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The trial

The next morning, Kame found Jin in a serious discussion with his former employer. Both men were sipping the black coffee – which tempting fragrance reached even to the stairway – from huge mugs, while the saloon´s owner was smoking his first cigarette of the new day.

"...morning, Kamenashi!" Mr. Harada spotted him in the doorway first. "There´s more coffee in the kitchen; help yourself."

Kame nodded gratefully, more than eager to get some stimulating liquid inside his stomach and left in the direction of the named room. Coming back to the taproom again, he joined the small company at the window table, repaying Jin´s warm glance as he sat down.

"This was an awful night, seriously," Harada stated finishing his cigarette.

"I´m so sorry for all the troubles, Mr. Harada," Kame reacted with guilt in his voice, but the older man just waved his hand indignantly.

"Nah, it was not your fault, Kame. Important is that you´re both all right. That bastard, who did it, should be praying for not getting into my hands," the saloon´s owner seemed still quite pissed about the attack on his livelihood, when he got up. "I´ll get us some proper breakfast, I bet you´ll need it today," and with that he walked out on the street, heading to the Franko´s store, before Kame could have objected anything or offered himself to arrange it.

Heavy silence filled up the room for a moment, when he remained alone with Jin.

"You´re surprisingly early today," Kame noted, taking the warm mug into his hands carefully.

"And you look even better than usually."

The surprising reaction made him forget about the coffee and look at the handsome face of the older one. Despite the tired expression from not getting enough sleep, Jin was smiling at him in a way, which made him blush a little.

"Well... I cannot go there just in a poncho, can I?" Kame murmured, realizing that Jin pointed out his clean white shirt and black trousers, which he had dressed up for the trial.

I would like to strip you off anything… Jin had to bite his tongue to keep that response only in his mind and not let it pass his lips. Geez, what came over me to think like that?

Just the previous night, somebody had tried to kill them. There was also the upcoming trial with Grenet and everlasting issues with Karnaka. And despite all of that, there was only one thing Jin was able to think about since the moment he spotted Kazuya entering the taproom – what it felt like, when the slim body sitting in the chair next to him, was shaking in his arms, gasping for breath between the hot kisses… It was unbearably hot to realize that the younger one was yearning for that as well as Jin himself...

Damn it! Stop it already! Jin scolded his disobedient imagination.

"Hmm, that´s true," he finally managed to react on Kazuya´s rhetorical question. "There´s an important day in front of us…"

"So important that you couldn´t sleep any longer?" Kame raised his eyebrows. "That´s unusual."

Jin´s stare pinched the younger one into the chair: "More precisely, I couldn´t sleep at all," he stated slowly.

"Me neither," Kame admitted, sinking in the chocolate eyes.

"It´s no wonder, I guess," Jin reacted in a deep voice. "After that attack last evening…"

"Yeah... We should have expected they wouldn´t leave us alone so easily," Kame assumed.

Jin smirked a little: "But it would take much more to keep us away from that trial," he declared cheerlessly.

"Right," the younger one agreed right away.

They broke their eye-connection and focused on their mugs for a while.

"I almost forgot," Jin said then, looking out from the window and checking the street, just in case Harada would have been on his way back already.

"About what?" Kame asked curiously, raising his head.

The older one turned to him, but didn´t reply. Instead he leant closer, placed his hand on the back of Kazuya´s neck and kissed him. He did it only gently, but behind those warm lips Kame felt that the older one was holding back. There was only a hint of the hidden desire, when Jin brushed over his upper lip, before retreating, but just that was enough to bring thousands of butterflies into Kame´s stomach.

Kame held his breath, enjoying the after-effect of Jin´s surprising action. He wasn´t able to realize it fully during the previous evening, as he was just too absorbed by the hot waves of his excitement, but it felt so damn good, when Jin kissed him on his own initiative, without any restraint as before.

He was a little nervous about it, wondering if Jin didn´t feel uncomfortable behaving like that, when they were in the city, in public, where anyone could have spotted them. That was also why he hesitated to make the first move. But right at that moment, when the older one pulled back, but kept touching Kame on the skin right under the end of his hair, that heavy burden disappeared like it had never been there.

"What was that for?" Kame asked in a little hoarse voice.

"That was a ´good morning´," Jin informed him seriously, but with teasing fires in his eyes.

