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Revealing secrets

The shadows under the trees were getting deeper as two young men riding at one mare proceeded through the small grove, the cold breeze brushing their faces and hair.

Kame let Ukushi find the best way up to the village freely; he knew he could rely on the animal, when he was not exactly able to think properly, not with Jin´s body willingly clinging to his own. Already at the moment, when the older one´s hands grabbed his waist, Kame realized that riding together was not a good idea at all.

Jin was sitting right behind him, so close that Kame could feel not only his arms, but also long legs, touching his own. Along with Ukushi´s steps forward, they both shifted a little following her movement, their bodies bouncing into each other, which made his heart beat faster.

Very, very, very bad idea... Kame scolded himself again.

He felt his whole face turning red, and was really grateful that Jin couldn´t see it. Not that he would not enjoy the other´s closeness, it was the very opposite. When Kame honestly admitted to himself those feelings, which it awoke inside of him, it was like a healing balm on his tortured soul. He felt the comforting warmness and safety. It was something so damn good in comparison what he had felt during past few days, that for a moment he thought he would not be able to suppress the strong desire to lean back, to attach himself to that firm chest and let those hands go even further, to hug him more closely...

But Kame promised himself not to force Jin to do anything what he didn´t want to. He decided that on the day, which now felt like ages ago, when they talked in the stalls, after they kissed. He cared for Jin too much to push him away by what he felt. Even if it was something so... so damn hot, what settled down in his stomach, and sent the vibrating sensation into his chest and throat. He just had to make his stupid heart full of butterfly´s wings obey. And somehow he made it.

Kame didn´t let his body move even by inch, except the coordination with Ukushi. It was Jin, who couldn´t settle behind him for a long minute, which made his task quite difficult. When the older one found the right position finally and moved closer, placing his head just above Kame´s shoulder, the younger one almost jumped off Ukushi in the useless attempt to escape own feelings. He was sure Jin could hear his crazy heartbeat.

"You were right, it´s much better now. I don´t think I´ll get used to riding like this, though," Jin´s soft and tired voice was heard and his warm breath touched Kame´s right ear. "Thank God for the saddles."

Kame gulped down heavily. He wouldn´t have used a word ´better´ for the current situation at all.

"Good..." he managed to get across the stiffened lips. "We´ll be there soon."

There was a short silence, before Jin spoke again: "Kazu?"


"Thank you... For everything."

"You already did that, Jin," Kame reacted carefully.

"Then I´m doing it again," the other one objected in his typically stubborn way. "I thought I was going to die over there, you know?"

Kame took a deep breath, hearing that little shaky voice behind and he had to fight over the wave of sickness and anger, when he remembered through how much suffering Jin had to go, just because of one bastard...

"If they don´t hang him on the nearest gallows, I will kill him for what he did to you," he stated then, surprised by the sharpness of own voice.

Jin´s head moved a little more forward again and Kame felt his observing look.

"Unless I kill him first," the older one declared no less decisively then.

There was no need to say the name; they both knew very well... But somehow, paradoxically, it brought some peace into Kame´s heart. No matter what he felt towards Jin, or what feelings Jin had for him, they were friends, willing to stand up for each other. He was not alone. And that was exactly what his mother wished for...

"Agreed," Kame responded to Jin´s statement seriously, not so uncertain anymore.


When they reached the Indian village again, Jin caught himself at wishing to turn the mare for the way back. He didn´t want their ride to end, he didn´t want to release the slim body from his arms. Being so close to Kame was something, what felt incredibly good after all those pains and tortures and fever and other pains.

As Jin was leaning to the back in front of him slightly, his nose almost in the light brown hair, he could feel the gentle mixture of smoke from the camp fire, the pine needles and something else, something slightly sweet, what he couldn´t describe. Kazuya was warm, but somewhat stiff in his hug, his body constrained by some tension, which source was a mystery to Jin for the whole way. He hoped that the worst part of the younger one´s emotions got out already and that he felt better, he really hoped, but there was something more on Kazuya´s mind. Though, he didn´t want to think about it, so he just enjoyed their ride, which was too short to his taste.

When Kame stopped the animal and Jin found himself stuck onto him, not wanting to let go at all, the realization finally hit him, when he caught himself wondering, what it would be like to snuggle to the white skin even closer, or to kiss that spot on his neck, where the blood was pulsating...

