Chapter 597 Sisters Are Finally Finished

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Aisa finally had a place to study again now. Even though the school may not be the most reliable, it is still a good option.

After all, there is Komoe, a teacher who is very responsible for students, so there won't be any big problem.

Moreover, with Seiri's help, anyone who dared to cause trouble would receive a thorough beating and a lesson from her.

After all, she had promised to help Aisa well, and she is the real class leader, not just in name.

In this way, Aisa seamlessly integrated into her new environment. As for other matters, it is no longer Asahi's responsibility to worry. The place to live is also convenient, as Aisa has her own residence.

In fact, to be honest, Tokiwadai's dorm system isn't necessarily better than living off-campus.

Although the two-person room is also quite luxurious, but compared to the student apartment outside, they are still a little worse.

And the most important thing is, outside is freedom, the students have the freedom to do as they please, making everything much more relaxed and convenient.

At Tokiwadai, there's a dorm supervisor watching over things, and that is the legendary person who was dropped out of Anti-Skill. Even Mikoto would think twice about confronting her, so the level of control and strictness in such place can be imagined.

Even Mikoto often expresses her envy for students who live off-campus because they have so much freedom. They can stay up as late as they want at night without worrying about other things.

On the other hand, students like her who live in the dorms have to adhere to curfews and various rules, with constant room inspections, but who told call her to be Tokiwadai's students? The purpose of this school is to cultivate young ladies, as for Mikoto and others, well, they have no choice but to accept it.

After Aisa's affairs were settled, Asahi left a clone behind and entered Dangai to continue his training.

This is a decision he made after thinking that he could speed up the time. During times when there were no major events, he would diligently practice, making even the smallest improvements. And when there was something important happening, he would come out and participate.

In short, due to the stacking acceleration, the time difference in his portion of Dangai is 200,000 times the outside world.

This kind of time gap is simply terrifying. Previously, it was over 5 years inside for one day outside. But now, it's over 500 years inside for one day outside. So in just one week inside, it'll be equivalent to over 3,500 years outside.

And as he continues to master Whis's power, the time acceleration factor continues to grow. In a week, the time acceleration reaches 150 times, and it keeps increasing.

But on this day, Asahi suddenly received a message that the Misaka Sisters had finally been finished manufactured.

He had refrained from taking action earlier because the manufacturing process had not been completed.

What complicated matters was that they had created a prototype, but it had not yet been fully developed. This posed a problem, which was why he hadn't rushed to take action.

Initially, he had only arranged for the Misaka Sisters who were supposed to die to be safely transported away, creating a facade of Misaka Sisters being killed.

Now, perhaps because the experiment had progressed halfway, the current situation had arisen. The Misaka Sisters had finally grown, though they had not been fully activated yet. They were still in their cultivation tanks.

However, due to the Misaka Network, they were already in constant communication. This was precisely what Aleister wanted, to use the Misaka Network to spread his influence.

But now, Misaka Sisters belongs to Asahi. As for Aleister's plan to spread the network, he would need to find another way, but this wasn't a significant issue for Aleister.

Upon receiving the message, Asahi temporarily halted his training. After all, there are tasks to be carried out, and he didn't wait for Mikoto to trigger the plot herself. Instead, he directly entered the various laboratories.

"Please show your pass!"

When Asahi arrived at the first research facility, he was stopped by the staff. He planned on entering directly. After all, he would have to deal with the individuals inside, allowing only the relatively normal scientists to live.

For example, there were a few scientists like Nunotaba Shinobu who still had a hint of conscience, but as for the others, sorry, they had to go.

Asahi didn't have an ounce of mercy for them, and the security guards outside were no saints either.

Given the importance of the experiments, the hired security personnel were ruthless types, effectively mercenaries, and highly professional.

No one was innocent, so Asahi snapped his fingers directly, and all the mercenaries and even the hidden operatives were instantly immobilized.

"Go, eliminate those who deserve to die!"

Asahi ordered them to take matters into their own hands. And the names of those who needed to be killed were already implanted in their minds.

As for those who were not meant to be killed, they wouldn't lay a finger on them.

In this way, the mercenaries hired by the entire research institute directly rebelled and began a frenzy of bloodshed.

"What on earth are you doing? Why would you do this?!"

The unfortunate ones, who first encountered the hired mercenaries, naturally had a grim fate. After a massacre, the few remaining people had faces pale with terror. They couldn't comprehend what had just happened and why this was occurring.

These people were obviously the mercenaries they recruited, but they actually betrayed them directly.

They immediately suspected that someone had bribed these mercenaries, after all, to mercenaries accustomed to bloodshed, anything, even betrayal, was not an issue if there was enough money involved.

However, their inquiries fell on deaf ears, and the only response they received was the dark muzzles of the guns.

Regardless of the reasons, the mercenaries showed no mercy and killed their targets without hesitation.

However, a few individuals were left bewildered. Originally, they thought they would die today, but these mercenaries suddenly declared that they are not on the target list and left directly.

Those, who had escaped from the dead, don't dare to stay here anymore. They wasted no time in leaving the research facility and immediately informed the Anti-Skill.

Upon receiving this message, the Anti-Skill was also shocked. They never expected that someone would dare to attack the research institute directly, moreover, their purpose seemed to be nothing but slaughter.

In Academy City, the Anti-Skill had a fast response time, but this time, there were no Judgment's members present, as such matters were beyond their purview as they typically handled minor incidents.

For an incident of this scale, only Anti-Skill could intervene.

However, when Anti-Skill arrived, they were also taken aback by what they found.