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Power of emotions

A young stallion felt the anger of his rider in the stabbing of the spurs in his flanks. The repeated pain was making him run faster and faster, forcing him to go over the edge of his strong muscles´ power. The horse was giving out its best, its vision already blurred from sweat and its blood rushing with amazing speed, flowing through the crazily beating heart.

Nevertheless, it was not enough; the rider kept kicking him, not caring about the animal´s exhaustion. Until the bridle bit into its muzzle, almost reversing the horse´s head backwards, and stopped it on the spot, so violently that the clusters of grass along with some soil ended up torn off their places.

Math Grenet jumped off the animal, letting it staggering near the veranda and burst into the house. Two black slaves, just taking the mess after the fire out, spotted him in the last second and fled out of his way, pressing themselves to the walls of the corridor.

Stomping Grenet rushed inside the workroom alight by the weak morning sun. Raynold Karnaka was already sitting behind his table from the oak wood, smoking the expensive cigar and drinking a glass of his favorite Scotch whiskey, which was just served by his servant.

"Those bastards got away!!" Grenet exclaimed, as soon as he finished his furious race by hitting the firm wood of the table with his fist.

The master of the white mansion didn´t seem to be disturbed at all and finished his drink calmly, while Cameron observed the rude gunman with obvious disgust in his eyes.

"I know it was Kamenashi!" Grenet blustered in front of them. "Why else would he have come here now?! He helped Akanishi to escape! Just let me go to Bozeman and I will tear them both to shreds!"


It was only one word, said no louder than usually, but a tone of Karnaka´s voice made Grenet stiffen and shut his mouth. The old man put the empty glass aside.

"Cameron, what are our casualties?" Karnaka asked, while Grenet was gritting his teeth in silent anger.

"The equipment in the main kitchen was destroyed, sir," the servant began his report. "The damage in the dining room is not so significant; everything can be replaced and repaired within a week. Also, two from your fruit trees were affected; we will have to cut them down. A slave, who had probably set up that fire, was shot dead on the run. Two of your guards got some burns from putting the fire down, as well as five slaves. Four of them have some troubles with breathing, but otherwise nobody was hurt."

"That´s not so bad... Bury the body of that girl on the usual place and remind the others, what they can expect if they do not forget about her till this evening."

"Of course, sir," Cameron nodded.

After that, Karnaka focused his cool glance at the other subordinate: "Did you find any tracks after our fugitives, Math?"

"Nothing except the rope on the wall," Grenet hissed. "It was probably used by Kamenashi to get in. They had to hide themselves somewhere, waited for us to begin the search and then they scrammed. There is no other explanation, as for why we didn´t catch them on the run. Sir, let me ride to Bozeman and will drag that little shit to you. I swear that..."

"There is no use for such drastic methods yet," the cold voice interrupted his angry monologue.

"What?! But, sir!!"

"Start behaving or I will forget your merits, Math," Karnaka reminded the gunman very calmly, but at the same time, there was an obvious threat in his voice. "Akanishi was your responsibility."

Grenet´s features distorted in angry discontent, but he stepped away from the table, bowing his head a little.

"Yes, sir..."

"Good. There will be no tearing to shreds and no killing. At least not for now," Karnaka emphasized again. "But you will ride to Bozeman, anyway."

And Grenet finally understood. His orders would be probably a little different than he had imagined, but the result would be the same...

"I´m listening, sir."


Kuro was the strongest one from all three animals they had on hand, but he was also very stubborn in who could or couldn´t ride on him. Ukushi was a little anxious, when it came to the blood, while Liwan insisted on binding the unconscious man to the saddle separately, so they could proceed faster. But Kame was definitely against it, as he was afraid it might have hurt Jin even more.

In the end, Liwan helped him to get Jin up into Kuro´s saddle, tied his legs to it, while Kame sat behind him, holding Jin in his arms and letting his body lean over himself. It was not the most comfortable solution, but they were both slim, so they fitted even into one saddle well, and it was also safer. Not to mention that it was very calming for Kame to feel the weight of Jin´s body so close.

Finally, he got the older one back and he didn´t intend to let him go anymore... But at the same time, their closeness was keeping up his worries, when he heard the shallow and shaky breathing coming from him. Otherwise, Jin was so motionless in Kame´s hold, not perceiving the world around him, that it was scary. He would have rather treated his wounds immediately, but that was simply impossible under the circumstances.

Liwan led them on the shortest way through the woods, as they couldn´t afford to use the road. His stallion was obediently followed by Ukushi and Kame with Jin on Kuro were closing the line.


