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Two surprising captives

Danny just barely suppressed a yawn, which threatened to expose his exhaustion. He was supposed to be fully aware of his surroundings, watching out for anything interesting or suspicious, not being half-asleep, as he actually felt. Math insisted on having the perfect view over everything what happened in the city and he was his informer and observer in one, naturally. Not mentioning his last, but hopefully not least position in bed of the former sheriff deputy.

The boy started to pace in front of the small building to keep himself on alert. His boss was closed in the local Sheriff´s Office for more than half an hour already and waiting for him was quite tiresome.

Danny glanced at the closed door hopelessly for the tenth time within ten minutes and then focused on the street again. Fort Collins was very different from Bozeman. The streets were wide and the houses bright and big. The city was only at the start of its growth, but it was already clear that it was going to be a big one soon.

Math used to say that Fort Collins is a city for weaklings and women. Not unexpectedly, the gunman didn´t like the City Council, which was stubbornly fighting against the numerous brothels and saloons and pubs, which spread around freely so far and that didn´t fit the image of the prosperous city, which certain men had in their minds.

Danny himself thought that it was a nice place to live in; unfit for dirty cowboys and gunmen with dubious pasts. Despite that, his boss managed to find a good position for himself there anyway.

Math was quite lucky he could appear in the city without worrying about showing his face. Or better to say, he was cocky enough. The local lawman had no balls to stand against the former Karnaka´s right hand, no matter that the top boss was already dead. The result of their first meeting was that the man agreed with each of Grenet´s demands, not publishing his wanted poster included.

In either case, they had to be careful only about the strangers and passersby, who might have remembered seeing Grenet´s face somewhere before. Otherwise, it was safe to appear in public without attracting much attention, which didn´t always work, as Math loved attention. But anyway, the government and Bozeman were far enough for them to be calm regarding the charges at Grenet´s head.

The main street was very lively in the middle of the sun´s trip across the sky. The workers from the fields were rushing home for lunch, a few carts were standing in front of the biggest hotel in town and the air was filled with a bit suspicious smell, which was leaking from the saloon´s kitchen. The owner of the convenient shop enjoyed a cigarette outside his shop lazily, while his wife was chasing some brats away from the fresh bread.

Danny leant over the wooden railing again, letting his eyes scan over the faces on the street, but not really seeing them. There was nobody interesting enough to…

The boy´s thoughts froze at the sight of a familiar face. At first, Danny was not sure if his eyes didn´t deceive him, but then the young man leading a noble white mare appeared in his sight again, heading to the convenience store and Danny´s jaw dropped at recognizing the slim figure in dark clothes. It was Kazuya Kamenashi. The very one Math kept mentioning constantly, along with ´that bastard Akanishi´ almost every time he got drunk.

Danny knew that his boss was more than eager to deal with them both months ago, but he was sent to Fort Collins instead. Once the news about Mr. Karnaka´s death reached them, it was already too late for the trip back north; even Math had to admit that. But he never let go of his desire to make those guys´ lives miserable. With a certain dull ache, Danny noticed that even only the mention of Kamenashi´s name awoke more emotions in Grenet than Danny´s own physical presence.

The bartender from Bozeman, who obviously endured quite a long journey, but despite that seemed to be cheerful, entered the shop, leaving his mare behind, tied to the railing. And right at that moment, the door behind Danny opened so suddenly that he flinched a little. The heavy black boots crossed the veranda, on the way kicking a small dog, which was resting there, and approached him, while the animal ran off with a painful howling.

Grenet already lit up the cigarette without paying much attention to his surroundings.

"I´ve had enough of that old man´s bullshit, let´s go," he snorted.

Danny opened his mouth and… hesitated.

He had no idea why, but for some reason he didn´t want to tell Math about whom he saw. It was just a mere second and that feeling disappeared, when Math stopped in his departure, noticing that Danny didn´t follow him.