Kame didn´t hold back a smile, which sneaked up on his lips, just before he was the one overcoming the gap between them and pressing against Jin´s lips eagerly.

I could have mornings like this one every day, that I would like… he wished in his mind.


There was no town hall or school or any other convenient building, which could have been used for gathering of many people, so it was decided that the whole judicial process would take place in the closed church. The old temple was built a long time ago, in the same year as the city itself was founded, but since the death of the first vicar there was nobody, who would have taken care of the Christian believers in Bozeman. That was also why the priest from Livingstone had to come every time a funeral or wedding took place there.

But on that day, nobody´s thoughts were focused on praying. It seemed that Math Grenet´s trial attracted the attention of the whole city and also the farmers, who lived further in its surroundings.

There were many curious eyes observing two young men, as they headed toward the closed door of the wooden building with a small belfry, which was guarded by two soldiers. The snow layer in front of the church was stomped by many feet of the gathered citizens, who were waiting there for being allowed to go inside.

Jin felt uncomfortable with all that attention focused on them, but Kame seemed to be calm, or at least he pretended not to mind it.

They were followed by the Brice´s family. Jin was already introduced to both husbands, when they went to visit their house for lunch, based on the promise, which Kame had given to the young blonde. They were nice; they didn´t ask them any stupid questions and they accepted Kame´s simple explanation. By the time when the lady of the house and her daughter were washing up the dishes, Jin had already understood why particularly this family was close to Kazuya and came to like them for their honesty and ability to enjoy small good things in their lives.

Captain Walker was already awaiting them at the entrance, and greeted them touching his blue hat.

"Please, go inside," he asked the witnesses. "Judge Marshall wants to meet you before the trial starts."


Judge Marshall was neither tall nor short, neither old nor young, neither slim nor fat. It was impossible to guess his age, or if he was married or not. His face didn´t show a single smile or frown, when they introduced themselves one by one. Kame felt the creeps on his back just looking at that man; it was like the judge had no emotions at all.

It was quite different from his experience with Raynold Karnaka. That old rancher was obviously dangerous. But Judge Marshall was unpredictable. His pale skin seemed as one of a dead man and also those eyes observing them… It was as if Kame was looking into the eyes of a fish. He was quite unsure about what to expect from such a man. But there was not much time for wondering about the judge.

Mr. Marshall left to prepare himself for the trial in the sacristy. All three of them – Kame, Lena and her father – were seated in the first bench on the right side, while the left side remained empty. Then the soldiers let the citizens in. Jin and Mrs. Brice were among the first ones to come inside and they took their seats right behind the witnesses.


Kame was tense; Jin knew it from the stiffened position in which the younger one was sitting in front of him. The blonde girl was nervous too and her father, Mr. Brice, was frowning worriedly. The room was full of excited chatting, but all the talking was suddenly silenced by the sound, which brought shivers on Jin´s skin – the clanking of chains.

The soldiers with Walker in the front were leading the accused man inside the church. The whispers accompanied the small group going through the main aisle, until they reached the front part and the empty bench.

Jin didn´t want to look in that direction, he really didn´t want to. But from some reason he had to…

His head turned to the side all by itself and his eyes collided with the scornful cold look of Math Grenet. The former deputy was pale, but otherwise he gave an impression that he had slept more than well. That bastard was standing there with a satisfied smile, as if he was not the one who was supposed to be judged and probably sentenced to death. He was smiling and it was the same smile Jin saw, when the first scream of pain escaped his broken lips, or when the last nail was ripped out of its place…

Everything around turned blurry. Jin was not able to perceive anything else than that awful smirk, which made him hear own screaming in his ears again, which made his body remember that thirst, that blinding never-ending pain, that fear and darkness, which he had barely escaped…

The young gunman didn´t even realize that he was clenching his hands into shaking fists, until the soldiers finally made Grenet sit down on the bench.


Kame felt sick, almost on the edge of vomiting. He didn´t look there, in that direction which definitely lured Jin´s eyes, he forbid that to himself. He was afraid of what he might have done if he just glanced at that… creature, which killed his mother and made Jin suffer so much. He just stared at the wooden floor, with a clenched stomach and throat. Something was urging him to turn his head back and look at Jin, whose presence he felt behind, to make sure the older one was all right, but Kame overcame it and focused on Judge Marshall, who just came into the room.

