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Behind the last wall

The Indian village located at the shore of a huge lake and hidden behind the impervious rocks was slowly getting quieter as its habitants were preparing to sleep. Only the lonely fire, remoted from all wigwams, was a witness of an unusual conversation between the brave Indian and young gunslinger, which took longer than any of the two had expected...

"Listen… It is important that you will not take care of yourself only. You have to pay attention to what Kame wants and likes," Liwan spoke in a very serious tone, but despite that the playful lights could have been seen in his eyes, which he focused on the black-haired man sitting on the log right in front of him.

"Naturally…" Jin murmured, not very happy about being lectured like some slow-witted teenager. But he was determined to bear anything, if it was for Kazuya, even the Indian´s superior attitude.

"Considering the way you asked about this, you expect to be on the top, right?" the Shaman´s son asked.

"What? Well...uhm…" Jin felt his face burning at the idea, not able of any coherent reply.

Liwan sighed, already a little tired of difficult dealing with the anxious white man.

"I suppose you do," Liwan assumed. "Then you must let him relax and loosen up first. Let Kame accustom to the feeling. Simply – do not rush the things up. Do you understand?"

Jin just nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

"And do not worry about it too much, it causes nothing but troubles," the Indian continued. "Kame will be definitely nervous as well, but if any of you let it control your actions, you will get nowhere. I guess you know what I mean..."

More precisely, it will end up with me being embarrassed for the rest of my life… Jin thought gloomily.

"Why should Kame be nervous, though?" he asked aloud. "I´m the one completely new in…" Jin stopped talking under the focused look of Liwan.

"Akanishi... Do you really think Kame is such a…." Liwan hesitated for a while, searching for the correct word. "Such a professional in this?"

"Well…" Jin gulped down heavily, suddenly feeling even more uncomfortable than during past couple of minutes. "Is he not?"

Liwan crossed the arms over his chest, frowning a little: "To be honest, I do not know how far they got with Wenity, who was the closest to Kame once, but they were really young back then. In case that my best friend had a regular sexual life, I would have known about it."

Jin almost forgot to close his mouth in surprise: "Wait, you mean that Kame is…?"

"It does not matter what I think," Liwan interrupted him hastily, already also quite anxious about the whole topic they discussed. "What matters is what attitude you two will take towards this."

"Hmm… I understand," Jin reacted slowly.

"Really?" Liwan raised his eyebrows and leant closer to the gunslinger. "You do not seem very convinced."

"It´s just…that… This is..." once again, Jin had no idea how to express what was on his mind.

"Look, Akanishi…" the Indian spoke again, looking right into Jin´s eyes. "This is the weirdest conversation I ever had in my life. Not to mention that it concerns the person I consider being my brother. But the main point is simple for me – if you care for each other as much as I think you do, you will find your way no matter what I say to you this evening."

Jin stared at the other one for a long moment, as Liwan´s open words caught him unprepared. The reason he asked about the sex issue was that Jin felt being attracted to the young bartender beyond something what he could control, which made him somewhat troubled. If there would be a chance, it was highly possible that their relationship would cross the line once and he didn´t want to have that uncertain feeling inside him all that time. But the Indian just said there was something much more between them and that made Jin lost on words. And on the other side, it also helped him a lot...

"Well… Thank you, Liwan," Jin said finally, when he found his voice.

"That is not necessary... Under one condition," the young Indian replied.

"What condition?" he asked confused.

"You will never ask me about something like this again. Never," Liwan´s sharp stare almost made Jin pull away from him to the safer distance. He had fully realized that he was not the only one anxious as hell about their conversation.

"All right, I got it... You can count on me not ever bothering you with this for the second time," he assured the Indian with a small smirk.


Well, it was easy for Liwan to say – do not worry too much. But now, when it came down to it, Jin couldn´t help but feel the strong fear related to what if he would do something awfully wrong. And his worries tried to hold him back in the most inappropriate moment. On the other hand, there was something what Jin hadn´t expected – that fear was much weaker than his desire after Kazuya.

Kame´s hand under Jin´s pants moved down and up again slowly, and that simple movement flooded the older one´s brain with something burning. But Kame had already done the best he could have for him before, in the last standing wigwam of the Blackfeet Tribe´s village and Jin wanted to repay the younger one for that.

