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Important meeting

Coldness was sneaking up on the bare skin of his hands and neck, until it reached under the shirt´s cloth with its freezing fingers and sent shivers alongside his spine, waking Jin up from the comfortable sleep. With his eyes still closed, the young gunslinger reached for the blanket, which he probably pushed away during the night, intending to protect himself from the cool air. But he fidgeted under it restlessly, as the wool cover was not enough to make him feel warm again.

After a while Jin realized, that he was missing something else than some protective cloth. There was not that physical warmth, thanks to which the outside cold left him alone for many hours...

Jin lifted his eyelids immediately and not paying any attention to his stomach, which scolded him for the sudden movement, he sat up hastily. He skimmed the wigwam sinking in the dim light of the early morning. All of their belongings were properly placed next to the exit and instead of the usual fire there were only ashes in the middle of the whole place. And Kazuya was nowhere to be seen. Just awoken Jin panicked at first.

What if the last night was just a dream? What if it was nothing more than imaginations of my stupid brain? When did I let it go that far?

He had to take a deep breath before he was able to regain control over his rushing thoughts. It was only after he realized that even though the younger one was not there, he could still feel him. The scent of Kazuya was clearly lingering from the blanket they shared in the night.

Kame just woke up earlier than he did, got up carefully enough not to interrupt his sleeping and went out to take care of the usual morning stuff. Jin already knew the other one well, so he was quite sure it was exactly like that. But he didn´t want to wait for the bartender to come back…

Jin dug himself out of the blankets and got up. Without the fire, it felt too cold in the wigwam already, and he could guess it was much worse outside, so he dressed up into his trousers, coat and moccasins as fast as possible. After making two quick steps, he pushed the entrance away and froze on the spot.

Well, I didn´t expect it to be that bad… he thought staring out speechless.

Everything, what he could only see around, was covered with the thin layer of white stuff. Jin looked up to check on the low dark clouds hanging above the trees, which were the cause of the small puffy things falling down to the ground and also of that annoying cold. It started snowing sometimes during the night.

Great, another winter came soon, Jin sulked observing the constantly growing number of snowflakes.

Feeling chilly just from that view, he tightened his coat closer, and searched with his eyes around the abandoned pueblo. His upset expression melted into a smile, when he spotted the slim figure moving around Kuro and Ukushi under the trees nearby. Both animals were already saddled and their excited snorting was creating the huge white clouds in front of their blowholes.

Jin was watching Kame´s movements for a while, feeling the warm tickles inside his stomach, as he remembered that awesome gratification from the last evening. He was still a little amazed, that a slim, handsome, and almost half-Indian guy made him feel that way. Considering that only a few weeks ago, Jin would have never imagined something like that can happen to him, it was quite surprising. Nevertheless, it was a nice surprise.

The strong gust of wind coming from the mountains almost made him retreat and hide inside the wigwam, but there was something what he wanted more. The fine moccasins were not the best protection on the cold ground, but Jin still walked toward the group of trees.

The snow silenced his steps, and as Kazuya was turned by his back to him, covering the horses with long thick blankets to protect them and the saddles from the wet stuff, he didn´t notice the older one´s arrival. At least not until Jin reached out with both hands and hugged the younger man from behind, closing the arms around his waist and placing the chin on Kazuya´s slender shoulder.

A quiet voice inside his head teased Jin that he behaves somewhat too intimately, but at that moment, he didn´t care about how his action looked like. With nobody else around, he felt free to do what he wanted to, and that was imprisoning the other one in his arms.

Kame stiffened for a second, before he realized who captured him and with a soft chuckle turned his head to look at Jin.

"Good morning…" he greeted the older one, relaxing in Jin´s firm hug.

"Cold morning," Jin murmured gloomily, but he was content that he could feel that fragrance from Kazuya´s hair again in its full force.

"Ah, so... You want to warm yourself up?" Kazuya reacted, seeming to be amused with the other´s clingy attitude.

"Uhm, yes…" Jin agreed, snuggling a little closer.

"Really?" Kame raised his eyebrows. "You can make a few errands around the village then…" he stated sharply, grabbing Jin´s wrists he freed himself and slipped out of his embrace. "We have a lot more to do before leaving."