"What is it? Did your feet got stuck in there or what?"

Danny rushed to the gunman´s side.

"I saw somebody," he leant toward Grenet urgently. "Do you see that white horse at the shop?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Math asked, not recognizing it.

"It´s Kamenashi´s animal…"

Grenet immediately seemed to forget the cigarette between his lips and his eyes focused on the mare again, this time with much bigger interest.

"Are you sure?" the man´s voice was thick with emotion which Danny was not able to decipher.

"I saw him, boss. He´s inside."

Grenet kept quiet for a few long moments, before a calculative smirk appeared on his lips. He squashed the almost unused cigarette to the ground.

"Make sure he stays in there for as long as possible," the man ordered, already dragging surprised Danny to the store.

"But how should I…?"

"Figure something out!" Grenet snapped. "I won´t take any risks this time. I´ll make him come to me… Just keep him in the store and then watch over him."

"It doesn´t seem that he´d like to stay…" Danny murmured not very happy about his new task.

Grenet face acquired quite a terrifying grimace: "Don´t worry, Dannie. He will not leave."


Kame just wanted to restock his food supplies before continuing his journey toward Denver and a neat store at the main street of Fort Collins seemed to be as good as any other place. In the end, he even caught himself in quite a long discussion with the shop´s owner, as Mr. Barto lived in Denver before moving to Fort Collins, and he knew quite a lot about the evolving town with his sister still living there, so Kame thought it would be good to know something about it in advance. According to what he had heard so far, Denver was bigger and bigger every day.

He listened to Barto´s narration eagerly and he didn´t realize that anything was wrong until he heard a painful neigh from the outside. Kame would have recognized it among the hundreds of horses – it was Ukushi who had made that sound.

He excused himself to the seller and rushed to the exit, leaving even his purchase behind. Stepping at the veranda, Kame stared at the empty place where his dear mare was supposed to be. Then his head yanked from one side to another, as he checked both sides of the wide street, but the white animal was nowhere in sight.

Filled with fright, Kame jumped down to the dusty ground, and rushed to both corners of the store, finding nothing at all.

I was inside for no longer than a few minutes! How could have anyone stolen her so quickly?

The blood froze in his veins, Kame couldn´t move and his breath got stuck in his lungs. He considered everything possible, what could have stood in his way during the trip to Denver, even the robbers and he was always careful about everything. It was just… for just a moment, he relented in his focus and Ukushi was gone.

Kame forced himself to take a deep breath to calm down. Only in case that he kept his mind clear, he might be able to catch the one who took his animal companion. He looked around again, searching for anyone who might have cared enough to spot something suspicious going on, when he had finally felt someone´s gaze.

Kame turned back to the shop´s entrance. A certain boy was standing there in the shadow, younger than him, and even slimmer. He recognized him almost immediately, and the alarmed expression on the youngster´s face just confirmed to Kame he was right about being watched.

As far as Kame knew, Danny McFly disappeared from Bozeman just shortly after Grenet fled, along with a few others. It was not difficult to guess that they left Montana together. And if McFly was in Fort Collins, it was more than likely that his former superior was there as well. Kame felt chills on his back when he realized what that could mean…

He was back at the veranda within a second, grabbing the boy´s coat before the younger one could make a single move and pulled him closer.

"This is his doing, right?" Kame asked sharply right in the boy´s face.

Danny opened his mouth in surprise: "I… I don´t know what…"

But one would have to be a better actor to fool Kame, who had already learnt how to read people´s faces.

"Do not even try to deny it," he interrupted the boy´s blabbering. "Grenet. He´s here, right? And he just took my mare."

Danny´s baffled silence was a sufficient confirmation for Kame´s assumption.

"Hey… What´s going on here?" it was Mr. Barto, who came outside to check on the situation. "Let that boy go, Mister…"

Kame kept staring at McFly´s face, but realizing that there was no use in creating an unnecessary fuss, he let the cloth of his coat slip from his fingers, when Danny took a step backwards.