So, in the end Jin´s persistent worries didn´t prevent him from reacting on Kazuya´s lustful action. One of his hands left the round bottom, and then copied the line of the younger´s slender waist, before it went down right into Kame´s trousers. Sinking into the goldish eyes, which were encouraging him to continue, Jin let his fingers close around Kazuya´s awakening member gently, feeling another wave of heat, just from how intimately he could touch the younger one.

When Jin stroked the warm flesh slowly, Kazuya threw his head back, his red lips letting a heated moan out. That agitated sound made Jin stop caring about his stupid doubts completely. In case he had done something wrong, it would have been recognizable on Kazuya for sure. It was just as Liwan said – paying a proper attention to the younger one would lead him further.

Once that last inner barrier of his was down, there was nothing what could have stopped Jin anymore. Changing the angle a little, he stroked over Kazuya´s most private body part again, pulling out another excited reaction from him. Hearing it and knowing that it was caused by his touch felt too awesome for Jin not to repeat the movement.

With each second, Jin felt his own arousal, placed in the soft capture of Kame´s fingers, getting stronger. It was not something what he could, or even wanted to control. The hot desire after the slim body in his arms was flooding the older one from head to toes and making him almost lose his mind. Jin wanted every little piece of Kazuya for himself, to touch him everywhere possible, to swallow his whole existence. There was nothing more important for him at the moment.

The younger one gasped for breath heavily, when Jin´s thumb caressed him again, in much more demanding way this time. Kame´s shiny eyes and flushed cheeks and mainly the strengthened grip around his cock... All of that at once Jin couldn´t handle anymore; he wanted to keep at least a bit of his composure a little longer. Therefore, with the other hand he grabbed Kame´s wrist and pulled it away from his pants...

Kame blinked, a little confused, but the pressure of Jin´s fingers on his own proud made him forget any objections right away. He placed both palms on Jin´s bare chest, trying hard not to forget breathing, when the older one´s hand continued its passionate job.

He closed his eyes, pressed his forehead against the firm shoulder and murmured the other´s name against his skin inaudibly. That hot feeling in his body got stronger with each even the tiniest movement which Jin´s fingers made. Kame would have never thought that his reaction on what Jin was doing could have been so powerful...

Jin felt incredibly hot and shaky, as he continued to play with the hard member of the younger one. With his free hand once again placed on the other´s waist, he pulled Kame a little closer, and approached the younger´s ear with his lips.

"Kazu... I want you... so much. Will you... Will you let me...?"

Jin couldn´t continue talking. It was so difficult to express himself properly, because what was happening inside him was so damn strong that he got worried about his senses.

After hearing the question, Kazuya stiffened a little and pushed himself further from Jin to be able to look at his face. The younger´s eyes were filled up with passion, but also with some kind of annoyance.

"If I let you?" Kame repeated, letting out a hot heavy breath. "Jin… If you stop now, I will never let you touch me again."

Surprised Jin repaid Kazuya´s very serious look and something overwhelmed him. He couldn´t think clearly anymore. There were those words of advices somewhere in his memories, but at the moment, he wouldn´t be able to name any of it.

No thinking, just acting, right?

Jin was making him crazy. Kame was turned on more with each of the older one´s touches, which were blinding him with pleasure, and when Jin stopped for a while and asked for his permission, that was something what he almost couldn´t handle.

Wasn´t it obvious enough, that he definitely wanted this to continue? Sometimes, he was really hopeless about what Jin was thinking.

Kame answered his unbelievable question with the first words, which came to his mind, almost angry about that Jin hesitated again. But as soon as he did it, Jin´s eyes acquired a dangerous shine, which made Kame numb in eager expectation. Finally, it seemed that Jin would stop torturing himself with stupidities...

When Jin loosened the grip of his fingers and pulled his hand out of the younger´s trousers, Kame complained immediately in the form of a muted murmur. But he was not able of any protest, when Jin grabbed his arms after that and turned him around toward the wooden table with a sink.

Kame caught the edge of it to keep himself steady, when the older one pulled his trousers down hastily. Then Jin reached for Kame´s erection again, only this time from behind, while pushing himself against his alluring round bottom.

His own arousal was already yelling for more attention, but Jin ignored it the best way he could and focused on Kazuya.