Their journey took a long time. It was already after the dawn, when they finally reached the old house. By that time Kame´s arms were stiffened and his hands on the reins cold as a stone. The morning air was chilly, reminding them that another winter was already very close.

Liwan let his horse and Ukushi standing on the side of the house, binding them to the half-collapsed railing of the veranda and then returned to waiting Kuro, which Kame stopped in front of the main entrance.

The Indian released the strips, which were keeping Jin in the place and raised his hands to take him down from Kame´s arms, when his so far calm face changed and there was a shock visible on it. Kame realized quickly, what made the other one freeze up like this. Liwan could see Jin´s face properly only now, when the first sun rays managed to break their way through the chubby clouds and made all of that damage visible.

"It´s not only his face..." Kame stated in a very quiet voice, when Liwan didn´t move for a while.

His friend focused his dark look at Kame for a short moment and said nothing at all. After that he finally took Jin´s body into his arms, pulled him away from Kame and down from the saddle more gently, than he had probably intended before.

Kame made his stiffened muscles move and dismounted Kuro, patting him across the neck.

"Good boy," he praised the stallion, when he was leading him to other two animals. He tied his reins only loosely and with fast steps headed inside the house.

Liwan placed still unconscious Jin on the table in the old kitchen, took Kame´s coat and trousers off him, leaving the guy only in his underpants. The young shaman was already checking his wounds in the dim light, which was coming inside through the dusty window.

Kame remained in the doorway, looking at the scene in front of him. It was as if the whole house started to sway in the long waves and spin in the circles, carrying him to some different place. To the place, where he could perceive nothing else than every single injury, which was placed on Jin´s body... And it clutched his stomach, his lungs and heart so badly, that he just couldn´t breathe and it felt as if his pulse simply stopped its usual running...


Liwan had already seen many men suffering in his life; he saw a lot of pain and awful things of which the vicious White Faces were capable. But this, everything what was done to that man, it was hard only to look at it.

After the short check, he could say that his wounds were serious, but they were not threatening his life. That person, who tortured Akanishi, knew how to do it without killing him very well. He could say that the young gunslinger would get from this alive and in one piece, not counting the scars. If there was no infection coming, though...

Liwan looked up from his unexpected patient to check on Kame, who was suspiciously quiet. And he found his friend standing there like a statue from the white stone, his wide eyes staring at Akanishi. That expression of his was almost creepy...

The Indian moved toward him, but it seemed that Kame didn´t see him at all.


There was absolutely no reaction, which made Liwan worried. He raised his hand and squeezed the younger man´s shoulder firmly: "Kazuya, my friend, are you all right?"

The brown eyes swirling in emotions finally focused on him.

"What is it?" his friend asked in a hoarse voice.

Liwan frowned over the anxious state Kame was in. He had never seen him like that. But he decided it would be wiser to occupy his mind with something, than to ask him unnecessary questions.

"I have some herbs and medicine with me, but we need hot water, a lot of it. And bandages, any type of cloth, but clean. Can you manage that?"

Kame took a deep breath, somehow coming more to his senses finally.

"Yes... I´ll go get some water and... And wood. You can set up a fire in the stove meanwhile, there is some tinder and kindling left," he pointed at the huge basket in the corner of the room.

Liwan didn´t like his voice at all, so instead of letting him go, he grabbed Kame by the other shoulder too and made him look into his eyes.

"Kazuya... You care about him so much?" he asked the younger one seriously.

That haunted look in Kame´s eyes was more than enough as an answer.

Inscrutable are ways of life and love prepared for us by Manitou... Liwan thought gloomily.

"I understand... I will do my best, and he will be all right. Do you hear me?"

Kame nodded slowly and looked at the lying body behind Liwan once again.

"I´ll be right back," he said and moved away.

Liwan let him go from his grip and Kame disappeared outside.

The young shaman had already noticed before, how much also Akanishi cared for Kame, but it was a big mystery for him, how they could create such a bond so quickly. He was Kame´s friend since they were only children and still, now he had the feeling that their relationship was completely different and not so... strong. And he was also a little jealous...

Some stranger was more important for Kame than his mother? Than himself? What in the world those two had between each other?


While Liwan was preparing the special concoction for disinfection and better healing of the wounds in the small pot, Kame heated up many liters of water in the rusty boiler and he was trying to wash Jin´s skin from the bloody mess. It was not an easy job and Kame was glad for the moment that Jin was not conscious. He was sure the cleaning procedure would have hurt him a lot.