"I´m sorry, Mister," Kame turned to the shop owner. "It´s just that my horse was taken."

"Is that so?!" the man´s eyes went wide. "That´s unbelievable! A theft in our city in broad daylight? Something like that didn´t happen for long months, Mister, I can assure you."

"It happened today," Kame reacted gloomily. "I´d like to pay for my purchase now, if you don´t mind."

"Of course, of course," Barto nodded, heading the way in. "It´s really hard to believe…"

Kame didn´t even glance at the boy and went to settle his bill. When he appeared outside again, as expected, McFly was still there.

"Kamenashi, I really don´t know what…"

"Save your breath," Kame recommended him and passed around without even slowing his steps.


Danny followed upset Kamenashi, who was clearly heading toward the Sheriff´s Office, a little helpless about what to do. No matter that Math, and also Cameron, had the local man with the star under their thumbs; the bartender from Bozeman could have caused quite a fuss about the wanted man present in the city.

Danny realized that Math didn´t care about it at all. Once he heard Kamenashi´s name, he didn´t bother with anything else. But Danny did and now he was supposed to deal with it. But how? He couldn´t figure out nothing better than to wait and see how it would work out…


Kame couldn´t believe what his ears heard. The sheriff of Fort Collins was younger than the one who used to be in the office in Bozeman, but obviously a bigger coward. He knew that look in the man´s eyes – it was the look of a frightened man.

"Will you not confirm it then?" Kame asked once again quite indignant with the man´s attitude. Even without Karnaka´s influence, Grenet was able to manipulate with people this much?

"If there was a wanted criminal in my city, I think I´d have known, boy," the so-called Sheriff snorted. "You should take a better care of your property instead of trying to teach me how to do my job. And now stop wasting my time."

For once, Kame skipped the courtesies and left the office full of righteous anger. He made a stop at the veranda, scanning the lively street with his eyes and trying to figure out what to do.

He didn´t know to where Grenet might have taken Ukushi. He could just hope that bastard would let the animal live. Who knew what might have been going through his head? And who would even guess that he would come across that arsonist and murderer on his way to Denver… Some bad luck was with him this time.

Kame took a deep breath and regained some of his composure back. Grenet was not exactly famous for being inconspicuous. If McFly didn´t talk and the sheriff was on Grenet´s side, there were other ways to find out where the escaped criminal might have his current residence.

The young traveler shifted the hat from the back onto his head, pulling it lower to shadow his face and aware of the curious look from that stupid boy, who was waiting at the corner of the building, he headed to the closest saloon…


"Why so nervous, Danny?" an amused voice interrupted the boy´s pacing in front of the ´Elite´s´, one of the most famous pubs in the city.

Danny flinched at the sound and turned to face his boss, who approached him with the cigarette between his smirking lips.

"Boss… Finally," Danny breathed out in relief. It was already after dark and he was afraid that Kamenashi might give up his search and leave, which would have meant quite a difficult choice, as if to follow him or report to Math.

"So? What has our dear fellow been doing?" the gunman asked.

"He noticed me right away, sir," Danny admitted. "But I told him nothing. He went to Sheriff then, but was kicked out soon enough," he informed the smoking man. "It seems he has been asking for you in the pubs since."

"Is he inside then?" Grenet glanced at the cheerfully lit windows.

"Yes, for more than an hour now," Danny nodded.

"Good… Come with me. Let´s have some fun tonight," Grenet smiled in such an ugly way, which would get more sensitive people to run off.


Past experiences were bad enough for Kame not to expect anything good coming from Math Grenet. He was damn sure that the gunman was the one who stole his mare and he was determined to get her back. But if he was forced to resolve some issues with that man, it would have delayed his journey significantly at best, and Kame didn´t want to allow that.