Jin stopped breathing for a second: Holy crap, what am I thinking?

Frozen with the realization of what his whole body was yearning for, Jin noticed something else a little later than he would normally do – somebody´s sharp glance. Only when he moved away from Kame a little and let his eyes follow that feeling, he realized it was Liwan, who was staring at them from his spot at the fireplace. It was not hard to guess the reason of that strict stabbing look, considering that Jin was clinging to Kame quite more familiarly then it was expected. That he was holding him in much more than only friendly way...

Jin gulped down heavily, very glad that the dark was already falling, so it covered the red color caused by the blood rushing into his face. He pulled his hands off Kame hastily.

"Jin... Slowly," the younger one warned him.

But he was in such a state, that he just wanted to get away from the younger one as soon as possible, so in quite a rush he dismounted Ukushi. Of course that his back and stomach screamed in protest and his knees almost disobeyed him as he staggered heavily. Jin caught onto the animal and bent in the waist, gasping for breath.

"For all good spirits, what are you doing?!" Liwan swore angrily getting up from the fire.

"Jin... How many times should we tell you to be careful?" Kame joined his Indian friend, after he went down from Ukushi in a much more elegant way than he did.

"If you tore your scabs, I will kick you instead of healing!" the Indian hissed already going toward them.

Jin knew he deserved this scolding, so he didn´t dare to defend.

"I´m... Damn it, this hurts," he breathed out heavily. "I´m sorry..."

Liwan murmured something in Indian language, what he didn´t understand, but he could imagine what it was, while Kame reached out his hands and supported him gently. If only Jin didn´t have to solve the dilemma if he should like it or not...

"Come on, time to check you," Kame stated, when Jin leant onto him. He just had to, he couldn´t force himself to stand on his own legs anymore.

Liwan reached them with the dark expression.

"It was about time, you two..." he was trying to stare at them pissed, but it was clear he was relieved they were back. The Indian shook his head and set off toward Jin´s favorite wigwam as the first. "I almost thought that you ended as wolves´ snack..."

"We´ve already brought the grizzly down," Jin huffed, letting Kame lead him inside their shelter, and trying to move as little as possible at the same time. "No wolf would be able to eat us."

Liwan hold the entrance, so that they could get through.

"That was a joke, Akanishi," he said stiffly.

"That mine was too," Jin grinned at him.

Kame seemed to be quite surprised by this teasing, especially from Liwan´s side, but he didn´t comment it. He helped Jin sit down on his fur and looked at his friend, but the Indian avoided his eyes, already preparing the healing ointment.

"What about you would watch over our dinner, Kame?" Liwan said, but it sounded more like an order than a question. And Kame didn´t protest.

"Sure," he nodded and disappeared back outside, before Jin managed to get out of his clothes.

"I knew it," the Indian stated upset, checking already lying Jin carefully. "Your stomach, the wound is open again."

Jin bit into his lower lip, slightly ashamed for how he reacted back there, still confused by own feelings and said nothing.

"What caused this, anyway?" Liwan asked then.

"Some metal rod... I think," Jin replied in a very quiet voice.

"Hmm... You must be more careful about this, understand?" the Indian reproached. "It needs to heal itself properly or it will cause more troubles than only scars."

"I understand..." Jin reacted obediently.

"I hope so."

Liwan was checking and treating his healing wounds in deep silence for a few minutes, before he spoke for the second time and it was something, what really surprised Jin. So much that he forgot to ponder what Kame might think about their ride on the mare...

"Thank you..."

Jin stared at the serious face above him: "What for?" he asked confused.

Liwan hesitated for a while and finished the bandaging first, before he looked at Jin directly and replied: "For Kame..."

Jin frowned.

"What exactly do you mean?" he didn´t understand, what Indian was talking about and the dark face was too serious for making fun of him.

For a moment, Liwan looked annoyed, before it was replaced with a tired expression.

"You can sit up," he said and placed himself a little further away.

Jin obeyed slowly; feeling the itching on his stomach, but it didn´t hurt that much anymore. Liwan handed him his shirt over.

"You know what I mean," the Indian continued then. "I do not know what happened, but you helped him."

Jin was not so sure about that and Liwan´s confidence really amazed him.

"How can you tell?" he asked quietly.