Then he headed toward the wigwam without even looking back at Jin, who stared at his retreat in disbelief from how easily Kazuya rejected him.

"Will you help me or you´re going to stand there as a lost kid?" Kame called over his shoulder teasingly.

"I´m not a kid," offended Jin pouted, murmuring the words only to himself, walking after him. But he could not be really angry, not when he noticed that way the younger one smiled. In the end, Kame´s idea was wiser – in this damn winter, it was better to move anyway.


One hour later, when their stuff was loaded on the horses, the wigwam was hidden properly and the dry round place left after it was slowly marked with more and more white flakes falling down from the dark sky, Kame found Jin sulking in offended silence. He couldn´t suppress the smile seeing the other one like that, behaving very cute, just like a child. He didn´t expect from himself, that he would enjoy teasing the older man. He didn´t have so many opportunities to behave recklessly, and somehow, he knew that with Jin he could afford it. And that feeling was awesome.

But of course, Kame didn´t intend to spend their travelling like that, so he approached Jin, when the older one was trying to attach his precious guitar´s sheath to the saddle. It was not a very successful attempt, as the buckle didn´t want to obey his fingers.

"Let me do it…" Kame said, pushing Jin´s hands away gently and closed that disobedient thing easily.

Then he looked at the other one, who was standing there wrapped in the long warm coat and with his hat pulled deep down into his face. But despite that protection, Kame could see the stiffened muscles of Jin´s jaw.

"What?" the older one snapped a little, when he noticed Kame´s observing stare.

"Nothing just…" Kame raised his hands up, stepping a little closer. "If you feel so cold, tighten this properly," he caught Jin´s scarf´s free ends and made a small tie. "And also…" Kame continued and moved even closer, noticing that Jin was holding his breath. Looking in his dark eyes, Kame reached into his pocket and then pulled the thick fabric out of it. "Here… It´s better for you to have them during the ride."

Jin´s eyes focused lower, on the thing in Kazuya´s hand. It was the gloves, which were originally Kame´s, but seeing Jin dealing with the freeze so badly, and moreover when his fingers were not completely healed, the older one needed them more. Jin took it carefully, touching Kame´s hand in the process.

"Thanks…" Jin said.

"You´re welcome," Kame smiled at him and when the other´s lips spread into a smile too, he knew that the morning teasing was forgiven.


Although a few hours had passed since the icy morning, Lady Winter refused to release her just acquired rule over the mountains even a little. The sky above their heads got even darker, as it was covered by the heavy clouds, which didn´t let the thinnest beam of real sunlight get through them. The snowflakes were dancing in the chilly air lazily, but steadily as they were getting bigger, creating the pure white blanket on the ground under the hooves of Kuro and Ukushi.

Jin was really grateful not only for the long coat and hat, but mainly for the warm gloves which Kame gave him. He didn´t feel cold anymore, and even the riding was not as uncomfortable as a few days ago. Not to mention he enjoyed the view from Kuro´s back, which included the calm hills, the fading color of conifers around and the dark shadows under them, and also, the slim figure on the white mare in front of him.

Kazuya was bareheaded, so the small pieces of the frozen water were creating a beautiful white decoration of his hair, before they melted down slowly, making the younger´s hair damp. The same fate waited for those, which fell at the cloth of Indian poncho, only it took longer for them to disappear from the parts, which were not attached to the rider´s body.

They were proceeding through the woods following the narrow path, which would have been almost invisible for Jin, if Kame didn´t lead the way. Sometimes they reached the parts, where the trail under the trees was wider. On those places, Jin made Kuro move to the side more and speed up, so that he could see the younger one´s hands holding the reins and a small part of his pale face. He was doing it subconsciously, not realizing what made him observe the other one so closely.

After the previous night, the atmosphere between them changed significantly. That unbearable tension from each look or touch was gone. Jin felt relaxed and in a hardly describable good mood, which made him keep smiling without any reason.

