just in Academy City. Besides, even if you send those guys to jail, they might be released by someone the very next day."

"And besides, there aren't many good people among the higher-ups in Academy City. You'd better not think about such thing!"

Asahi rolled his eyes at Mikoto. In this world, things were not as simple as they seemed. The so-called rules were only constraints for ordinary people. Those higher-ups didn't care about these things, after all, they were the creators of the so-called rules.

As the creator of the rules, how can they be bound by the rules, so there was no point for Mikoto to think about it.

"Haaah, I can't even talk about it!"

Mikoto said with some frustration. She was just venting, and she wasn't naïve, as she knew it wouldn't make a difference.

Those people's abilities would be coveted by countless individuals, just like the current Academy City, which had been born out of numerous experiments. So, she knew her thoughts were nothing but wishful thinking, but even so, she couldn't help but feel frustrated.

"It's alright, you can say whatever you want, but just remember not to let the higher-ups find out, otherwise, even if you are an Esper, they won't hesitate to take action against you. Those guys are quite ruthless after all!"

Asahi said with a smile before taking the group to a restaurant. It was already evening, time for dinner, and Asahi was here because Aiho was treating them to a meal.

Additionally, Komoe is also here.

"You are here, please have a seat. Komoe, he's the one who helped you that night!"

Aiho pointed at Asahi as she introduced him. Seeing Asahi, Komoe was taken aback, after all, Asahi's appearance is indeed amazing. At least, Komoe couldn't stop her face from blushing.

"Thank you for helping me that nightI should have thanked you earlier, but I've been swamped with various things so it's delayed until now!"

Komoe expressed her gratitude, but at this moment, Mikoto and the others felt that the situation was becoming somewhat strange.

"Um…, can I ask what's going on?"

Mikoto suddenly spoke up, and the others nodded in agreement. Afterward, Aiho explained the situation to them.

"Wait a minute… So you're saying she was drinking too much?"

Mikoto was stunned. After all, Komoe looks like she's around twelve years old, so how can she drink too much? It's too unbelievable.

"Well, don't be fooled by her appearance. Despite looking around twelve, her age is similar to mine, around twenty-eight. It's just that due to a past experiment, she ended up like this. She's actually an adult!"

Aiho explained Komoe's situation to everyone.

"So it's like that. Wait a minute… Does that mean she's the prototype of the urban legend of Eternal Life?"

Suddenly, Ruiko knocked her palm, remembering Asahi's explanation of urban legends from some time ago.