Kame almost couldn´t move, when the other´s body pinched him on the place. He felt Jin´s chest against his back and also the older one´s hard member poking his butt, but he would have been crazy to oppose the other´s greediness at the moment. Somehow he felt, that Jin needed to have an upper hand in this and Kame was more than willing to let his handsome companion in crime do whatever he wanted.

Kame bent forward a little, supporting himself on the small table and trying hard to keep the pace with Jin, who was torturing him in the most pleasant way he got to know so far.

It was frustrating that Jin´s teasing fingers left his hard member abandoned, just when Kame couldn´t even catch a breath for some protest. That warm hand remained above his crotch, while the other ran down along Kame´s spine, and then it reached his bottom again, soothing both sides a little harshly. Jin´s fingers strayed around his sacred hole, while Kazuya´s heart was beating like crazy. When Jin finally touched him right there, seeking for the way in, Kazuya couldn´t suppress a loud moan.

No matter what anyone had ever said about the sexual relations between men, for Kame, all of what they were doing with Jin didn´t feel wrong, only overwhelmingly good. He was not sure only about how he would be able to handle the rest, but he was so eager to get to know that feeling of Jin inside himself, that it didn´t let him worry too much.

There was a movement again and soft pressure on his hole, but Kame sensed that Jin hesitated and he forced himself to get at least some words out from his lips.

"Jin... It´s all right... Go on..." he assured the other one whispering hoarsely.

The firm and warm body pressed against Kame again, and the heated up breath soothed him across the skin of his neck.

"Just tell me if... something wrong..." Jin requested quietly and in a husky voice.

Kame managed to bring himself to just a short nod, when Jin pushed his finger inside him slowly. That intrusion kidnapped Kazuya on the wave of something unfamiliar, but so hot, that he thought he would melt down on the spot. It was the first time somebody went that far with him. First time ever and it was so incredibly strong it felt unbearable.

Jin´s other palm held its position on the sensitive skin of his abdomen, and Kame felt the older one´s focused look on his profile, as the finger went a little deeper and stopped, letting Kame get used to its presence.

"Jin..." the name escaped the younger´s lips without him knowing about it.

First, it was really strange, but at the same time it was not enough and Kazuya wanted more, much more of Jin´s body. The careful movement out and inside again triggered something inside him, about which he didn´t even know he had possessed.

"More... Jin... Just, more..." Kazuya demanded heavily.

It was almost scary how fast everything was happening. Jin´s arousal already got so far that he wouldn´t have been able to stop, even if the younger one requested so. When he dared to touch and intrude Kazuya´s ass, it was so tight, too tight for his greedy hard friend down there... But at the current state of his mind, that fact didn´t worry Jin anymore, it just made him want the beautiful man even more.

Kazuya´s eager request for more definitely meant that the border could have been crossed and Jin couldn´t wait anymore. He yearned for having that slim body all for himself, with that soft skin, with that shaking, that hoarse voice, and that alluring tight hole, which stole him off of his last senses.

Jin pushed two of his fingers inside Kazuya, this time with more courage and certainty, especially when he saw Kame´s facial expression full of pleasure.

He made the younger one bend a little more, to have a better access to that warm place, which he wished to conquer. Three of his fingers went in, with Jin already on the very edge and with Kame moaning in pleasure.

Jin repeated the lustful action twice, trying to be gentle, but already losing the last bit of patience. The younger´s body was shaking, but waiting eagerly, as Jin positioned himself behind him, catching his sides.

Kame´s gasp was different this time, when the older one´s painfully hard member intruded the tight place without hesitation. Jin recognized the pain in it and no matter the curtain of burning desire over his mind, that sound made him freeze.

Kazuya´s body was suddenly incredibly tense in his hold; Jin felt it as his palms were placed on the younger´s hips. He waited anxiously, biting his lower lip to restrain himself.

Very slowly, Jin leant down and closer to Kazuya, placing a tender kiss on his neck and then another one, while stroking the soft skin of the younger´s thighs and waiting for a slightest sign, if he should pull away or not...

Jin had no idea how long it took, before that almost hostile feeling inside the hot secret cave released a little, and it got more welcoming to his hard member.

"Jin..." Kazuya breathed out heavily. "Move..."