Even if they didn´t talk, it was nice just to be in Kazuya´s company. This feeling was something new to Jin, this comfortable silence. When he spent time with Pi, they didn´t shut up even for one moment, always having something on their minds full of stupid but funny ideas. But now, he didn´t feel any urge to talk, as his mind was somewhat preoccupied with pondering the snowflakes in Kazuya´s hair and with the memories of the time, when they rode on the mare together… Despite the recent release of his desire, Jin was still yearning for the younger´s touches and kisses and…

Slightly ashamed of the direction of his own thoughts, Jin slowed Kuro´s pace down, following Kame right behind again.

Behave a little, he scolded himself. You´re not any horny teenager anymore.

Kame did not seem to notice Jin´s distraction and kept leading their way with admirable certainty. After a while, they had to dismount the animals and walked down the steep part of the trail, reaching some kind of crossroad, where Kame stopped.

"What is it?" Jin asked confused, since he didn´t notice anything suspicious.

The younger one raised his hand and pointed at the clear path leading to the north.

"If you keep following it for three hours by a normal pace, you´ll get to the big rocks. There´re small, dark blue marks on the stones on the left side. They will lead you to the cave in the south off the rock, which looks like a bird´s head. You can wait for me inside."

Kame turned to look at Jin, who stared at him getting more upset with each word.

"What are you talking about?" Jin asked slowly.

"About the hideout where…" Kazuya started, but was interrupted by the older one right away.

"I´m not gonna wait for you anywhere," he stated stubbornly. "I´m going with you."

"Jin, it will be suspicious, if you come along," Kame said calmly, but firmly. "How will I explain your…"

"You don´t have to explain anything about me," Jin snapped. "I can talk for myself. I´ll go there with you," he repeated.

Kame frowned at him, but Jin already knew the younger one long enough not to be discouraged by that.

"It´s not necessary," Kame emphasized. "I will be absolutely fine. You´re not completely healed yet and it would..."

"My health has nothing to do with this," Jin cut in his talk again. "I feel good enough to accompany you."

Kame pressed his lips together, staring at Jin, who stared back at him.

"Why do you argue with me?" the younger one asked then.

"The correct question is: why do you argue with me? You cannot win this, Kame."

"How is that so?" Kame asked frowning even more.

"Because I´m the stubborn one here," Jin stated confidently. "You´re not going to leave me behind. I´ll not let you out of my sight. Not again," he added in a little hoarse voice then. "You won´t get rid of me, Kazuya, so deal with it."

Just the idea that he would have let Kazuya face the approaching battalion alone and something happened to him, while he would be sitting on his ass safely somewhere in the comfy cave, gave Jin the creeps. There were already more than enough situations like that. Maybe he overreacted, but better to expect the worst possible scenario, then to regret being unprepared later.

So, Jin kept standing in the middle of their path with the most stubborn face he was able to put on and waited for Kame´s instructions for their next direction. The younger kept silent for a few moments, remaining frozen on the spot. But then, like by a charm, a gentle smile brightened his so far gloomy face. Kazuya let go of Ukushi´s reins and made two slow steps, approaching Jin.

Getting suspicious about the other´s intentions, Jin strengthened his stance and took a breath for another firm statement: "Do not even bother to…"

The soft lips, which felt so nicely warm in the cold air, created more than reliable barrier to any further words Jin intended to say. Kazuya only caressed his mouth, he didn´t force the kiss by any strength, just soothed across his upper and then lower lip.

When Jin overcame his surprise, he responded to the tender action. He went to meet it by a careful movement too, aligning with Kazuya. Their kissing was slow and gentle, but more loving and it flooded Jin with the unstoppable wave of warmness, so that he completely forgot about the winter´s claws reaching out to them since the very morning. Instead he felt like getting somewhat lighter. His mind flew somewhere up, where he couldn´t reach it and only a pleasant warm feeling was left.

When their lips parted slowly, they both opened their eyes almost at the same moment.

Jin noticed that Kazuya was blushing a little, and his eyes were shining in that way he had already started to adore, as it made their color more like gold than brown. First, Jin wanted to ask for what he received such a pleasant reward, but then he realized that no words were necessary.

The younger one didn´t plan any objections against Jin´s decision anymore. In a way, Kame thanked him by that kiss, even though Jin didn´t think there was anything the younger one should be grateful for. That soft tenderness surprised him, as well as the intensity of the moment, when they were just looking into each other´s eyes and despite not saying a single word, they somehow knew what was on the mind of the other one.