Captain Walker appeared as a prosecutor and read all accusations against Math Grenet aloud; everything else was managed by the judge himself, whose face still didn´t show any emotions.

The former deputy was accused from the abuse of power, the rape attempt, the restriction of personal freedom, also from the willful killing, from the murder of Sheriff and last but not least from the arson. The reading was accompanied by the quiet curses and expressions of disgust from some more open citizens, but as soon as the judge started talking, everybody respected his authority and kept silent.

Kame went to testify first. Sitting at the separate table, he described his previous disagreements with Grenet concisely and focused on the following happenings. They agreed with Jin to omit his capture on the farm completely, even though they doubted Grenet would try to use it against them. It would not help anything. Not to mention they would have to talk about Raynold Karnaka and no matter how sure Grenet´s condemnation was, they couldn´t afford to speak against that man.

So, on the question, why Math Grenet abducted and then killed Kame´s mother, he just said: "I don´t know…" despite the words came out of his lips with big difficulties.

Kame felt the mocking stare from the bench of the accused man, when he responded on the judge´s question, but he stubbornly avoided it.

Then it was Lena´s turn and also her father´s, then Doctor Best´s. The judge heard all of them out, before he addressed his next statement to everyone in the church.

"Is there anybody else, who would like to testify against this man?"

The silence followed.

"Is there anyone, who would like to testify in his favor?"

Even more dead silence fell onto the room. Kame was not sure if he should be surprised or not, as a few of former Grenet´s subordinates were present too, but not even them utter a word.

"Math Grenet…" the judge focused his cold attention to the man. "Stand up, please."

The soldiers had to force the smirking former deputy to obey the judge´s request.

"Do you feel guilty?"


The immediate response came in such a cool manner, that it made most of the room start murmuring in surprise. Jin couldn´t help but look at that fucker again. Grenet was repaying the emotionless glance of the judge still with that awful smile all over his face. Kame kept staring at the floor, his hands squeezing the cloth of his trousers.

"If you want to say something on your defense, this is your chance," the judge proposed.

"No, why should I?" Grenet reacted. "I did what they said."

Even louder murmurs and some swear-words on the man´s head made the judge hit with the small hammer over the table.

Kame was overcome the sickness again.

How could Grenet behave so calmly and even admit his crimes? Was there any remorse in that man at all?

"So, you confess, but you don´t feel any regret," Judge Marshall made sure, not even blinking.

"You´re a clever man, Mister," Grenet said. "That´s correct."

Mr. Marshall stared at him for a while, before he piled up all the documents, which were gathered on the table in front of him and stood up.

"This proceeding will continue within an hour," the man stated and in the common noise of people standing up, he disappeared in the back part of the church again.

The excited citizens started to leave the room slowly, to get some movement and air before the event of the month would continue. The Brice´s and Kame stood up too. The whole family left quite quickly, but Kame waited for Jin, who slowly straightened up with all his muscles numb. Not looking at anyone including Kazuya, he just headed for the exit.

Kame followed the older one slowly, when somebody´s figure caught his attention. He hadn´t noticed that man before, but he recognized him now, feeling ice in his veins. The gray-haired servant was standing close the wall and he was piercing the leaving men with an unreadable glance.

Cameron was definitely sent to the town by Karnaka. But not even he stood up for Grenet. So they gave up on the former deputy completely? The man´s face expressed nothing but a cool interest.

With a bad feeling in his stomach, Kame rushed after Jin. He found the older one right next to the stairs leading to the church´s entrance, smoking a cigarette. The fingers, which were holding the small sinful thing, were slightly shaking. Jin was obviously completely agitated. Kame was not surprised; he suspected the older one would react on Grenet like that. It was one of the reasons he proposed Jin not going along to Bozeman with him. It was not easy for him either…

Kame approached Jin slowly and stopped by his side. He looked up to Jin´s pale face and wide, very dark eyes filled with something, what brought shivers all over Kame´s spine. His instincts were telling him to touch the older one, to assure Jin he was not alone in this, but instead he kept his hands in the coat´s pockets. Despite the older one kept persuading him all the time that he was all right with his presence at the trial, it definitely didn´t look that way now. It had to eat Jin up just to sit there and do nothing.

