Chapter 588 Asahi: I'm Too Stupid

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Looking at the two deeply conflicted individuals, Asahi found it a bit amusing. However, Asahi suddenly felt a bit exasperated. It's because he had realized he had become stupid once again.

The time flow in the Dangai was 2000 times slower than the outside world, which allowed for significant time savings.

But no one says that the time dilation can't be stacked, which was the most frustrating thing for Asahi. Within Whis's Time Law, there was the ability to accelerate time, which included the powers in the god's domain.

When all these powers were combined, as long as the time flow in the Dangai was adjusted by a factor of 2, it would become 4000 times slower than the outside world.

With a tenfold adjustment, it became a 20,000 times difference. This was simply terrifying.

As he currently held 10% of Whis's power, although reversing time is still very difficult, modifying a small portion of time flow was relatively simple.

And with his current percentage, he could easily modify the time flow speed by a factor of 100. This way, the original time ratio of the Dangai, which was a difference of 2,000, was further increased by a factor of 100, resulting in a staggering 200,000 times time difference.

What is the concept of 200,000? It was originally over five years compared to the one day outside before. Now, it had now become over 500 years compared to one day outside.

His previous five thousand years of seclusion, in the current context, only translated to ten days outside. Furthermore, as his control over Whis's ability increased again, modifying the time flow speed would become even easier.

Thinking about this, Asahi couldn't help but scolded himself. His previous operation is extremely stupid. He should have discovered this earlier, which would have saved him from staying in seclusion for so long.

But it's okay now, as everything is solved. With this, whenever he had free time, he could go into seclusion. With the time he has, he could easily deal with the likes of the Magic Gods soon, and he wouldn't have to fear them anymore.

Soon, time passed, and Index finally woke up. But this time, Index was no longer the naive girl she once was. In reality, Index was quite clever, and her intelligence was put to good use when dealing with the Mokkerkalfe in the original work.

She is also quite decisive, but her personality had been turned into a naive and sweet one due to the annual memory erasures. But even so, there were many instances where Index displayed her remarkable capabilities, leaving people speechless.

Now, with her memories restored, Index, who had gone through a lot originally, naturally became more mature.

"I didn't expect my memories to be restored. I'm really grateful to you, good guy. Is it okay if I call you that?"

Index said with a mischievous smile, and there was some playfulness in her tone.

It can be said that restoring her memories had added a touch of cheekiness to her personality. But this was much better than being overly naive, as it would help her avoid unnecessary trouble.

"In… Index, you… your memories really have been restored?"

At this moment, Magnus and Kaori were both tense and somewhat stiff. Their faces appeared unnatural as they asked this.

Just now, they had been wondering how to explain and face Index after they met her, but now, when they saw Index waking up, all those worries seemed to vanish. And they knew her memories had been restored.

"It's been restored, but don't worry, you two. I know you've always had my best interests at heart, so I've never blamed you for anything!"

Index is very intelligent and has a good understanding of the situation. She knew that Magnus and Kaori had been manipulated. Although they are indeed too naive, their intentions had always been for her well-being. Additionally, they had been unable to break the Collar previously, so memory erasure had been necessary. That's why Index had never held it against them.

"That's really great!"

Kaori also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Inticus doesn't blame them, then it's okay.

She made a silent promise that in the future, she would go above and beyond to fulfill any of Index's requests. She was determined to make amends, even though the person involved hadn't blamed them.

However, whether it was Magnus or Kaori, they both felt a deep sense of guilt, so offering compensation was certainly necessary.

After that, the group naturally began to chat, and Index also asked about her former friends, although she didn't have many friends.

Knowing that she needs to have her memories deleted every year, few people will be friends with her.

One is that the time is too short and not much benefit can be gained, and the other is that they are really afraid of being sad.

For example, that guy Aureolus, wasn't it because his little heart was injured that he started using the Ars Magna and the vampires to turn Index into a vampire?

In this case, Index doesn't need to delete her memory in the future. While this might seem quite extreme, it made sense considering that recurring memory loss could be seen as a constant threat to her life.

If Index became like this not because of the collar, but was really trapped by the memories, then it seems good to turn Index into a vampire. After all, memory is equivalent to a human life.

Memory is something that carries everything, relatives, friends, etc... are all stored in it.

Once people lost them, they would no longer be the same individual, so memory is something that carries everything.

In this case, if there are only two ways, which is to eliminate memory or become a vampire, Asahi will not hesitate to choose the latter. After all, being vampires are not unacceptable. Even zombies are fine, let alone vampires.

Asahi also attaches great importance to memory.

Knowing that her former friends either left because of sadness, or simply disappeared, Index felt sad, but she couldn't do much about her past. Besides, she had been sent to this new place by the others, so it is impossible for her to go back to those people.

After chatting for a while, time gradually came to noon.

"You guys aren't tired, right? Let's get some lunch outside!"

Asahi changed the topic. After all, coming to a new place meant trying out its unique culinary offerings.

As soon as the topic of food came up, Index's face expression immediately changed. No matter how mature she had become after her memories were restored, she remained the gluttonous super foodie she had always been.

This was something that would never change, so at the mention of food, Index started cheering.

In response to this, both Kaori and Stiyl couldn't help but smile. They felt that Index is still the same old Index.