Before Kame moved away from him, his fingers caressed Jin´s shoulder shortly.

"Let´s go…" he stated in a soft voice then and Jin´s lips curved into a satisfied smile.


The temporary military tent built on the small clearing right under the steep slope covered by thick bushes was filled with tense atmosphere, caused by the conversation of three main leaders of the small army and their superior.

"Can we speed up our progress in any way?" Major General Ord raised his question, not even trying to cover his discontent.

"The terrain is difficult, sir," Captain Walker reacted much more calmly than the old man. "We´re not so familiar with the surroundings and we don´t know where the rebels might be hiding at the moment. It would be too dangerous to rush."

Other two soldiers, with lower ratings than the captain, as they were only lieutenants, nodded their heads in agreement.

General frowned and kept knocking with his fingers at the small collapsible table, where the sketch map of the Rocky Mountains was unfolded. He knew that his subordinate was right, but that didn´t make him satisfied with the pace of their march toward the Indian village. Despite that Karnaka´s man promised to lead them the shortest way possible, they had to change their course, as it was impossible for the whole battalion to go through the certain places. And now that Brad guy was kind of lost in the middle of unknown territory too, even though he didn´t admit it.

Ord wanted to settle this issue as soon as possible and return to his original travel to the south, where he could let his aching joints to rest finally. And this whole incident had been already prolonged more than he would like to.

"What about sending an exploratory unit first?" the younger of two lieutenants suggested.

"We would have to remain on this place then," Walker reacted immediately. "Mr. Brad would accompany them to show the way. But I don´t think we should stay at one place for long..."

"I agree, Captain, but I´d like to send a few men in advance, anyway," Ord stated, just before the soldier – so far patrolling outside – came in and with a polite salutation announced the surprising news.

"There´re two men, sir. One of our patrols spotted them in the woods and brought them here, as they seem suspicious."

"Who are they?" General asked sharply.

"They say they´re Kamenashi and Akanishi," the guard informed them.

Captain Walker´s eyes widened in surprise: "Really? Are they alone?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," the soldier nodded.

"Kamenashi… I remember that name…" General Ord murmured.

"His mother was the victim of that fire in Bozeman, sir," Walker reminded him. "He left the city soon after."

"He´s that friend of Indians, right?" Ord frowned a little.

"Yes…" Captain admitted carefully, studying the annoyed expression of his superior.

Major General was a good leader, but it was very difficult to negotiate with him, when he was in a bad mood like that.

"Bring them in," General ordered the guard. "Walker, you stay, the two of you can leave," he decided, sending the lieutenants away.

"Sir!" the soldiers saluted and left the tent. General and Captain were waiting in tense silence, until two young men were introduced inside, which was only a little warmer than the air outside.

"Good day to you... Major General, Captain," Kamenashi greeted both men as the first.

"It´s good to see you, Kamenashi," Captain Walker replied politely, nodding his head in the proper soldier way, but his eyes were smiling, clearly showing that he was really glad to see the young man.

"Thank you, Captain," the brown-haired youngster said, while Akanishi stopping a step behind him nodded his head in greeting, too.

The older one´s presence was quite a surprise for Walker, but decided not to comment on it yet. Last time he checked, Akanishi belonged to Grenet´s subordinates, but he trusted Kamenashi´s opinion and they didn´t seem to be on bad terms. Not to mention that the young gunman was not in the city during that fire incident at all.

"Unfortunately, I do not find anything good on this day," General Ord´s reaction was significantly colder and he was stabbing both youngsters with the strict look. "What are you doing in these places, Misters?"

Walker noticed that the older one didn´t like the tone, which Ord used, but Kamenashi remained strictly polite. Well, he did not expect anything less from that decent young man.

"We´re returning from the visit of my friends and we saw the smoke from your fires," Kamenashi responded. "Then we were stopped by your soldiers."

"Strange time for a visit…" Walker´s superior commented.

Kamenashi´s expression got a little tense and cold, when he reacted: "With all the respect, Major General, I´m more at home in these woods than you will ever be," he stated firmly. "I think that your presence here is much more suspicious and unexpected. What are you doing with your soldiers on the Blackfeet Tribe´s territory?"