Kame stood there, next to him, so close that his shoulder almost touched Jin´s, keeping silent and just observing the chatting people around, who remained nearby despite the break which was announced by the judge. Jin did the same, not saying anything either. They both had their own portion of bad memories to deal with at the moment and no words were necessary for them to know they had support in each other.

Jin had just finished his cigarette, when the church´s door opened again and two soldiers came out, leading chained Grenet between them for the man´s elbows. They were supposed to take the accused man back to his cell, before the trial would be continued.

Math Grenet spotted two youngsters standing under the stairs and resisted the grip of his guardians, making them stop.

"Hey! You two!" Grenet called over mockingly. "I see you´re doing pretty well, aren´t you?"

Jin and Kazuya turned their faces toward the man with the identical, disgusted expressions.

"Just keep going, Grenet," one of the soldiers tried to push the prisoner to move on.

"What´s the matter?" Math remained rooted to the cold ground willfully. "Can´t I have a word with old friends?" he complained loudly and looked at them again. "Did you miss me? I bet you did, Akanishi."

Jin clenched his fists, but still didn´t react.

"I enjoyed playing with you," Grenet continued, incredibly cheerful. "It´s a shame that we were forced to stop so suddenly…" then the blue-grey eyes focused on Kame. "You know all of that was your own fault, baby boy, don´t you?" he referred to him with an evil smirk.

Kame´s throat was narrow and dry. He couldn´t utter a word, even if he wanted to. He felt a painful pressure within his temples and his chest was gripped in some indescribable anxiety. Each Grenet´s word was said with an intention to hurt them and it worked…

"Do you want to know, how your sweet mother was screaming, when I tied her to the bed?" Grenet continued hastily, as the soldiers seemed to lose their patience with him. "She tried to be brave at first, but then she begged me for her life!"

Kame felt the blood abandoning his face; suddenly everything was stiff and cold… But it was Jin, who moved toward that bastard first, with an obvious intention to beat the soul out of him and that tore Kame off his numbness, as he managed to grabbed Jin for an arm in the last second, holding him back.

"You think you can scare me off, Akanishi?!" Grenet jumped off militantly. "I must say your screaming was much better than of that old bitch!"

Kame caught Jin with both hands now, because the older one really seemed he would have torn Grenet apart. Not that Kame wouldn´t want to do the same, he just realized it was not worth of it. Meanwhile, the soldiers exchanged the disgusted looks and started to drag yelling Grenet away.

"I´m not done with you two, got that?!" Grenet fought against them, making them stagger. "One day I will get your sweet ass, baby boy, you can bet on that!"

Kame was overwhelmed with an urge to vomit all his hatred towards that man out and couldn´t react fast enough, when Jin tore off his hold.

The satisfying connection of Jin´s fist and Grenet´s jaw was a matter of seconds. The hit was so hard that Grenet fell back on the ground, slipping out of the soldiers´ grip. Even though it looked more like his guardians let him fall and didn´t rush much to stop Jin, who continued punching Grenet right into his face in fierce rage.

By that time, they had already gained the attention of all people around, who were amazed by that fuss. Then Captain´s subordinates finally leant down and tried to pull Jin away from the man, but they had to use all their strength to pull him away and not being for Kame, who approached Jin and shouted the older one´s name, they wouldn´t have been able to do it...


Jin was blinded by burning anger and groundless fear, and in a desperate attempt to let all of it out, he put those feelings into each hit. It didn´t help though; it didn´t ease those strong emotions up, they kept clinging to his heart. But he just had to keep trying; there was too much of it inside him. He wished that bastard to suffer, because that was how it was supposed to be. Not him, not Kazuya, but that piece of shit wriggling on the ground, which kept mocking them and laughed at their pain.

Math Grenet made Jin go through the Hell, from which Kazuya pulled him out. The young man saved Jin from that darkness, which was eager to consume his body and soul. And nobody had a right to threaten Kazuya like that, the less that fucker…

Jin was determined not to let Grenet lay even a finger on his Kazuya. He kept trying to reach and hurt that man despite two pairs of strong hands, which were dragging him back. Only an urgent calling of a well-known voice reached his mind engulfed by red rage and allowed Jin to see and perceive his surroundings again.

Kame was standing right in front of him, both palms pressed against his shoulders, while two soldiers were holding Jin for his arms so firmly it hurt.