Each wound, which appeared under the layer of scabs and half-dried blood, stabbed Kame in his chest. It was so cruel... He remembered well that night, when Jin was raving in fever and now he saw his formerly smooth and beautiful skin so damaged...

Kame gulped down heavily, forcing himself to empty his head from any useless thoughts. He had to focus on one thing, and it was to help Jin as much as he could. Only after that, he could think about what would be the best way of Grenet´s very painful death...

Biting into his lower lip, Kame carried the dark red water away and took the clean one from the stove.

"Liwan? Can you help me?" he asked his friend.

Together they moved Jin from the table to the bed in the room next to the kitchen. There was only one old mattress, which Kame covered with the clean bedding, but it could serve enough for now, as they needed Jin to lie on his stomach.

Kame moved with Jin´s head to the side gently, so that he could breathe freely, and his eyes ran across the other one´s back, bringing the tons of stones into his stomach. Liwan stared at that bloody work almost equally shaken, but he was the one who got himself together first.

"Clean it up properly, Kame. If the infection comes, it can kill him."

"I know," the younger one replied firmly, but his hand was slightly shaking as he took the wet cloth again and started to wipe the dried blood away by the soothing moves.

After a few minutes, the long marks after the merciless whipping became clearly visible. They were deep and Kame knew enough to realize that the scars after them would remain on Jin´s skin forever. Wounds like these could never heal completely...

When Kame once again returned to the man in his bed, with hopefully the last bucket of the clean warm water, it seemed to him that Jin´s breathing changed a little. And his suspicion was right. As soon as he touched the older one again, the shaking ran through the tormented body and painful hissing escaped the swollen lips. Jin was coming to his senses...

Kame put the water aside and leant over to reach with his palm to Jin´s head, touching him on his hair, the only place about which he was sure that it would not cause the other one any pain.


The infinite darkness transformed into the burning pain in some unexpected moment, which caught Jin unprepared and the only thing he wanted was to return into the arms of unconsciousness. His back, his stomach, his chest, legs, feet and face, there was an aching and nagging feeling everywhere.


That quiet voice reached to his suffering mind, which was refusing to wake up completely and made him remember.

The night of loud voices and fire... The gentle hands instead of the cruel touch of the whip...

The escape... Darkness… A feeling of being carried away… Then Kuro...

After a minute, the first wave of pervasive pain didn´t ease up, but Jin got used to it a little. It was not another torture; it was just his open wounds crying after the weathered pain and recent treatment. Only then, he was able to perceive that gentle touch on his head. The touch, which didn´t hurt at all...

"Jin? Are you awake?"

He tried to open his eyes, but the eyelids were so heavy... He just couldn´t open them. So he tried it with his lips and even though it was not much easier, he managed to get a sound from them: "Where...?"

The question was so weak, that he couldn´t almost hear it himself. But the owner of the hand soothing him in his hair understood.

"In the old house of my family," that soft voice said. "You´re safe."

"He woke up?"

Jin knew the second voice as well, but it took him a little longer to realize it was Kame´s Indian friend. He had absolutely no energy to think more about what Liwan was doing here. He just listened to the conversation.

"You will have to hold him down then..."

"Is it ready?"


"It smells more awfully than I remember..."

"But it will help."

Sadly, the touch from his hair disappeared and Jin missed it immediately.

Hold me down? Why? he thought. I´m so down that I cannot be any lower...

Jin didn´t get it, until there was a movement around him and two warm palms pressed him for the shoulders, which still felt somehow unnatural in their normal position, while somebody else sat down next to him, mumbling some strange words in the language he didn´t know.

"Jin, it will hurt you now..."

Hurt? Pain again? Everything hurts me enough already...

"But it will be better after that, I promise," there was something in that voice above him in what Jin could trust.

"All right..." he whispered in resignation.

It took him quite a desperate effort to stick on that voice and its promise, when somebody filled the wounds on his back with the boiling oil.


Even though Jin certainly had no power left for resistance, his body still writhed in the instinctive self-defense under Kame´s hands and the painful moaning came through his throat with the last power of his cords.

Liwan didn´t pay any attention to it, he was too focused at putting the prepared healing bandages filled with the mixture of herbs and disinfection on all open wounds, while he was asking Manitou in his mother tongue to judge and either help or not the young gunslinger.

The healing concoction was very strong, Kame knew it very well and he also knew it was for Jin´s good, but still... It was still breaking his heart watching his almost crying profile.

