WebNovelRed West51.06%


The further a small group of fully armed riders proceeded away from the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, the less harsh weather conditions they had to bear. The falling snowflakes were still persistent, but not so overwhelming as before and even the gusts of ice-cold wind calmed down a bit. Though, it didn´t mean their journey was less dangerous.

On their way to the Fort Collins, they were supposed to pass through the milestone of Crow and Cheyenne Indians territories. Even though the reservation for red skins from Crow Tribes was founded almost twenty years ago already, they were still hunting in the mountain ranges around the country freely. Not to mention scattered Cheyenne´s Indians, who were still quite an annoying issue to deal with. They refused to settle down at the proposed location, no matter how many bloody lessons they were taught.

Math Grenet was sure that it was only a question of time, before the Indians would surrender finally. But currently, there was no place where they could be properly controlled and it was highly possible that those crazy savages would like to get their white scalps, if they encountered them.

Their group was slowly approaching the borders of Montana with Wyoming and so far there wasn´t any serious incident, which was actually kind of boring. Math thought that he would have even welcomed an opportunity to kick a couple of red skins´ asses, just to get frustration and anger out of his system. And that damn strong freezing, which was bothering them instead of snow, didn´t improve his mood at all. His dear companions had to cope with the same conditions and they complained about it every ten minutes, but none of them had the reason to be as angry as Math was.

I should have expected that my dear boss would like to enjoy all the best fun himself, Grenet was pondering in silent fury, as they rode through the narrow valley.

That pain-in-the-ass Cameron didn´t come back to Livingstone with the permission for him to deal with those two annoying boys as Math had believed; the total opposite was the truth. The old man´s servant brought a fucking escort for him instead, moreover without Brad, and with the order for him to leave right away.

Grenet was so eager to make those two, who had caused him so many troubles, to suffer, but he was not crazy enough to go against Karnaka´s orders, at least not for that moment. So he obeyed, and set off on the long journey to Colorado. But the desire for payback to Akanishi and Kamenashi didn´t leave him even for a minute. And he was sure he would get what he wanted once; he always did. Speaking about what he wanted… Grenet´s glance pierced the back of a boy riding in front of him – Danny. He was always so damn active, willing to fulfil any of his wishes.

That naive boy probably considers me to be his idol, or something, Math smirked.

Danny was thrilled to accompany him on the road, not like the other three, including Marty, who seemed to be quite annoyed with the fact they were chosen for this mission. Unfortunately, neither of them was willing to go against Karnaka and also they had Math´s revolvers, which he was not supposed to get back until the borders with Colorado.

Well, screw it… Math decided not to let it bother him anymore. I will handle this situation somehow.

There was a job waiting for him down in Colorado, which was supposed to earn him quite a lot and till the moment, he would be able to enjoy both ´Nashi´s´…

There is always some other fun available, isn´t it? Grenet thought, with a calculative look focused on Danny´s bottom shifting in the saddle.


The charred remains of the rich farm seemed to be even darker on the background of white hills, as the mountains were gradually consumed with the growing layer of snow blanket. The other buildings around – stalls, barn and slaves´ huts – remained almost untouched by the furious fire, which only underlined the huge empty space in the middle of the fortress.

Cameron was watching over four sturdy slaves fighting with the frozen ground, as they were trying to cover the last from those six graves with hard soil.

There was almost nobody left on the property. Half of the slaves ran off after the first night, then some guards raided the supplies, which were gathered outside the main house during the second day and most of them left as well, not paying even a little of attention to Cameron´s protest. The rest of the slaves were too afraid to leave, and some of the former Karnaka´s subordinates had nowhere to go, so they settled in the remaining buildings, drinking up all what was left and hopelessly discussing what to do.

It was good that at least some of them stayed; Cameron wouldn´t have been able to regain the human remains from the black debris and bury them alone. But this was his last task on this ground – to make sure that his master would be buried properly. Till that moment he could pretend that he actually cared about what was going to happen with these people, but he didn´t give a damn. He had already packed up all of his belongings, which were left, and he was more than ready to leave his destroyed home, already decided where to go.