"Jin," Kame repeated his name in a more quiet voice, when he noticed the older one was getting back to his senses. "Please, stop. He´s not worth of this…"

Jin was looking into those worried brown eyes, breathing heavily, and realized he probably hurt the knuckles on his right hand, as it was starting to pinch and ache.

"What the hell is going on here?!" the strict voice made both soldiers flinch.

Kame pulled his hands off of Jin´s shoulders slowly and turned to the approaching man, while Jin´s eyes slipped back to that imitation of a human, whose lips were broken as well as the nose and his skin was covered with fresh blood, which was quietly dripping down to the white surface under him.

"What´s this?!" Captain Walker, who seemed very upset, pointed at the bleeding man rolling on the snow. "Why isn´t he in his cell yet?"

"Captain!" both soldiers saluted, releasing Jin from their grip. "We were going to bring him there… But… He resisted… and…"

"I apologize, Captain," Kame took up the word, as it seemed two men were baffled about what to say to excuse themselves. No wonder, when they practically let Akanishi almost beat the soul out of the prisoner. "He started to provoke us."

Walker let his eyes wander from Kamenashi to Grenet, who sat up, still bleeding heavily, and to Akanishi, who was staring at the man, as if he intended to kill him in the next second. The uniformed man took a deep breath and straightened his back, realizing the stares of half Bozeman citizens around.


"Yes, sir?!"

"Take Mr. Grenet to his cell, now!" Walker ordered strictly.

"Yes, Captain!!"

Both soldiers rushed to fulfil the order and picked the man up dragging him on his feet.

Kame turned to look at the former deputy once again. Which he shouldn´t have done, because he saw that despite that bloody decoration, Grenet was still smiling.

Jin and Captain Walker noticed that smile too, but none of them said a thing and they all just watched the group, until they disappeared on the street.

"Look, Kamenashi," Captain spoke first, coming closer to him, as he wanted to avoid the curious ears of people around. "I´ll be honest. I don´t know what happened between you two and Grenet, except of what you told me about, but I cannot let it influence this trial. I have responsibility for him as a prisoner and I cannot let you beat him up," the man hesitated a little, before he added the next sentence in an even quieter voice. "No matter how much I agree with such a treatment for bastard like him. Is that clear?"

Kame stared at the captain for a few seconds quite surprised.

"Yes, Captain, I understand," he reacted seriously then.

"Akanishi?" Walker´s glance focused on the silent youngster, who repaid it shortly and after a tense moment, he nodded. "Great. Be back within an hour," with that Captain left, walking through the group of citizens, who watched the whole scene from the distance.

Kame was well aware that Jin was incredibly lucky Captain Walker behaved as their friend; otherwise they would have had huge troubles. But looking at Jin´s face, he just couldn´t reproach to him anything…


Captain Walker turned out to be a real blessing for them, as he let Dr. Best treat the worst consequences of Akanishi´s outburst and he also explained the fresh bruises on the prisoner´s face to the judge. Neither Jin nor Kame had to deal with any more questions, when the trial was resumed for its final. There was no reason to prolong anything then and the gathered crowd could listen out the judgement over their former deputy.

"Math Grenet, from the authority given to me, Ronald Marshall, by the Government of United States, I find you guilty in the full statement of your accusations. For rape attempt, for murder and for arson, for all of these felonies committed by you at the full consciousness, by this I condemn you to death. The judgement will be enforced at noon within two days, in the form of hanging on the gallows. This judgement is irrevocable. This trial is completed."

The judge hit with the hammer to put the emphasis on his decision, gathered his stuff and with the same rigid expression on his pale face, he left the room. The church burst out in spontaneous celebrations and mocking calls, as the soldiers led the condemned man outside. Also Mr. and Mrs. Brice were smiling, content with the result. Their daughter stood there with her eyes closed and with an obvious relief in her face. Only the main witness and his companion were silent. They just watched Grenet being taken away without a word.

A few citizens came to Kame, congratulating him that he helped to bring the justice upon the cruel man finally and the church got emptied slowly. Jin and Kame were the last one to leave the room, shortly grasping each other´s hand, before they went through the exit.


That evening, the saloon was overcrowded as never before. Mr. Harada even brought some spare chairs from the kitchen, but despite that many citizens eager for some drink and chatting were standing at the bar or even outside on the veranda, discussing the event of the day.