Finally, after two long minutes, the special medicine worked and Kame felt the muscles under his palms to ease up. Then Jin went very quiet.

"Help me turn him again," Liwan said.

Very carefully, with the bandages remaining on his back, they turned Jin over, so that the young shaman could take care of the rest of wounds, while Kame remained kneeling next to the bed, unconsciously rubbing Jin through his hair.

"This one is bad," Liwan said looking at the place on Jin´s stomach, which seemed burnt by something. There were some other small burns too, but those were not dangerous. Kame rather didn´t think about what could cause the huge almost black hole in the other´s skin. "And this is still bleeding a little..." the Indian continued putting the rest of herbs inside the short but deep cuts on Jin´s thighs. "And those hands..."

Kame just watched Liwan´s skillful fingers observing the cleaned wounds one after another silently.

"I have not enough herbs with me, and no ointments," the Indian said in the end. "This has to be taken care of properly," he was frowning mainly at the burn, before he looked up and focused his look at pale Kame. "I must go for it, to the tribe," he stated. "Will you stay here?"

Kame just nodded, but Liwan was thinking about the situation more wisely.

"Aren´t you supposed to be back? In the city?" he asked.

The younger one looked at him, his eyes suddenly very dark: "He cannot stay alone."

"That´s true, but..." Liwan admitted, but he still didn´t like it.

"I will stay here and watch over him," Kame interrupted him relentlessly. "Just come back quickly."

Looking into those eyes, which still belonged to his friend, but he didn´t know them so far, Liwan gave up on other arguments.


Liwan left on his stallion in quite a hurry. Kame took care of Ukushi and Kuro even more hastily, putting their saddles down, hiding them and all other stuff in the house, and the animals themselves behind the building as close to the wall as was only possible, hoping that no sneaky eyes would be able to spot them.

He also gave them some oat from the small supplies he brought with him and before returning to Jin, he went to the old well for the fresh water. He needed to prepare the cold bandages – they were the only way in which he could treat those burns for now.


It was in the late afternoon, when Kame noticed some rustle from the bedroom. Looking up from the stove, where he was trying to prepare the hot broth from the dried beef, through the open door he found Jin trying to sit up. His legs moved sooner than he even ordered them, heading right toward him.

It was already the third time, when Jin woke up from his restless sleep. Each time Kame tried to get some water into him, as the older one was completely dehydrated. And each time his stomach refused the liquid and threw it up. That was the consequence of the strong medicine against pain, which Kame gave him in the barn on that awful farm. They wouldn´t get away without it, but he still felt sorry for giving it to suffering Jin. He knew he couldn´t give this quest up, the lack of fluids was the last thing Jin needed.

At first Kame wanted to make the older one lie down again, but seeing his quite desperate attempt to sit, he changed his mind. He moved to the headboard, put his hands on Jin´s shoulders and gently supported him, until he was able to sit. The older one was murmuring some inaudible swearing, but he seemed relieved to be in another position.

"Take it easy, will you?" Kame said after he sat down behind him, checking if the healing bandages remained in their places.

There was a sound, which indicated that Jin wanted to say something, but it came out only as a squawk. Kame took the prepared water from the night table again and moved a little to sit next to Jin, but so that he had the other hand behind the older one´s back, just for sure.

"Will you try again?" he asked.

Jin nodded slightly and he even raised his hand up, to take the water from Kame, before he noticed the state in which his fingers were and reconsidered his original intention.


The pain was still there, but it was bearable. He couldn´t ignore it, but he was able to focus on his surroundings fully. The worse thing was that he felt like a newborn foal.

Jin didn´t like to be so weak in front of Kame, but there was no help from it. His shaking fingers, covered in the thin layer of cloth, wouldn´t have been able to hold even a hat right now, not speaking about the heavy mug. He would have spilled all of it on himself.

Therefore, he let Kame attach the edge of the cup to his lips again, allowing him to drink a little. It was humiliating in a way, being taken care of as a child, but it had nothing in common with the humiliation of past two days. Moreover, it felt like being dragged into another world, into the world where the other person´s touch and closeness was actually nice and not painful. And Kame was close to him every time Jin came to his senses, since the moment he had recognized his worried face in the barn...

Jin gulped down one swallow carefully, trying to ignore the aching throat. And he waited, as well as Kame. To the surprise and relief of both, it seemed that his body would finally accept it.


Jin nodded again and enjoyed another gulp of cool water, which tasted better than the best whiskey he had ever drank. How comes he had never realized what a blessing the water was?