There were no other words about which Jin would have been more relieved.

It was really hard not to scream in pain first. It shocked Kazuya how intense that feeling was – a greedy stranger in a place, which was completely sacred till that time, which was only his. Kame couldn´t get accustomed to that hard intrusion. It was something pushy and hungry right in his ass.

A glimpse of suffocating doubt shook with Kazuya awfully, just before he realized that it was not anything strange.

That hot thing usurping his being was turned on Jin. It was Jin´s cock, which got aroused thanks to him. The older one´s warm hands were caressing him as well, soothing Kazuya over the skin, while the warm lips were placing the butterfly kisses across his neck. That intruder was a handsome young man, who wanted him as much as Kazuya wanted him back.

When those thoughts went through Kame´s mind, the feeling changed completely. Suddenly, it was damn difficult to keep on any thinking at all. And he hastily urged on Jin to continue.

Only after his words, the older one moved again and pulled out a little, just to push back eagerly, and Kame let himself to be carried away, as he heard Jin´s irregular breath right behind himself. He couldn´t see the other´s face, but it didn´t matter at the moment. He felt Jin in the closest way possible.

The older one made that move again, and again, faster each time, and then Kame caught himself at breathing heavily too, catching up with Jin´s pace, eager for more.

Their world was swirling.

With each second the faster pace, the heavier fight for air. Their bodies, longing for each other for so long, finally in the common rhythm, which was taking them somewhere up, to an indescribable place. To the place that was worth of any border, which they had to overcome to get there.

With those hot walls around his cock, it was so easy to be brought on the climax, that it would have surprised Jin, if he was not overwhelmed with those burning feelings.

And it felt awesome for Kame, when Jin came out inside him, knowing that he was the one causing it. A subconscious smile appeared on Kazuya´s sweated face, when it happened. But also his member was desperately screaming for attention. Kame reached to it and started brushing over it hastily. He knew it would not take long before…

Suddenly, his hand was pulled away gently, just to be replaced with the bigger and warmer one again. Despite only going down from his heights, Jin had realized what Kame was doing and locked own fingers around his damn sensitive flesh. Kame barely managed to notice that Jin was still inside him, holding him on the place with the other hand, as his fingers guided Kazuya to his own climax faster than he would have ever thought.

It took just three gentle and at the same time the sexiest movements of Jin´s hand for Kame to come, releasing all that hotness and tension at once...


Both of them were barely standing on their feet, still connected in the most intimate way possible, still searching for their senses. They were sweating and messed up from their culmination, but neither of them felt better in ages.

Shakily, Jin pulled away from Kazuya, breaking their connection, just to lock him inside his arms again. He leant his chin over the younger´s shoulder, feeling the slim body so close to his, enjoying the lasting effects of the gratification, for which he was eager for quite long already.

Kame let himself rest in Jin´s hug, his chest rising up and down, as he was slowly calming down too.

It happened so fast he couldn´t even think about it properly. Where did his resolution ´not to rush the things much´ go?

Just a few of Jin´s touches were enough to seize his composure. Even now, coming down from the top he was brought up so suddenly, Kame felt he would not be able to calm down completely, until Jin was holding him like that.

His butt felt abandoned now, and a little sore, but Kame would have given anything to feel Jin there again...

After a while, they realized that the air around them was cooling down. Or more precisely, they started to perceive it only when their body temperature went down.

Kame soothed the hands holding him and Jin released his grip. When the older one pulled away, Kame felt like losing something precious, but he was comforted right away, when Jin´s hands turned him around and the older one captured his lips in a long and very tender kiss. Then their eyes met in the warm clash. None of them said anything; even though there were words they wanted to say.

Knowing he was just not able to speak yet, Kame placed another soft kiss on Jin´s lips instead. Then he slowly slipped out from his warm embrace, looking around for trousers, which somehow ended in the pile under the sink. He felt Jin´s stare at himself, as he dressed up, staggering a little on the weak legs. He picked also Jin´s pants up and stepped closer to him again.

"It´s getting cold here..." it was like a stranger´s voice, when Kame spoke.

Jin took the cloth into one hand, but with the other he pulled Kame back to himself. Still shaky Kazuya ran across the older one´s bare chest with his fingers slowly, stopping them on the wide shoulders. Then the other´s head leant down, breathing in the younger´s hair, as if he wished to hide his face.