"I have eyes and I can see," Liwan replied before getting up on his feet. "Will you make it alone?"

"I´ll try..." Jin reacted, still thinking about the sudden statement.

"Here, your cane."


It was easier for Jin to get up with help of the thin wood, even though he was tired. And then they headed outside together.


Kame was blending the thick roasted mash from potato flour in the deep pot above the fire, so that it would not singe. Right next to it, bugged on the sharp sticks, loaded by stones and leaning on the wood holder, were three fish, already done, the fireplace was just keeping them warm.

He didn´t eat anything for the whole day, but thanks to the way how he spent it, wandering in the woods, sinking in his pessimistic thoughts, he realized it fully only now, when he could finally relax a little.

It was as if a ton-heavy mountain was taken away from his shoulders. It still hurt, but it was not torturing him anymore. He was almost afraid to believe it, but letting his emotions burst out helped a lot. And he could do it only thanks to Jin... Otherwise he would keep it buried somewhere deep, all those painful emotions eating him inside out.

Kame heard the steps behind his back, but he didn´t turn, keeping his attention to the preparation of meal. But despite that he noticed that they came together, Jin again leaning on his walking stick. Obviously tired guy settled himself on the log, while Liwan crouched down to the fish with three clay plates in his hand.

"It smells amazing," Jin sniffed around the pot curiously, as soon as he was seated. "I hope it will taste at least half that well..."

Liwan stabbed him with the insulted look.

"Don´t like, don´t eat," he snapped surprisingly fittingly to the white men´s language.

"Hey, I didn´t mean anything bad with that!" Jin reacted. "It´s just that it looks..." he focused at the pot with the light brown mass again. "Strange," he finished slowly with the suspicious expression.

Liwan was too proud to say anything more, so he just put one fish on the plate and handed it over to Kame, who was suppressing the amused smile, so that he could put the portion of ´suspicious´ mash on it. Then he stood up, and reached over to Jin.

"Just try it first," he recommended him.

Jin´s eyes were warm, when he looked at the younger one, and they were smiling even though the lips didn´t.

"It will be his fault, if I´m sick..." he murmured.

Liwan huffed, remaining in his offended silence and Kame chuckled a little. And almost immediately felt guilty for that happy moment, when he was supposed to mourn for his mother... But he suppressed it and reached toward Liwan again. After he had his own dinner plate too, he sat down next to Jin, and handed him the wide spoon.


Jin´s voice was unusually quiet, when he said the word, but Kame didn´t notice it, as he was too busy to handle the shivering in his fingers. In the end, Jin seemed really satisfied with the meal, as he even asked about the procedure to make the potato mash, but Kame was not able to eat much with his stomach clutched from nervousness at the idea, how many efforts he would have to maintain to keep behaving normally towards Jin in the next days.


There were many dangerous men Raynold Karnaka had to deal with in his life – heartless killers, greedy bounty hunters, sand-blind gold-diggers, fanatic Indian protectors, over motivated government officers, even lunatic slaves. In some cases, it was very easy to find their weak spot, to use it against them and make them act as he wished. In others, it was more difficult. In any case there was nobody, who could defeat him in his game – he was always a winner, in one way or another.

Those, who were too persistent to be convinced by money or threats, simply ended up dead. He even admired personalities of those, for their courage, even though it was a foolish one. But there was almost nobody, who would be able to gain his respect. It was very rare for him to admit, that there was a person intelligent and strong enough to compare with himself, or even surpass him. And at that moment it started to seem, that the white-haired man sitting opposite to him in the comfortable armchair, with the face full of wrinkles, but his back straight and eyes sharp, could be one of those special people.

When Karnaka received an urgent report from one of his subordinates about the movement of huge troop with Major General in their lead toward Bozeman, he was quick to decide his next move. Captain Walker with his little unit meant nothing to him, but a battalion of soldiers with particularly this man right at his doorstep, even if they were coming because of redskins, was not something what he would have seen gladly.

That was why he decided to get rid of the most likely source of future troubles and ordered Math Grenet to annihilate all remaining Kamenashi´s at once; naturally, under the condition of some unfortunate accident. That boy was posing the biggest current danger for his position, thanks to his connections with Indians, his desire for revenge and good relations with Walker. The presence of young Kamenashi could have destroyed everything he had built so far. He would have been able to persuade General about ´his´ truth of course, but better to be sure than risk it. Not to mention that Raynold realized the youngster was the one helping Akanishi to escape. And he didn´t like, when somebody was able to fool him, not at all...