Cameron would have bet his leg that this black mess was a work of those two young cocky bastards. And he also knew that his master would have never let them go, before they would have paid for each piece of furniture, which got destroyed in the fire. The man felt it deep inside his heart, as a burning urge to stop the heartbeat of both those boys. But they had to suffer before that and he couldn´t accomplish that alone.

As Karnaka´s right hand, he was more than capable of killing them within a blink of eye, but that would have been too easy for them. No, Cameron intended to make Hell from their lives and he was patient. He had realized that the best option would be to join forces with the person, who was sent off to the Fort Collins. Math Grenet had tons of reasons to hate both Akanishi and Kamenashi and even though it was hard to control him, the gunman could be quite creative and very useful for Cameron´s intentions.

So, the servant, who had just lost his precious job, was determined to saddle his horse as soon as the last cross was put into the ground. And with the blessing of his lord, he would avenge his death, in such a way it would have satisfied Mr. Raynold Karnaka, no matter how long it would take.

Cameron let his eyes focus on the biggest wooden cross, making a silent vow… I will let those murderers live for now. I will let them think they´re safe, and when they will expect it the less, I will strike and crush them down like ants…


When Ned straightened up for a while, to give his aching back a rest from the exhausting battle with the soil, to his shock he noticed that despite the gloomy task they were performing, Mr. Cameron was smiling. And it was a damn scary smile, which brought creeps on Ned´s skin.


The woods were silent, the cracks between the rocks full of mysterious whispers and the surface of the Flathead Lake was shivering in expectation of the upcoming freezing, which was supposed to hide the deep dark waters for at least a month.

Liwan was standing motionless in the entrance of their secret cave above the destroyed village. The pleasant warmness was stretching its fingers to him from the back, while the sharp wind and freezing was attacking his face.

The young Indian felt it clearly; the nature was telling it to him with all its sources – they couldn´t stay there for long anymore. It was time to leave before the really harsh part of the winter would come. Otherwise, it was highly probable that none of them would survive the journey to the north, not with all those kids and women.

Liwan was worried, his father even more than himself and the others were already impatient. But he promised to wait and he was willing to keep that promise. He knew that his young white brother would come soon. Kazuya was not the one to give up on them… Not ever.

The troubled red man gave the last glance to the cold view, begging the nature for a little more time and patience yet and returned inside the cave, from where his sister was already calling him for dinner.


Late in that afternoon, the delayed post-chaise arrived to the city; the last one before the postal service was going to be stopped temporarily for the winter season. The carriage was supposed to be replaced with the postman-rider, who was able to overcome impassable roads between the northern towns even during the heavy snowfalls.

And exactly that last coach, which was pulled by four exhausted horses, brought some very important news, which none of the two youngsters, who were heading toward the Bozeman City in quite a good mood right in that moment, had expected...


One of Walker´s last three remaining subordinates knocked at the door of Sheriff´s Office politely, before going in and handing over the important package, which was delivered from the nearest military fortress, right into the captain´s hands.

"We´ve received some information about these men by telegram two days ago, Captain," the soldier noted. "But the posters arrived only today."

"Thank you, Lieutenant," John Walker nodded, not even glancing at the papers and continued reading through the testimonies of the gunmen´s from Karnaka´s farm. That whole issue with the fire brought him quite a headache, as he was supposed to report it to his superiors shortly and he still didn´t know, how to explain it in the most convenient way.

"Well, I think you should really look at them, Captain…" the other man made a careful remark.

"What? Why?" hearing the urgent tone of his subordinate Walker raised his head.

"Just look at it," the lieutenant pointed at the package of posters with the currently wanted villains.

Quite tired Walker noticed that his subordinate was very serious, so he gulped down a sharp response to remind the man his position and grabbed the papers instead.

He scanned through all of them frowning. That package meant only more troubles; the number of criminals had increased again, which was not exactly surprising. Most of them were of the usual kind, nothing extraordinary, but almost at the end, there was one poster, which attracted Captain´s attention with the very high reward for the criminal´s head. And his eyes widened in surprise looking at the portrait…

"What the hell…" Captain breathed out, staring at that face in shock.


The taproom in Harada´s Saloon was full almost to the last seat.