"I´m sorry I was so rough," Jin murmured to the soft skin between Kazuya´s neck and shoulder.

"It´s all right, Jin," Kame assured him, his hands finding the way into the other´s disheveled hair.

"I don´t know, really?" Jin´s hands squeezed him tighter. "We didn´t even make it to the bed..."

Kame caught Jin´s head and pulled himself further, so that he could look into those dark eyes.

"I have no complaints," he stated seriously.

The little fires appeared in Jin´s look, which tickled Kame right in his stomach.

"Glad to hear that," the older one reacted, calmed down by the statement.

"Come on... We should get some sleep," Kame whispered, as the tiredness was more than ready to rule over both of them.

Kame grabbed Jin´s hand and dragged him after himself, heading to the bedroom finally.

The successful attack on Karnaka´s farm followed by their loss of self-control in the bathroom was more than sufficient combination for a good sleep. Crawling under one blanket, completely exhausted and not caring about anything else than knowing that the other one was close to them, Kazuya and Jin fell asleep in each other´s arms.


After all those difficult, dangerous and subsequently hot happenings, their bodies really needed a proper rest, so it was no wonder that both avengers didn´t know about the world until the very late morning of the next day.

Kame got out of the sleep´s bondage first, feeling warm and rested. When he wanted to shift on the other side, he realized there was an arm around him, keeping him on the place. And then a light sore feeling in his back body part reminded him all the happenings of the previous evening at once.

He opened his eyes, feeling too warm suddenly and turned his head carefully. A handsome gunslinger was lying just behind him on his side, remaining deep in sleep, but with his left hand firmly locked around Kame´s form.

The younger one observed Jin´s face, which was so close to him, with a faint smile. If the other one was not there, maybe he would think that the passionate closing of the past day was only a beautiful wet dream. Remembering those passionate emotions, which turned Kazuya upside down and back again, he couldn´t deny that him having sex with Jin was more than real. Something made them both overcome that last wall standing and no matter if it was to forget what they did on the farm or anything else, it made Kame grateful for that.

He was not alone and he was happy despite everything what had happened recently. He felt a little guilty considering that he was that lucky in comparison with Liwan and the rest of the tribe, but he made himself shake those dark thoughts away. He didn´t want to think about bad things now.

He sat up slowly, shifting Jin´s hand aside carefully, not to wake the other up. When the blanket slipped down from his shoulders, only then he noticed the air in the bedroom was damn cold. No wonder, they had completely forgotten about keeping a fire and this was the result.

Kame had to suppress a desire to lie back down next to Jin and let himself be hugged again. He got up quickly, threw the first clothes, which came under his hands, on himself and rushed to the kitchen, which was faintly alit by the daylight.


Something didn´t feel right and it woke Jin up. He was missing something what didn´t let him remain in the dreamland anymore. Where was that warm body, which he could cuddle before falling asleep?

Jin fidgeted under the blanket and forced himself to raise his eyelids. The bedroom was dark thanks to the curtains pulled over the window and he was alone. He took a deep inhale, feeling the faint scent from the pillow, which was not his. And there were some sounds in the kitchen. Kazuya got up already...

Still half-sleeping gunslinger stiffened, when he remembered what preceded their so needed night rest and sat up hastily. He and Kazuya had slept together. And it was not just sex, it was a damn hot explosion of feelings he felt the past evening, not similar to anything Jin had experienced with women before.

He got to know that handsome young man as close as it was only possible and it was... incredibly sweet and amazingly hot. And even those words were not enough to describe it. Just remembering the moment, when he came inside the younger one made Jin shiver with desire to repeat it again.

Damn... Wait, wait... Jin made himself take a deep breath.

He really should calm down; it was a damn hot sex, no question about it, but there had to be two of them to do it again.

Jin suddenly felt embarrassed about own thinking. He yearned to get closer with Kazuya for quite some time now, but he couldn´t have ever imagined what it would be like. Certainly, he didn´t expected himself to be so carried away... He didn´t control his actions at all. He even didn´t consider all the advices Liwan gave him about how to make it easier for both of them. He did some of it though, that he remembered, but he didn´t really think about it.