Karnaka wanted this annoying danger to be eliminated immediately and he was willing to sacrifice Math for it. People like the deputy were replaceable, his reputation was not.

Unfortunately, his supposedly right hand and so far reliable subordinate screwed it up a little. He didn´t mind Math sitting in jail, he knew the man would not talk, and Mrs. Kamenashi was dead. But on the other hand, the old sheriff was sniffing to the grass from beneath together with her and that Kamenashi boy was still alive. It didn´t go the worst possible way, but still... It brought that man right into his residence.

Raynold Karnaka was able to think his current situation over very fast; only a few seconds passed since the question was raised, when he thought out a proper response.

"Yes, it´s true that Math Grenet is my subordinate, Major General, but I can assure you that he has been fired at the very moment you told me what he did," Karnaka stated in a serious and calm tone, perfectly in control over his facial features. "I absolutely condemn his actions."

"If I understand your standpoint correctly, Mr. Karnaka, he acted on his own will then," General Ord was repaying his look not even a little less serious.

"That´s right," Karnaka nodded, noticing the tint of sarcasm in the other man´s voice, but not reacting on it. "He was supposed to follow up all important events in the city and keep me informed. He is a little... uncontrollable, I admit, but so far, he hadn´t crossed the line. But this... It´s regrettable what happened, really."

"Yes, it is," General agreed, but his face remained utterly cold. "So, I believe it will be no problem to ask you for the testimony during his trial."

That would be very annoying... Karnaka thought, but nodded saying something completely else: "Of course not."

"I´m pleased to hear that," the other man reacted, the sharp eyes still focused at his host. "Well, except your former subordinate, there is one more thing I´d like to discuss with you, Mister. It seems that you´ve had some troubles recently..."

"Troubles? What kind of troubles?" Karnaka raised his eyebrows concerned.

"Those signs after the fire on your house..." Ord explained more specifically. "What happened here?"

"Ah, that... It was nothing serious fortunately, thank you for asking," he reacted politely. "Just one of my servants was not careful enough and let the stove´s door in the kitchen opened. A few people were hurt during putting it down, but otherwise it was insignificant," he stated and immediately continued, as he felt the opportunity which he could use. "But... Unfortunately, I have other issues to solve..."

"Other issues?" General moved with his eyebrows, somewhat copying Karnaka´s facial expression.

"Local Indians, Major General," Karnaka replied. "And I´m not the only one, as I´ve heard... I was told that Captain Walker lost three of his men because of them already."

General´s glance became colder and sharper: "You´re informed very well, Mr. Karnaka."

He repaid that strong glance without the slightest hesitation: "I´m a powerful man, General, I´m sure you´re well-aware of that. Information are power and I wouldn´t be where I am without many of them."

"Sure..." Ord hummed after a short pause. "Well, it´s true. It looks that a certain group of Sioux keeps attacking us, trying to prevent the continuation of Northern Railway."

"And that´s quite a serious issue, I guess," Karnaka looked at Cameron standing next to his armchair for all that time, gave him one short sign and the servant prepared a cigar for him. "And I also suppose that this group is the reason why you were summoned here."

The grey glance narrowed: "Our President considers the completion of the railway as the highest priority. Neither our government, nor the Army will tolerate any foolish attempts to stop it. It is for the future of us all, for our children."

"I cannot agree more, General," Karnaka nodded smoothly. "And that´s exactly why I´m more than willing to offer you my help."

"I appreciate that," General stated in a strict tone. "But we will not include the civilians, if not necessary. I have enough soldiers at my hand to deal with this, Mr. Karnaka."

"I´m sure about that, but do you know where to look for these rebels, General?"

This statement surprised the man; he could see it on his face, which got tense.

"We will perform a proper search through the locality," Ord responded slowly. "But what does your question mean? Do you know anything what I should know about, Mister?"

"Maybe I do," Karnaka stated calmly.

General stared at him for a while, before he spoke again. And this time his voice was hard as a stone: "Those rebels are enemies of our government and the whole country, trying to intrude our hardly fought peace with the original nations. I´m sure you realize, that if you conceal any important information, which may help us to seize them, it will be considered as the treason against the States´ interests..."