It was impossible to ask about Grenet directly; Kame assumed that anyone who might knew anything would have remained silent anyway. So, he was patient. He visited three pubs and two brothels in a row, taking a sip of water or tea in each, constantly refusing alcohol and listening carefully to the talks around. And at the sixth place he was lucky to overhear one pretty harlot cursing somebody to the third generation.

It cost Kame some of his personal charm and two golden coins to find out that a certain man appeared in Fort Collins almost three months ago. A rude gunman, who somehow ended up being in charge of a nearby quarry and didn´t treat any lady in the pleasure house well.

The harlot seemed to enjoy Kame´s company more than it was expected of her, so only after he promised to come back, she even showed him the back exit from the building, which was usually used only by the staff. Like that he could avoid his watchdog McFly outside and rushed to the public stables to negotiate borrowing a horse.

He had to leave almost his whole wallet behind as a guarantee, but it was worth of it for the moment, even if he didn't get it back – the animal was healthy and fast, and the speed was something what he needed the most now. He arrived at the quarry, which was located exactly where the barkeep told him, in a mere half an hour…

Kame stopped the horse above a steep slope leading down to the quarry, which was slowly fading in the twilight. He sneaked to the edge carefully, watching out for any possible guards and observed the scenery for a while, searching for the most convenient way to get there without being noticed.

There was one big building, which probably served as a main office and then a few barracks nearby. The noises of the quarry were fading out with the end of the night shift and the kerosene lamps were being lit up gradually in the whole valley. Fortunately, there was enough light for Kame to notice the horses that were closed off in the small fence behind the main building and there was only one white animal among the dark ones.

Swiftly and noiselessly, just as the Indians had always taught him, Kame sneaked back, just in time before the sturdy man passed by with the rifle in hands, on his patrol. He dared to breathe out only when the guard was ten meters away and he was sure that he couldn´t notice him or his borrowed horse in the shadows.

After checking his weapons, which included one revolver, one knife and two hidden daggers, Kame led the horse further around the quarry and then rushed between the growing shadows toward his goal. There was nothing to wait for, McFly might have already noticed his absence in that bar and informed Grenet. If he was about to free Ukushi, he had to do it at once…

It really was his dear mare; Kame recognized her as soon as he managed to get to the fence and the faithful animal gave out a welcome neigh. Creeping closer, Kame wondered if he could dare to get inside the fence among other horses without stirring much attention, when he froze on the spot upon hearing a commanding voice.

"It´s the white one! Drag that nag to the barn and it will be there when I get back, otherwise you take its place!"

"Yes, sir!!"

Kame let his eyes accustom to the light, which appeared at the veranda of the main building; the bossy man was obviously setting off to somewhere. He didn´t need to see the cruel features in the dim light to know, he would have recognized that voice anywhere. Grenet was leaving, probably back to the city.

One of his men headed to the fence, while the boss dashed away to the quarry´s end. Kame didn´t move an inch, when the gunman walked by just a few feet from him and pulled Ukushi´s bridle to drag her out.

He could have overpowered one man, but there were other two at the veranda, arguing about the reason for Grenet to leave for Fort Collins so late. And they were obviously armed. It was better to wait.

Tense from head to toes Kame watched the man´s direction of walk, before he carefully retreated to the deeper shadows…


With a faint exhale of surprise, which couldn´t have alarmed anyone, the guard´s unconscious body dropped to the ground right in front of the small barn. As Kame searched through his pockets, he pushed back the memory of doing exactly the same thing just a few months ago. Despite the darkness, Kame managed to get the lock open on the first try. He dragged the paralyzed guard inside and with the last check of his surroundings, he closed the door. There was one light source inside, a lamp hanging on the wall right next to the entrance. Kame took it and looked around hastily.

Ukushi was already shaking her head impatiently, tied too close to some sort of pillar in the middle of the space. Kame reached her with a few steps right away, soothing her neck gently.