Harada behind the bar didn´t have a single moment for his regular cigarette, while Miss McBain was dancing around the tables, serving a lot of plates with dinner. The place was occupied with former Karnaka´s subordinates, but also with jobless cowboys and even some black faces appeared, who definitely used to serve on the destroyed farm. Not to mention half of the citizens, eager to share the latest news.

All of these guests were hungry and thirsty and despite that it was supposed to bring very good earnings; it formed the concerned wrinkles in Harada´s face instead. He could have only hoped that all of those men with bottomless pits instead of stomachs had something to pay for their spending with. In other case, he would have probably started shooting some heads off and then made the survivors to pay for everything.

Many recent crazy happenings were discussed at all tables, so the taproom was very noisy and full of smoke. Harada even cancelled the dancing evening and called off Sukina´s whores. Nobody thought about such a wassail, when there was the death of their Sherriff, the escaped arsonist – formerly Sheriff´s deputy, the wiped-out Indian tribe and burnt-out Karnaka´s farm. No mouth stayed closed for long; all guests and citizens standing around the bar counter were chatting over and over. Only recently so calm city was roaring with the sudden and horrific events.

Harada was focused on providing more and more tankards of beer and shots, quite relieved that he had made sufficient supplies in advance, so he didn´t notice what caused the sudden decrease of excited voices at first. But it felt so tense and strange, that it made him raise his head, recognizing two figures at the door, which were the reason for many people to shut up.

Both young arrivals in warm coats glanced around the suspiciously quiet taproom, but not giving out any sign of concern, they headed toward the bar, where they settled on the last free stools.

Harada suppressed the smile, which was about to appear on his lips, and made two casual steps approaching them, while wiping his hands into the towel.

"Welcome, gentlemen," he said loudly, not caring about many stares, which were focused on the two of them now. "Can I offer you some hot wine for a start?"

"Good evening, Mr. Harada," Kame greeted him politely, as always, while Akanishi just nodded his head. "That would be great, thank you."

"It´s damn freezing out there," Akanishi murmured complaining.

"So, so…." Harada agreed, giving a signal to Miss McBain. "It seems this winter will be hard."

The chipper Miss returned from the kitchen in no time, bringing the huge pot and poured the hot liquid into two mugs, which were prepared by Harada. She was smiling at both youngsters so widely, it surprised them.

"Harada, that´s on me," one of the men sitting at the bar pointed at their drinks.

That statement shocked them even more. Both Kame and Jin looked in the direction of the familiar voice.

"Sure, Mister," Harada nodded, as if it was nothing unexpected.

"Well, thanks…" Akanishi stared at the man suspiciously, before he realized it was Mr. Brice.

"You´re welcome," the man nodded his head and repaid Kame´s wordless greeting.

They both sipped on the wine carefully. It was sweet and great for their frozen bodies after the cold trip to the city. They didn´t even manage to place the empty mugs back on the counter, when there was a firm grip on their shoulders.

"And when we´re at it, the next shots for these two are on me, Harada."

"Doctor Best!" Kame turned to the man, who approached them from behind.

"Welcome back, boys, I was almost worried you wouldn´t show up," the doctor winked at them.

"Well, we need some supplies…." Kame was obviously confused. "But… What is this for?"

"Nothing, really, just enjoy your drinks," Best smiled at them and then rushed after Miss McBain to ask for some dinner, while Kame and Jin exchanged the equally confused looks.

The excited conversations came almost back to normal soon; just the tables occupied with former Karnaka´s employees were quiet and the gunmen kept sending quite hostile stares toward the newcomers.

Jin and Kame received two more drinks on somebody else´s account and in the end they were literally forced to sit at the suddenly free table in the corner. They were totally lost on what was going on, but nobody seemed to be willing to tell them a proper reason for this treatment.

When all the attention was finally not focused on them anymore, Kame stopped Miss McBain, who came for their empty plates.

"Miss McBain, what is this all about?" Kame asked whispering. "Are we missing something?"

The cook leant to him familiarly: "Let´s say that some of us want to thank you," she said with a conspiratorial wink.