Walker had to admit, though only in his mind, that he admired the young man for remaining so calm and firm in front of the threatening and impressive presence of the old military leader. Even though it could have caused quite big troubles to Kamenashi...

General Ord stood up, let his hands join behind his back, keeping his shoulders straight and looked directly at the young visitor.

"I don´t think that you are in the position to ask me questions, young man," he reacted strictly. "I suppose that by those ´friends´ you mean Indians from this tribe, am I right?"

"Yes, General, that´s true," Kamenashi replied very calmly, repaying the cold glance.

Walker noticed that Akanishi was piercing the old General with quite an annoyed glance, but he was just pressing his lips together and let the younger one talk. At that moment, the captain also spotted something unusual on the older man´s face. It looked like almost healed bruises, some almost unrecognizable, but others were still clear signs of beating up.

Captain was more interested about the relation of those two with each minute.

"Well, we´re here because of your friends," Ord informed them stiffly. "We´re not the ones breaking the peace treaty first."

"I don´t understand, General," Kamenashi replied slowly. "I´m sure, that the tribe didn´t break the treaty either."

"Based on what?" Ord asked with suspicion and distrust clearly showing on his face.

Walker still kept silent, letting his superior lead the interrogation, but he didn´t intend to hold on to it for long.

"Based on their words," the firm response came from the young man. "I´m sure Captain Walker told you about our recent discussion."

"He did," Major General nodded. "But it appears that your friends lied. We have a witness, who says that they´re helping out the Sioux rebels. I suppose you will agree with me that since those Indians attacked and killed government soldiers, it is considered as breaking the peace."

Walker was watching both incomers closely, and he didn´t notice any big surprise on them, just deep concern.

"A witness?" Kamenashi repeated slowly. "May I ask whom?"

"Why do you want to know?" Ord raised his eyebrows.

"I´d like to know against whose word stands mine…"

Once again, there was that admiration and wave of sympathy with the young man, which Captain Walker felt. He didn´t have the easiest life in particular and still, he was able to stand on his principles firmly. He was so young and already so strong. This bartender had a truly admirable personality. The captain noticed something from his own opinion about Kazuya Kamenashi in the look, which Akanishi focused at the younger one. Which made him ponder even more, what brought the two of them together.

Major General was frowning deeply and didn´t reply, while Captain Walker was persuaded that Kamenashi had a right to know.

"It is one of Mr. Karnaka´s subordinates, Brad," he informed them without looking at his superior, as he was not sure that General Ord would agree with his involvement in the discussion.

The faces of both young visitors showed almost the same volume of disgust hearing the words, while Major General straightened out in his full height again.

"It is not advisable to trust those savages, Mr. Kamenashi," Ord stated, not commenting Walker´s statement.

"I trust them with my life, which they saved," the young man snapped, as he was obviously quite upset already. "I´d say that it is not advisable to trust a man, who is a loyal subordinate of someone capable of burning people in their own beds! And yet, you let yourself and your soldiers in the hands of a man like that!"

The deep silence fell onto the tent.

Major General stared into the justly indignant face and suddenly, he felt a little ashamed. He knew Karnaka´s methods, he had heard more than enough horrific stories about that man´s actions, and of course that he expected that the powerful man would never admit his part in disaster of the Kamenashi´s house. Though, his reasoning for giving a hand to the government was justified and it was almost sure, that he really had many problems with the local Indians.

But what if Raynold Karnaka just used the opportunity and sent them against the peaceful tribe, just to get rid of them? Just to have his porch clean out of any intruders and any problems, which they could mean for his rich life?

For such a youngster, Kazuya Kamenashi seemed to be very wise, principled and with the head clear despite losing his mother in such a horrible incident recently. But on the other hand, if he really was a close friend with those Indians, he might have just covered their guilt in those attacks. General could not afford to trust his judgement in this.

The old man let all of this go through his mind, before he replied.

"Mr. Kamenashi... I´m sure you understand that I cannot overlook any crimes against the government. And attacking the railway is a very serious crime. We have a testimony, that somebody from Blackfeet Tribe cooperates with Sioux and helps them in these actions. I´m obligated to do any actions necessary to stop this."