He pushed his mouth into the mug eagerly, taking a mouthful of it.

"Slowly, Jin..." Kame reminded him, when a few drops spilled over, but a smile could be heard in his voice.

Jin took a deep breath. It felt so good that he might be even able to speak finally and... That idea was stopped by the gentle touch on his lips and Jin realized how close to him Kame actually was...


Kame put the mug away and with the piece of clean cloth, he dried Jin´s face. He was so glad that they were able to bring his stomach to senses. Finally, he could let himself feel a little optimistic...

After pulling his hand down again, he noticed the dark look of Jin´s eyes, which were still narrow, but he saw much better for sure. And the older one was watching him with the strange urgency...

Kame backed off right away. Jin probably didn´t like being so helpless and he was treating him like he was a child or what. It had to be unpleasant for him and he didn´t even think about it.

"Sorry..." he murmured avoiding that look, which he couldn´t read.

"What?" Jin reacted confused, his voice scratching like a grater. "What for? Kame... I...thank...you..." he spoke hoarsely, but it was recognizable.

Kame returned his look to the other´s face hesitantly. It seemed that Jin was finally fully awake only now, but it didn´t make the view on him any easier.


"I must...look horrible... right?" Jin asked and he wanted to smirk, forgetting about the broken lips for a moment, which reminded itself immediately, so it ended up in the painful hissing instead.

"Yeah..." the younger one murmured.

Looking at Kame again, Jin found him sad.

"Kame..." he started, but he was not allowed to continue.

"I will never forgive him for what he did to you," Kame said in a deep voice and got up from the bed.

Jin watched him going back to the front part of the house and his brain started to work slowly.

He... Grenet... And his words...

"Kame!" Jin almost choked on the name, how loudly he called it and his cords protested immediately. The younger one turned back quickly, scolding him: "You shouldn´t talk so much yet. Rest more."

"No... I have to...tell you...something," Jin coughed a few times and that awoke the pain in his stomach muscles.

Fucking Grenet...

He invited Kame back to him with the gesture of his hand, trying to suppress the next cough.

"Jin..." the bartender wanted to object something again.

"Listen!" Jin insisted fiercely, ignoring the scratches in his throat.

Kame remained standing above him, eyeing Jin with a deep frown, but he kept silent. Jin took a deep breath.

"You have to be...careful... Grenet... He figured out, it was... That it was you...who helped me."

Kame stiffened and Jin felt awfully, that he had to tell him bad news.

"I´m really sorry... Kame, I didn´t... I didn´t tell him anything... He just..."

"You don´t have to apologize, Jin," Kame interrupted him again. "Grenet is a bastard, but unfortunately he´s not an idiot."

"Yes, I know..." Jin had to agree with that. "And now, when you helped me to escape... And he didn´t find us... He might want to..."

Then Kame realized it too: "My mother..." he wheezed out through the narrow throat, before Jin could finish the sentence.

The younger one literally turned into the deadly white statue right in front of him. Jin was looking at him worriedly, while Kame was frozen on the spot and there was a wave of emotions coming across his face. Jin could imagine how important the mother was for Kazuya. And now, she was left alone in the city, while the he was taking care of him...

"You should..." he gulped down heavily, forcing himself to say the next words. "You should go...and check...on her."

Kame blinked, focusing his eyes on Jin.

"But..."he started doubtfully.

"I´ll be fine here..." Jin knew what was going through Kame´s mind. "Nobody knows where I am, right? But your mother..."

Kame stared at him desperately, before he covered his face with one palm, as if he was trying to escape from what was haunting him in his head right now. But there was no escape, no peace for either of them...


His movements around the house were pushed to be faster by fear for his mother and by guilt, that he didn´t think about her before. All he was focused at was Jin and now...

Kame was running there and back again, preparing more water, wood, some food and bandages. He also brought the rifle from the hideout behind the house, putting it right next to the bed. And between all of this he managed to give Jin the instructions.

"Liwan should be back till the nightfall, do not kill him in the door... Try to lie on your side and do not touch those bandages. Liwan will take care of them, when he arrives... Drink this, while it´s still hot and there´s also the water; just be careful with it and..."

The grip on his wrist made Kame totally out of balance, after he put the full mug on the night stand and wanted to rush to the kitchen again, continuing his speech. But he lost his words for a moment, as he stared at that hand with no nails, crippled and not able to shoot for some time, which was not holding him as strongly as it could, but there was still power in the grip. Kame looked at its owner, who was still sitting on the bed.