Raynold Karnaka had to suppress a satisfied smile. Finally, he got this over motivated old General right where he wanted.

"I fully understand, General. I do not intend to conceal anything from you. Right the opposite. I want the two of us to cooperate for welfare of everyone."

Long keen silence followed, during which the two men were exchanging the firm glances. Karnaka was quite sure that General Ord didn´t trust him, that he wasn´t able to persuade him completely. But that was not important. To make him follow his lead, that was what mattered. And even in that case, Ord could still think that he was the one setting the way of happenings.

"All right, Mister," General nodded slowly. "If you truly mean, what you stated here, I´m more than willing to discuss our future cooperation. And we can start with that information you got..."

Karnaka, content with the flow of the conversation, inhaled deeply from his cigar and made himself more comfortable in the armchair.

"Let me explain it a little first... As I´ve already said, I have some troubles with local Indians. They keep stealing from my fields, from my rightful property. Warnings and threats didn´t stop them and I have the full right to protect, what belongs to me. Therefore, I ordered one of my men to find their village in the mountains and bring me the proof of their crimes, so that I could enforce my rights..."

"What do you mean by this enforcing, Mister?" Ord interrupted him suspiciously.

"Anything necessary, General," Karnaka replied firmly, not hesitating even for a moment. "I´m sure you know how it works here in the west."

Ord frowned, but didn´t objected anything.

"So... How did it end up?" he asked then.

"Well, by lucky chance my subordinate found out, that at least some members of that tribe are also involved with Sioux rebels."

"What tribe are you talking about, Mr. Karnaka?"

"Blackfeet," Karnaka stated calmly.

"But Captain Walker assured me that this tribe is very cooperative and that is very unlikely they have anything in common with Sioux," Ord said slowly.

"They are Indians, General. They lie; they will do anything to ruin the progress in this country. I bet you have load of experiences with that."

That was something with which he hit the point; Karnaka could see that on Ord´s face.

"What exactly did your man find out?" the old man asked, the deep wrinkle appearing between his eyebrows.

"He found the location of their winter resort; they had just moved there from their original pueblo. And he saw how their women were carrying the food and supplies somewhere into the woods, so he followed them and found out they handed them over to the group of Indians with the black stripe around their eyes."

"Sioux..." General added frowning. "So, they do help them in the end... Can I talk with this man?"

"Of course, I will summon him later," Karnaka agreed willingly. "Anyway, you can strike the village more easily and get the information about the Sioux group location from them. It will be certainly more convenient than chasing a few sneaky Indians through the woods, which they know far better than you."

The dark expression on General´s face deepened, but he nodded his head slowly and Karnaka recognized that he won this game.

"I have to say that I disagree with your methods, Mister, but your information is very valuable and I appreciate that you shared it," Ord stated.

"It will benefit me too, General," he assured him. "So, do we have a deal? Will you count with my support?"

"Under the condition that you or your men will follow my instructions, then yes. We have a deal."

"Great! So, we can have a little toss on that. Cameron, please..."

Karnaka was smiling satisfied, when his servant started preparing two glasses, but was careful not to overdo it. He knew he could handle this General, too. It was not as easy as usual, and the man remained suspicious, but for the moment he was the winner. No matter what resources he used for it. Of course, that he altered that story a little...

Brad did find out the Blackfeet´s location, despite Karnaka had not so big expectations from him, but the story with Sioux was different. It was really by chance, when he spotted one Blackfeet Indian sneaking through the forest and followed him. And then he found out that the Chief´s son was the member of the rebels´ group. It looked like nobody else from the village knew about it, nobody was helping the Sioux. The rebels met with just that one Indian. But that was not necessary for Major General Ord to know...


Suddenly, the time was moving forward quite fast, but the healing processes going on and inside his body kept being damn slow. Despite moving on his own and winning over the fever, infection and numbness, Jin still felt weak and the annoying itching and dull pains stubbornly refused to leave him. He got tired if he kept walking for too long and he couldn´t ride on his beloved horse more than a few minutes without putting his stomach under the danger of opening that ugly wound again. His weakness and inability to get rid of it was driving him mad. Especially when he saw how anxious Liwan and also Kame were about staying in the abandoned pueblo.