"Yes, I understand, General Ord," Kamenashi nodded slowly. "But you should listen to both sides, not to just one and judge according to it. Why did you march right here just like this? Without any proof? How can you accuse the whole tribe for what had happened?"

Captain Walker was really worried that Kamenashi´s words might hurt General´s pride and anger him, but surprisingly his superior seemed to think over the passionate statement carefully.

"Let´s say you´re right, young man..." Ord reacted in a much calmer voice than before. "But what do you expect me to do? It is still one word against the other one. I will investigate this thoroughly, no matter what anyone says to me."

"And you want to investigate it with your whole unit, Major General?" Kamenashi asked.

His question was followed by another long pause. Not even Captain Walker knew how to justify their march, which could be easily taken as the declaration of war.

"There is another way to solve this," the young man continued carefully. "Do not blame the whole tribe from what one individual might have done. It´s not necessary to march on them with your full force."

"What do you suggest, Kamenashi?" Walker asked curiously, when General kept silent and only eyed the young man in front of him.

Kamenashi took a deep breath: "Blackfeet Tribe wishes to keep the peace in their homeland; you can trust me in that," he stated firmly. "Let me talk to them, I will ask them to search for the real culprits and they can persuade them to stop those attacks completely."

"You cannot guarantee that there will not be another attack after this, Kamenashi," General spoke finally. "Your goals are noble, you want to solve this without any casualties, I understand, but I´m afraid you´re too idealistic."

"Just give me some time, so we can solve this peacefully," Kamenashi urged again. "Let me try to stop this without any more bloodshed. I bet you have been in war... You know what I´m talking about. I´m just asking you for some time, General. Please."

Ord was repaying Kamenashi´s urgent look without any word for quite a while, but Captain Walker already saw on his face, that the honest words of the young man might have persuaded him in the end.

Major General felt really tired suddenly, as the young man reminded him everything, what he had already seen in his life, including not very nice things. There were cruel and bloody memories he would love to erase from his mind completely. And he also realized that Kamenashi was like he was once; he was also so eager to protect the innocent ones. Before he was forced to change, to harden his heart...

Moreover, of course that it would be convenient to solve this peacefully, General just wanted to accomplish it fast and this seemed to be quite a long way to go.

"All right…" he nodded slowly in the end, hoping he would not regret it. "You have a week then. But only with one condition…"

Kamenashi was tense, when he nodded, clenching his fists and looking at General directly.

"They must hand over the leader of those rebels into our hands," Ord stated.

The young man took a deep breath: "But, General, when they don´t know where..."

"You said they can find them, right?" the military leader interrupted him. "I don´t care how they will do it, but those murders must be punished. Find the leader of Sioux rebels and bring him over. I assure you that he will go in front of the fair trial. You have one week, no more. In case you will not manage it, we will go ask your friends for cooperation ourselves."


It was not the best outcome which Kame hoped for, but thanks to Major General Ord´s decision there was still a huge chance to solve this awful problem without much damage for the Blackfeet Tribe.

Kame knew it would not be easy at all, but he was determined to persuade Manipi to stop that stupidity he was doing and make him give the leader in. Not that he was very thrilled from that... But they couldn´t achieve anything more, not under the circumstances and Kame knew that. If they fulfil General´s conditions, the tribe will be safe.

Considering the worsening weather, Major General decided about the whole battalion´s return to Bozeman. The old leader parted with them politely and let Captain Walker show them out of the camp, back to their horses.

As they were approaching the edge of the military camp, Walker remained silent, but when they got to patiently waiting Ukushi and Kuro, who were guarded by two soldiers, Walker sent them away and turned to face Kame.

"Do you really think you can manage that, Kamenashi?" he asked him in a quiet voice, which couldn´t reach further than to the young visitors. "Handing that Sioux leader over?"

Kame looked directly into the captain´s serious eyes, when he replied.

"I don´t know. But it´s definitely worth trying."

Walker nodded slowly: "Good luck then... And remember, you will be needed in the city later, because of the trial."

The young man´s face darkened and also Akanishi seemed to fall into a very gloomy mood.

"I understand..." Kame reacted. "I hope we will see each other again soon, just keep me informed."