"I´m not a kid, Kame," Jin said with obvious efforts to keep his voice steady. "I will survive here alone, I guess... I´m more worried about you right now... Don´t you want to wait for that Indian... for Liwan first? You shouldn´t go there alone..."

"Jin..." Kame used almost the same emphasis on the name as Jin himself before. "She´s my only family left."

They exchanged looks for a while, which were saying more than could be expressed with words. It was like a stupid reversed déja vu, only this time it was Kame marching right into the danger. And Jin had to let him go alone, because he was too damn weak to even get up and go to pee by himself.

Kame was concerned for Jin too; he didn´t want to leave him in this state in the old house alone, but everything in him screamed to go and protect his mother.

The younger one let go of a deep sigh, stepping closer to the bed. The bruises on Jin´s face were still very fresh, they didn´t even start to change the color. Only the swellings were much smaller, so his eyes were looking at him with their full power, which was still bringing that shaky feeling somewhere inside of Kame. And he could see it in them...

Jin didn´t complain, but all those open wounds, the burns, cuts and bruises had to hurt as hell. The potion´s effects were long gone and the herbs Liwan put into the bandages couldn´t suppress all of what the injuries were doing to him. The older one couldn´t control it when they were escaping and he cried for his help, but now, despite his exhaustion, Jin was fully awake and Kame saw, that he didn´t want to cause him any more worries than was necessary. The more he wanted to stay... But he couldn´t.

"I understand..." Jin broke the silence in the end. "But Kame, be careful."

"I will... Do you need anything else I can get for you?"

There was something, but Jin couldn´t ask for it. The one thing he wanted deep in his heart right now was Kame to stay with him, so that he would know he was safe. Letting him go right into Grenet´s hands was something, what made him feel even worse than all his wounds.

"I just need you not to get hurt..." he said grievously.

Kame´s expression softened and he pulled Jin´s hand from his wrist gently.

"I wished the same thing for you and look what happened..." he reacted.

"Exactly that´s why..." Jin frowned. "Grenet is a sick bastard... If you don´t wait, I will send Liwan after you then and..."

"No," Kame interrupted him stubbornly. "Jin, just don´t. I will not drag anyone else into this."

"But..." Jin sinking in worries tried again.

"Look, Captain Walker is in the city, I´ll ask him for help. I did him a favor too, with the search."

Jin was looking into those eyes above him, feeling the warmth of Kame´s palm on his hand, and he knew he couldn´t do anything else than to give up.

"All right..." he said, but caught Kame again with his other hand, not caring about the painful protest of his fingers. "Just promise... Promise me that you will not go to Grenet...or even Karnaka alone," Jin insisted. "Or I won´t let you go..."

A sad smile appeared on Kame´s lips: "And you promise me to stay in bed and rest."

"Kazuya..." Jin strengthened his grip as much as he could.

The urgency in his voice and eyes made Kame wanting to hug him, but he just nodded his head instead.

"I will make sure my mother is safe and come back as soon as I can, all right?"

"All right..." Jin agreed sadly.


After Ukushi´s hooves ran around the house, and their stomping in the grass died out in the distance, Jin carefully curled up on his right side, which hurt only a little less than the left one. In the least painful position he was able to find, he closed his eyes firmly. Despite he tried to suppress it, his whole body started to shake again. Some places on his skin felt hot, others cold and all of them hurt. He focused on not moving, as even an inch of it caused some wave of uncomfortable feeling. There was no one on whom he could focus anymore, so only his friend named pain was left.

Even though he could just lie on this bed, even though nobody was beating him, burning or cutting him anymore, he still felt awfully. Or maybe even worse...

Kazuya saved him from that Hell. It was like a miracle to Jin. They didn´t even have a time for the proper talk and he didn´t know how the other one was able to find him, if Ella talked to him or not, Kame said basically nothing about how he rescued him.

Jin remembered something from that night, but everything was blurry and covered by his fighting with pain. He knew he was not able to move on his own much and that had to make their escape very difficult. He didn´t even know how that Indian had found them and helped Kame to treat him.

And now he was there, again helpless, again knowing that Kame was in danger and he could do nothing about it. Only now it was worse. Before it was the rope and that fucker Grenet what was keeping Jin on the place, unable to move. Now it was the inability of his body. He was free, but stuck to the bed. Jin almost hated himself for that, but he still hated Grenet more...

If that shitty deputy bends even a hair on Kame´s head, I will skin him alive... he swore to himself.