One evening Kazuya told them about seeing the Chief´s son – Manipi among Sioux rebels. After the soldiers arrived into the town, the younger one was worried that it might mean huge problems for the Blackfeet Tribe, if even the slightest suspicion fell on them, no matter what attitude General Ord would take as Karnaka was concerned. Kame wanted to solve it directly with the Chief and leave for the Indians´ winter resort as soon as possible, as well as Liwan. They didn´t say it, but Jin was not stupid and he figured it out – he was the one holding them back now.

Even though he was trying really hard to get over it, so that they could move finally, it didn´t help much. Instead of appreciation, he was usually scolded, that he overworked himself. He knew they were both right, when they said he had to take it slowly. And even when Jin was willing to risk the journey to the tribe, as he didn´t want to be a burden any longer, Liwan insisted they had to stay on the place for a few more days.

There was one more thing to add to his troubled state. Jin still didn´t know how to cope with the various feelings, which flooded him every single time he got close to Kame. Which didn´t happen so often in overall, as it seemed that Kame was avoiding his presence.

Since they shared that emotional moment during the crimson sunset, something changed between them. They communicated normally, there was not anything negative in their mutual relation, but Jin couldn´t repay Kame´s glance without a tense, shaky feeling inside of him.

A few times, he caught himself peeking on the younger one; especially in the moments he was sure Kazuya could not see him. He observed the features of his face, he watched him as he walked around the fire, adding the wood in it, or preparing their meals.

Actually, the change was not a right word for what happened. There was something what got stronger. Jin couldn´t help but think about what happened before their paths had separated for a while, when he was forced to go to Karnaka and Kame to search for Sioux in the woods. Quite more often, than he was ever willing to admit, he remembered that evening, when they kissed.

The more of time passed, which they spent in the village, the more aware of each Kame´s movement he was. And remembering their ride on Ukushi, which felt so damn good with Kame in his arms, didn´t help much. Jin started to realize that despite his conviction, that it was right when they remained being only friends, his heart was telling him something else. And it was getting louder and louder ...

During the long dark evenings, before he was able to fall asleep, he was pondering what exactly that shaky warm feeling was. Somewhere deep inside, he knew. He even knew what he wanted to do about it, only there was still something what was preventing him from admitting it to himself.

Jin liked Kame a lot, he cared about him; the handsome bartender was somebody, he could rely on fully, somebody he could trust. He felt incredibly grateful to him, for getting him out of the imprisonment on Karnaka´s farm. There was no border to his appreciation for that Kame didn´t give up on him and got him out no matter the consequences. He also felt sorry, that he couldn´t get to know a mother of this brave young man more and he still felt guilty because she died, while he survived.

Seeing Kame´s pain hurt Jin too, when he remembered that time he saw tears in his eyes, it still griped his heart into the painful clutch. He was willing to do anything to pay Kame back for what he did for him. And he had damn a lot for repayment. But that was not all...

That attraction to the handsome man, which made Jin kiss his soft lips before, didn´t disappear, it just turned into something so powerful, that he was helpless fighting it. Gradually, he noticed that he seeks for Kame´s companionship as much as the other one avoids his. Every time he realized that Kame was trying to keep his distance carefully, he scolded himself and backed off. Only to find himself doing it again...

Jin didn´t say a word aloud about all of this. Despite the whirlwind of emotions inside, he was trying to pretend that there was nothing wrong, but he was not sure about the result. A few times, he noticed Liwan´s observing look on himself, but the Indian didn´t comment their behavior either. And Jin had no courage to approach Kame and talk with him directly. Not after all what happened...

Even when he had to admit to his stubborn inner self, that he liked the younger man much more than he should have, he just couldn´t say it. But there was no way he could deny it to himself anymore, not after what he felt during those days, when he was tortured by Grenet or when he was raving in fever. He remembered more than well that his thoughts were always around Kazuya...

What was it, if not...

Jin almost slapped himself, just to chase the word away and forcefully tore his eyes off the slim figure, which was approaching the fire, where he watched over their lunch this time. Kame was taking care of their horses, while Liwan was away somewhere in the woods hunting, as their supplies were significantly reduced by Jin´s hungry stomach.

"Liwan isn´t back yet?" Kame asked after he threw another portion of dry sticks onto the pile nearby.