The saloon´s owner was really grateful to Miss McBain, who was willing to help him out exceptionally, so that he had some time to check on his guests properly, to know when somebody had simply enough for one evening. But as much as the whole taproom was noisy and cheerful, mostly thanks to the harlots, the table in the corner was deadly silent.

After the dinner time, Harada had enough of that gloomy atmosphere and headed to the cellar for his secret supplies. He was saving that bottle for a special opportunity, but he decided that day was more than fitting for it...


The clinking glasses and cheerful jokes couldn´t reach them. It was like they were sitting behind some transparent wall, closed inside their own space.

Despite not being hungry, both Kame and Jin ate almost everything what Mr. Harada put on their table. Miss McBain´s meals were simply too good to be wasted. But as it came to their beers, the tankards were still almost full, standing at the table, as the two pairs of eyes were watching them absently.

Kame thought that he would feel relieved and happy after the sentencing. And he was really glad that finally some justice was brought upon that evil man. But there was no happiness or relief inside of him.

Grenet will be punished for what he did, but was that enough? It will not bring his mother back; it will not take all that pain Jin had been through away… Was it enough to let the man hang on the rope then?

Kame raised his eyes to look at his older companion. Jin was staring at the surface of his beer with the same gloomy face. They didn´t talk for the whole evening; as they were both sinking in that strange depression, even though they had all the reasons to celebrate.

But Kame just couldn´t have a good time, despite Grenet would be soon out of their lives forever. There was still Raynold Karnaka and there was still Jin´s revenge. They didn´t talk about it either, but he was sure that the older one didn´t give up on that...

The beer tasted like water to him and not even a great dinner could cheer Jin up. His right hand still ached as well as his head. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn´t get rid of the picture of laughing Grenet. Seeing the man again, after that long time filled with the aching feelings, fever and hallucinations, after everything what Kame had to go through because of him, it was like feeling that pain again.

Jin rubbed his wrists subconsciously, soothing the spots where the rope was squeezing them, while he was captured in the dirty barn. He could still smell that awful place, where he had to endure the torture, which almost killed him and where he had to listen to all those disgusting things Grenet had said. And Jin knew that he would never get it out of his head.

The judgement was stated and the Death was already sharpening its scythe for that bastard, but Jin was not satisfied with that. For everything what Grenet did, for Kame´s mother, for himself, for the sheriff, for Kame… He would have rather killed him himself, and slowly, very slowly. That man didn´t deserve a mercy of fast death. Jin would like to see that fucking smile to disappear from his ugly face. And he would see it soon; that was for sure.

Jin looked up to notice that Kame was watching him. The younger one didn´t look any happier than he felt.

"Do you want to stay here for the execution?" Jin asked him in a low voice.

Kazuya repaid his glance for a while, before he sighed and focused on his beer again.

"I don´t know… What meaning would it have?"

"We would be sure that he won´t bother us ever again," Jin replied stiffly.

Kame pondered it a little, before he nodded: "All right, we´ll stay then…"

Jin thought that they might have start to discuss, what they should do after that, when this whole troublesome case would be over, but before he could open his mouth, he was stopped by the two shots, which landed on the table right next to their beers. Just at the first sight, Jin could tell it was not any cheap whiskey. According to the familiar alluring smell, it was tequila. He looked up surprised as well as Kazuya.

Mr. Harada was standing next to them with the third glass in his hand.

"You both seem you need this," he stated so strictly, that none of them bothered to oppose. He also raised his glass for the toast as the first one. "To justice."

Without any complaints, they threw the liquid into their throats and Jin´s eyes widened immediately.

"Wow, this is incredibly good," he evaluated the drink, bowing his head appreciatively.

"Glad to hear that," Harada stated and placed the whole bottle in front of them. "This is on the house," and not waiting for any reaction, the man returned to the bar to serve other customers.

They stared at the temptation on their table for a while, then at each other. And then Jin took the bottle into his hand and poured them next two shots…


"Hey… Kazu…"

"…what, …Jin…Jin?"

"I don´t… remember so many… stairs! We missed our… floor, didn´t we?"

"No, we… didn´t, silly."

"Are you… sure?"

"Of course! Hey! Hey, slowly… Hold on the banister!"

"I´m… holding it!"