"But we didn´t do anything to…"

"Oh, of course, we know," Miss interrupted Kame immediately. "You didn´t. Just take it as it is, boys," she smiled at them again.

Kame watched her leaving dumb-founded, before leaning over the table toward Jin.

"Do you think, they figured out that we…" he suggested slowly.

"Do you have any other explanation?" Jin reacted quietly.

"Not really… It´s true that Karnaka was not exactly the favorite fellow around, but if they really believe we´re behind that fire," Kame lowered his voice carefully. "I´d have never expected such a reaction…"

"Neither I," the older one agreed.

"But it´s… nice," Kame assumed after a while.

"Definitely," Jin grinned at him.

Somehow much calmer and satisfied they intended to continue with their drinks, when a figure in blue uniform approached them.

"Well, the least whom I expected here are you two…"

Both youngsters turned to face obviously concerned Captain Walker.

"Good evening, Captain… Well, we just wanted to show that we have no reason to hide," Kame stated with a friendly smile.

Walker took his hat off with a heavy sigh: "That was… A good idea, actually, as I see," he appreciated the long row of empty glasses on their table.

"Definitely," Jin repeated his favorite word for that evening, finishing his beer.

"Since you´re here… Do you mind if I join you?" Captain asked.

"Of course!" the older one swiftly jumped up on his feet and with an apologetic smile, he stole the chair from the nearby table. "Here, sit down. What would you like to drink?"

"I don´t…" already sitting Walker tried to object.

"Don´t drag out that stupid excuse with ´no drinking on the duty´, Captain," Jin interrupted him firmly. "Only exceptionally, on my account. So?"

"Whiskey, then," Captain gave up on the objections.

"Great choice!" Jin appreciated. "Harada…!"

"You don´t have to shout at the whole taproom, I´m already here," the saloon´s owner snapped at the cheerful gunslinger. "Captain Walker! So you give in today, finally?" he asked with a satisfied smirk, pouring in three shots for them.

"This is just an exception," Walker insisted strictly.

"Of course, and right after this one, you will make another," Akanishi assured him with a knowing smile.

"Jin," Kame focused a little scolding look at his companion. "Be nice to Captain, he doesn´t deserve your mocking."

The older one made a pouting expression, making Kame almost burst out laughing aloud. It was great to see Jin in such a good mood. Only Captain Walker seemed to be bothered as he shook his head sadly, after Harada left for the counter again.

"Actually, Akanishi might be right. I think I will need another one today," and he drank his glass in one go, not even waiting for a toast. "But not the third one, since I have to leave tomorrow..."

Both young men focused on the gloomy man a little confused, but they didn´t have to wait long before Walker explained himself more than clearly.

"You need to see something, Akanishi," the captain stated in a heavy tone and reached inside his coat, pulling out some folded paper. "This arrived today with the last post-coach."

Frowning Jin was observing Walker´s hands, as they were unfolding the big heavy paper and Kame had a bad hunch about it. And when the captain handed the poster over to Jin and Kame saw how the older one´s expression stiffened and how his eyes got wide and skin pale, he was immediately extremely sorry that they didn´t stay in his house. Didn´t they deserve to feel happy for a little longer? Obviously not...

Jin´s fingers were clutching the paper, bending it a little, still staring motionless at it.

"Jin?" Kame approached to him quietly. "What is it?"

The other one didn´t say a word, he just handed the paper over the table to Kame. The younger one had already assumed that it was a wanted poster, that kind of notices, which announced the most dangerous gunmen of the Wild West, thieves and murderers, along with the reward for their capture, usually dead or alive. With the ´dead´ coming as the first choice, of course. But what squeezed Kazuya´s breath in his lungs was the printed out picture with the face of this villain.

At the first second, Kame thought he was looking at Jin, before he realized that it was not his handsome lover, but only somebody who resembled him a lot and moreover a few years younger. Only then he was able to focus on the letters too, reading them hastily...







$ 3 200 REWARD

Contact nearest U.S. Marshals office

Shocked Kame raised his eyes from the poster to meet Jin´s dark look. Then, in a hoarse whisper, the older one confirmed, what was obvious: "He´s my brother…"