Jin sighed. Enough pondering this already...

Rushing out of the bed sooner than his mind would start repeating that naked body in front of him again, Jin got quite a shock from how cold the room was. Grabbing the blanket and pulling it around himself he started to search for some clean clothes and then he realized it probably stayed in the bathroom. He completely forgot about it, and he had only pants on himself.

Stepping over the boards barefoot, Jin headed to the other room.

The fire was already cracking in the stove, the pot with water on it and the owner of the house was nowhere to be seen. Frowning Jin went to the bathroom first, which was so unfriendly in comparison with the previous night, that he left it hastily and dressed himself in the bedroom.

He heard the light steps in the kitchen just when he buttoned up his vest. When Jin looked up, he spotted Kame with the arms full of wood logs. Suddenly feeling something tense in his stomach, Jin directed his steps to the kitchen slowly.

"Hey..." Jin murmured, not being able to get something more comprehend from himself.

"Good late morning to you too," Kazuya straightened up from the stove.

A few moments passed in utter silence.

Jin gulped down heavily. How came that everything was so damn clear then and now he didn´t know what to say?

Kame brushed his pants to get rid of some invisible dirt and licked his dry lips. Those brown eyes were not goldish anymore, but they were still the very same, which were so eager for Jin the previous night.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, obviously attempting for a cheerful tone, but observing Jin´s face carefully.

"Perfectly," Jin replied without thinking and it somehow broke what was tying up his movements till then. And he was able to smile, when he repaid the question. "You?"

A relieved smile brightened up also Kame´s face: "Like a baby."

"Oh, really?" Jin moved toward the other one. "You didn´t seem to me as a baby in the evening."

Kame chuckled and didn´t step back, when Jin stopped just centimeters before him.

"And what did I seem to you like then?"

"Hmm..." Jin raised his hand and grabbed the hem of Kazuya´s shirt to pull him closer. "Let´s see... Like an incredibly attractive bartender, I would say."

The younger´s face flushed a little, which eased Jin up even more, almost forgetting the previous anxiety.

"That´s a nice compliment right in the morning," Kazuya reacted softly.

"You deserve it," Jin stated simply, keeping on playing with the cloth of his shirt.

"So..." Kazuya hesitated, suddenly nervous. "You liked it then?"

Jin´s eyes went wide. Didn´t the younger one realize just how much he was affected by what they did the last night?

"Is that really a question, Kazuya?" Jin asked in a deep voice.

Kame stared at his face, blushing even more.

"Well... I... I thought..." he blabbered.

"I´m the one, who should ask that," Jin interrupted him bluntly.

Kame opened his mouth and closed it again, sinking into the dark eyes, which were piercing him through.

"Did you like it?" Jin continued, with his hand slipping around Kazuya´s waist on the back and leaning closer to him.

Kazuya took a shaky inhale, before he was able to reply.

"A lot," he admitted quietly, his face heated up so much that Jin could feel its warmness. And it was finally what calmed that nervousness of his down.


Jin couldn´t prevent the stupid smile, which curved his lips; he almost felt like an idiot smiling that way, but he didn´t care because it seemed that Kame had the very same expression on.

"Are you hungry?" Kame asked.

"Like a wolf," Jin informed him. "But I think you´re the only thing I´m hungry for at the moment."

Ostentatiously, Kame crossed the hands across his chest.

"If you keep talking like this, we will starve to death, Jin," he stated, but the playful lights were flickering in his eyes.

"Not that I´d care," Jin replied and joined his other hand in hugging the younger one.

"Come on..." Kame sighed.

"What?" Jin breathed out, already almost touching the other´s lips with his.

"What about we eat something finally?" Kazuya asked with his eyes half-closed.

"Of course. But this comes first..." Jin said and with pleasure he attached to the soft mouth, caressing both lips first, before he attacked it with his tongue, which met the defense of the other´s wet muscle and entangled them in a loving kiss.

Separating from each other, Kazuya´s fingers were already deep in Jin´s hair, while the older one´s hands strayed dangerously low on his back.

"Can we have breakfast now?" Kame breathed out through the narrow throat.

"Definitely," Jin nodded and let the younger one go slowly, because he realized Kame was right – if they had continued like that, they would have eaten nothing at all and his stomach would curse him for that.