"No… You... You´re holding onto me…"

"Hmm, but you too… Onto me!"

"Aah, right…"

"How many more… stairs?"

"Not sure… Let me see... Ten?"

"Oh, no!! That´s too many!"

"Don´t make… this pouting face on me."


"It´s too… cute."

"Is that a… complaint?"


"It´s ok then… But I have enough of...stairs…"

"Hey! Hey! What are you…"

Kame´s attempt to keep both of them standing failed, as Jin simply sat down on the stairs and dragged him along.

"Jin…" Kame whined. "There´re only five left…"

"Not going further... Until we…finish this," Jin showed him the almost empty bottle proudly.

"Oh, no… You took that with you?!" but the younger one complained only casually, as he drank too much to care anymore, as well as Jin did.

"Cheers!" Jin raised the bottle to his lips and took a long gulp. "God, the best drink I´ve ever…had," he said and handed it over to Kame. "Harada is...awesome."

"He is," Kame agreed, before he did the same with the rest of the tequila and very carefully put the empty bottle aside at the edge of the stairs. The glass staggered anyway, but fortunately didn´t fall down.

The younger one looked at the other sitting next to him, who was enjoying the flavor of the last shot with closed eyes.

"Don´t sleep yet," Kame scolded Jin.

"I don´t… I´m thinking…"

"Oh, really? What...about?"

Jin kept silent for a while.

"Is there any tequila left?" he asked then.

"Nope," Kame replied, shaking his head sadly.


"I think we both had… enough."

"Well… almost, I´d say."

Kame shifted a little closer and attached his shoulder to Jin´s: "Do you...feel better...now?"

"Yeah… I do… And you?"

"I´m fine… For now. But I´m afraid...of the morning," the younger one admitted.

"Let´s not think about horrible things like that…" Jin pouted.

"But you think of... something else, right?" Kame asked quietly.

"Yeah…" Jin nodded. "I can´t get that fucker out... of my mind…"

Kame leant his head over Jin´s shoulder.

"I´m sorry to hear that…"

"Me too… Especially after... the damn best bottle of alcohol in this pub… It´s just that… I cannot bear…"

"You don´t have to... explain, Jin," Kame interrupted him. "You don´t have to... remember that again."

"No, no, I don´t mean the… barn, right now. Even though... it´s a part of it."

Kame straightened up and looked at gloomy Jin sleepily.

"What is it then?"

"I... I cannot bear the idea of him…hurting you."

The younger one just stared at him, while Jin continued slowly.

"He tried to...rape you, didn´t he?" he asked directly thanks to the influence of alcohol in his blood. Otherwise, he wouldn´t have been able to let those words out his mouth.

Kazuya took a breath: "Jin…"

"He did, back then..." Jin insisted. "When you were so... beaten up."

And Kame nodded, not trying to conceal it anymore, but not being able to put that horrible memory into the words.

"I hate him," the older one stated. "I hate him... and I want to see him dead."

"And we both will, Jin…" Kame whispered. "The execution will be soon… Come on, it´s late…" he stood up on his heavy legs. "We should sleep… at least a little."

Jin grabbed the banister and very slowly he got up too, staggering heavily, so Kame supported him from the side, even though he had some problems with own balance too.

"He deserves to...suffer," Jin murmured as they proceeded up the stairs again. "For what he did to you…"

"No..." Kame opposed. "He should suffer for... what he did to you..."

But Jin shook his head violently.

"I don´t care what… what he did to me, but… he shouldn´t have touched… you. And he will never… do it... again..." Jin started to be incomprehensible and Kame kept silent.

When they finally reached the door of Jin´s room, the older one was already half asleep. Kame dragged him to bed and let him lie down gently, pulling his shoes off.

Jin didn´t even open his eyes and started to breathe regularly in no time. Kame considered it was not worth of going into his own room, especially when the whole world was spinning around him in the tequila roundabout. And the bed was wide enough for both of them, so he just pulled the coat off of his shoulders clumsily, and squeezed himself between the wall and Jin.

Kazuya leant over the handsome face and fondled Jin´s hair away from his forehead tenderly. And as he was sure that the older one couldn´t hear him, he whispered right into Jin´s ear: "I love you."

Then Kame let his head fall on the pillow too, pressing close to Jin´s warm form and fell asleep right away.