"Of course... And one more thing," Walker´s sharp glance focused on Jin this time. "Considering you´re here with Kamenashi, should I assume that you´re no longer in Mr. Karnaka´s services, Akanishi?"

Both youngsters stiffened a little and observed the captain carefully, not sure what they could afford to say.

"Your assumption is right, Captain," Jin replied slowly. "I do not work for Karnaka or Grenet anymore."

Walker hesitated for a while, feeling the urge to ask more questions related to the strange turnover of relations, but in the end, he decided that since it was not important for their Indian issue, he could let this go, despite own curiosity.

"All right, then... Let me wish you a safe trip," he parted with them.

Kamenashi nodded gratefully: "Thank you, Captain. Be careful on the way back, too. It seems we can expect quite a storm soon."

"Thanks for the warning; we will take it seriously."

Captain Walker raised the hand to his forehead, greeting them for the last time and by the fast steps, he headed back to the camp, which was just awakening because of the new orders to move away.

"He is a surprisingly good guy," Jin assumed following the captain´s departure with his eyes.

"Yeah," Kame agreed, grabbing Ukushi´s reins and soothing her across the muzzle. "I´m really glad someone like him was sent here."

"It was a lucky coincidence, I guess," Jin murmured, approaching his black horse too.

They were ready to get on the animals and leave, when a loud and quite spiteful voice stopped them: "Well, well, whom do we have here?"

Both Jin and Kame turned immediately to see the sturdy man approaching them lazily, with an awful smirk on his face. It was Brad, Karnaka´s gunman and former Grenet´s subordinate. The one, who probably searched through the woods for so long, until he found what caused all these troubles.

"What a nice coincidence," Brad stated and stopped only two meters from them. "And even nicer combination of guests... What are you two doing here?"

Neither Kame nor Jin reacted on the question and they just stabbed the man with their eyes. Karnaka´s employee looked around checking how far the closest soldiers were.

"Well, considering that fuss around..." Brad made a face. "You were here to cause troubles. Again."

They remained silent, but it was more than obvious that especially Jin had a great urge to punch the man right into that disgusting face of his.

"You´re so stupid to play with the fire, Kamenashi," Brad snorted.

Kame´s fingers around the bridle tightened, so that his knuckles became visible, but he still didn´t let any word escape his mouth.

"It seems that burning yourself once was not enough for you," the man added mockingly.

"Shut up!" Jin couldn´t hold back anymore and snapped at the man angrily.

Brad´s attention turned to the older one.

"Do you really think it´s a good idea to make yourself so visible, Akanishi?" he asked with a dangerous smile. "Do you want to repeat your experience on the farm? I´ve heard that Grenet made it quite unforgettable for you."

Jin couldn´t suppress the shaking, which ran through him remembering the time spent in the awful and dirty barn. Brad probably noticed some of his anxiety, as his grin widened even more.

Another son of a bitch in the long line... God, what kind of men does Karnaka have in his services?

Jin stepped forward with the clear intention to beat some sense into that asshole, but Kame´s hand on his shoulder squeezed him hard and stopped his movement.

"He´s not worth of it, Jin..." he said in a quiet voice, piercing Brad with a disgusted look.

"Well, aren´t you two so cute friends all of the sudden?" Brad commented, narrowing his eyes.

Jin gritted his teeth still wishing to kick that bastard´s ass, but Kame was pulling him back, preventing him from doing anything stupid in front of the whole battalion of soldiers.

"Leave it..." the younger one urged on him again.

"You should rather run, boys," Brad recommended them. "Very far, far away."

Kame didn´t react and mounted on his mare swiftly. But Jin turned to the man once again.

"And you should shut your ugly mouth up before you´ll end up behind the bars just like your fucking boss," he hissed at him.

"We will see, Akanishi, we will see..." the gunman murmured almost recklessly.

"Jin," Kame´s forcefully calm voice reached out to him again.

Finally obeying Kazuya´s request, Jin forced himself to get on Kuro, and didn´t look at that bastard anymore. Kame was right; it was not worth of bringing up any more troubles. But he still felt that mocking look in his back, when they set off between the trees.

It was more than clear that very soon Karnaka would find out about what they have just done. But it did not matter. It was far too late to retreat from this war...