"No..." Jin murmured gloomily, feeling a little down for not being able of some self-control.

He felt the look, which Kame gave him before he settled down on his favorite log on the other side of the fireplace, but he stubbornly kept staring at the content of the small pot.

"Would you mind if I take Kuro for a small ride tomorrow? He seems a little nervous from remaining on one place all the time..."

"I can clearly imagine," Jin snorted, maybe a little more upset than he intended. "Of course you can," he added then hastily. "Even though I´d rather ride on him myself..."

"I know," there was a kind response. "Just hold on, Jin. You´ll be completely all right soon, you´ll see."

Jin just sighed, not saying anything. Even though it was only a few days, he was nervous from doing nothing at all. And despite he didn´t want to talk about his feelings, there was one thing which was bugging him at the edge of his tongue, just to slip out, but his worries kept it back every time. He usually used Liwan as an excuse, as he wanted to talk about it with Kazuya in privacy, and there were not many moments, when the Indian was gone, letting the two of them there.

But they were alone at the moment, weren´t they? If he didn´t say it right away, when then?

"There is something I need to tell you, Kame," he stated in an uncertain voice. "I can´t... I just can´t keep it away from you..."

Jin noticed his own hand shaking a little, but when he started once, he was determined to pull it to the end.

"What is it?" Kame asked, keeping his eyes on Jin.

"I..." he started again and stopped, the next words stuck in his throat.

Damn, I don´t need to be so frightened, do I? There is no reason for it! There is no way that Kazuya would judge me because of this...

And then Kame spoke again, almost as if he heard his thoughts: "Don´t worry, Jin. No matter what it is, you can tell me," he stated seriously.

"It´s about my father," Jin finally got from his lips. "I´ve told you he worked for Karnaka once, right?"

Kame nodded slowly: "Yeah, I remember..."

"Well... Before I was captured on the farm, I was given a task to prove myself being loyal to Karnaka. He ordered me..." Jin paused and clenched his hands into fists. "He ordered me to kill your mother and you."

Kame stiffened staring at him.

"It doesn´t matter, what he wanted from you, Jin," he said in a quiet voice then. "I know you wouldn´t have done it."

"Of course, I wouldn´t! No matter what, but..." Jin confirmed with his back stiffened and eyes focused on the fire. "There is something else," he took a deep breath and gathered the courage to raise his look and lock it with Kame´s. "He said that it would be right for me to finish what my father started..."

Kazuya´s eyes widened a little. He didn´t say anything for a long moment, slowly realizing what Jin´s words meant. The older one was looking at him, his face worried and full of remorse.

"Kame, my father was one of those who... Who..."

Jin didn´t need to finish, Kame already knew. The older Akanishi was a member of the group, which killed his father and brothers.

"I wanted to tell you earlier," Jin continued shakily. "I feel so horrible about this, Kame, I... I couldn´t believe when I heard it. It was like a cruel joke..."

"I cannot blame you for who your father was or what he did, Jin," Kame stated slowly, his voice deep and moved by emotions. "I already know you and I know what relationship you had with him. I..."

Kame stopped, feeling his whole body shaking a little and his head as if it would have received a pretty hard hit. He meant what he said honestly, but still... This was cruel news to know. The destiny was playing out with their lives again and again and again...

Jin´s face had brightened up with hope, when he spoke this time: "So, it will not change..." he started uncertainly.

"No, it will not change anything between us," he assured him firmly, despite another aching dagger in his heart. "I promise."

The older one hesitated: "But still..."

"Jin," Kame spoke out his name with such a strong emphasize, that it made Jin shut his mouth. But there was still that haunted look in his eyes, which Kame was determined to erase. It was enough of misunderstanding between them already. "To prove you that I mean it... I wanted to ask you something for some time now," Kame´s voice was the hesitant one now and he let his eyes escape to the flames. "After you recover, do you want to go with us? To the tribe?"

The older one raised his eyebrows surprised.

"What is this question for?" Jin breathed out baffled. "I have nowhere else to go, Kame."

"Aah, right..."

Jin stiffened hearing that reaction, as Kame sounded sad. Somehow, he felt that it was not the right answer to give. He kept silent for a while, feeling his throat too narrow, before he could speak again. He wanted to remedy what he did, even though he was not sure what he did wrong.

"I want to go where you will go, Kazu," he blurted out frankly.

Their eyes finally met, as Kame raised them up immediately, hearing his words. And there it was again. That warm tense shaking, which started in Jin´s chest, went up to his neck, warming him up much more than the fire and then going to settle down in the stomach, where it created the tenseness, which was not exactly unpleasant...

They stared at each other, as if they froze in the space and time. It couldn´t have been more than a few seconds, but it felt like ages for Jin. Not for the first time, he was grateful to hear the neighing of Liwan´s stallion, which tore them off this frozen state. They both looked in the direction of approaching Indian, who was returning in much faster pace than they would have expected.

"We have a problem," Liwan said even before he stopped the horse. "Kame, come with me. I must show you something."

Kame stood up immediately, but he was not the only one. Jin straightened himself too.

"I´m going with you," he stated, already too annoyed by being left out of everything. He was not in his fully healthy condition, but he could move.

"You shouldn´t..." Kame started.

"I´m going," Jin repeated stubbornly, not even letting Kame finish the sentence.

The younger one was looking at him for a while, before he turned to Liwan: "How far is it?"

"Half an hour, not more," the Indian´s response was.

"All right then."


"Shit..." Jin breathed out shocked, after he was able to recognize what meant that moving line of blue, deep down in the valley in front of their eyes. "There are so many of them..."

"They may look for the Sioux..." Kame suggested hesitantly.

"Right here on our territory?!" Liwan exclaimed. "You don´t believe it yourself! You told me that the attacks are happening in the north."

Kame, settled next to Jin, kept looking down there frowning deeply.

"You think that they are coming after the tribe? That they somehow found out about Manipi?" he asked his friend slowly.

"It is more than possible, don´t you think?" the Indian reacted upset. "Somebody else then you could see him."

"I should have talked about it earlier," Kame sighed gloomily.

"But how could they find it out?" Jin joined in their conversation. "If you told Walker you didn´t recognize anyone..."

Kame gave him a short glance: "Maybe something happened, something we don´t know about."

"Our Chief must know about this. And about what you saw, too," Liwan stated firmly.

"I know and I agree," Kame nodded seriously. "You should set off today. We will take care of the rest of stuff in the pueblo and follow you later."

The Indian pierced the younger man with the sharp look, glowering darkly.

"What are you up to, Kame?" he asked suddenly suspicious.

Kame fidgeted on his spot, before replying not very willingly: "I will go and ask them directly."

"What?! Why? Why going right into troubles again?!" Liwan burst out, while Jin was looking at Kame with clear disapproval in his face, too.

"I want to avoid any unnecessary troubles, that´s why," Kame snorted. "General Ord seemed like a reasonable man; Captain Walker will be there for sure as well. I believe they will be open to discussion if anything happened, what made them focus on your tribe again. We can avoid a lot of useless panic like that."

His reasoning was good and Liwan had to think about his next objection longer: "What if they don´t like what you did? Back in city? What if they restrain you or..."

"They have nothing against me, I will be fine," Kame reacted firmly. "I did nothing wrong, they cannot arrest me or something... You know I´m right, Liwan, do not argue with me. Go to the tribe, tell Chief about everything and let´s meet again in three days."

The Indian stared at the moving line in the distance, obviously not satisfied with the result of the conversation, but then he nodded shortly.

"All right, I´ll go right away," he stated looking at Kame again. "Do you remember that cave where we were hiding a few times?"

"Yes, I´ll find it, I think," Kame nodded slowly.

"Let´s meet there within three days; I will lead you to our place then. Our winter sanctuary is new; I doubt you would find it."


All three of them left their spying position and went down the steep hill back to their waiting horses. Liwan jumped up his stallion first. He really didn´t like the idea of letting Kame do what he thought of, but he had to admit it was a good idea. And moreover, as he watched those two during past days, some private time might help to ease that sparkling tension between them, which was as obvious as much they tried to cover it.

There was a tiny pinch of jealousy in Liwan´s chest, maybe even envy, but all things considered, this might have been for Kame´s good in the end. One of the things, he would like to see the most, was his best friend to be happy, if it was possible.

So, Liwan just nodded his head for farewell, incited his strong horse to move and then to the fast trot, leaving the two young men behind.