"Ssh, it will be all right, my dear, don´t worry," he comforted the distressed animal quietly. "I´ll get you out right now."

Kame intended to put the lamp aside to have both hands free, when something made him stop in the middle of his move.

"Hey, you…"

Kame almost dropped the light upon hearing the urgent whisper. He didn´t see anyone else in the barn before and thought he was alone.

He scanned the shadows around again and then he finally spotted a sitting figure in the distant corner. With the revolver ready in his other hand Kame made two decisive steps forward so that the yellow light reached the dirty face of a young man around his age with very short, strangely blond hair. There were some fading bruises all over his face, his dark shirt was torn, and both his hands and legs were tied together firmly with a strong rope – obviously Grenet´s captive. Kame shivered, experiencing a strong déjà vu.

"Would you be so kind and help me out of those ties, dude?" in quite a conflict with his situation the young man grinned, even winked at him.

Kame observed the tied up one suspiciously. He didn´t know this man and he had no idea what business he might have had with Grenet.

"Why should I help you?" he asked slowly.

"Well… I guess you were not invited here for a dinner, right?" the prisoner noted. "Not that I would not enjoy Mister Cameron´s hospitality, but I prefer spending the night under the open sky, if you know what I mean…"

Kame´s eyes went wide.

"Cameron?" he breathed out shocked. That creepy man was here as well?

"Come on! Be nice and cut those things off. You´ll have my endless gratitude," the strange prisoner urged again.

Kame hesitated. Involving himself in Cameron´s issues was the last thing he was eager for. There was no reason for him to set that youngster free. It might have turned against him as soon as there was a chance.

On the other side, the strange prisoner was in a poor state, but still tried to be cheerful, which was somehow likeable to Kame. And that look in his dark eyes, that unspoken plea… That was not something what Kame could ignore.

"Pretty please?" the prisoner whispered again, waiting tensely for his decision.

Kame sighed. He already knew himself well enough – he was not able to leave the man there to his fate without feeling guilty. And moreover – how was that saying? Enemy of my enemy is my friend?

He checked the barn again hastily in the dim light and discovered a small exit in the back part. Among the keys he took from the guard, there was one which fitted in the small lock. Kame opened the door carefully, finding out that it leads to the empty back yard. That was good…

Kame went back to Ukushi, swiftly releasing her from the pillar and leading her to the exit.

"Hey!" the youngster breathed out in panic. "Don´t you dare to leave me…!"

"Be quiet!" Kame hissed, interrupting his outburst. "Or none of us will get out of here!"

The prisoner closed his mouth with almost audible clack of teeth, while Kame urged Ukushi outside, knowing she would wait for him and then pulled one of the daggers out its sheath.

"I will never forget it, handsome, I swear," the blonde one whispered again, when Kame grabbed his wrists and cut the rope tying them together.

"I just hope I won´t regret it," Kame murmured, releasing his ankles as well.


The silence following the creak of old hinges was threatening. The men around the barn shifted nervously, looking at each other worriedly.

Math Grenet, a little short of breath after the crazy ride on his horse from the city back to the quarry, stood at the barn´s entrance, staring inside the empty space for a long while.

"I have no idea what happened, boss… I was here, I didn´t even blink…" the recently awaken guard blabbered desperately. "You know I´m a good guard, boss… You know that…"

Grenet´s hand moved so fast that the poor man didn´t have a chance to react, even if he knew what was coming.

A single gunshot cut through the night air, echoing within the walls of the quarry and came back to them just when the guard´s body fell on the ground with a soft thud. Other two men witnessed the scene with their mouths half-open, but they didn´t dare to say anything. Neither did Danny, though he was the only one looking at the body with some pity.

"You were a good one," Grenet grunted before he pushed the revolver back to its place at his belt. "Get him out of my sight," he ordered.

The gunman didn´t speak loudly, but Danny knew that tone. It was dangerous to talk to Math now. His boss entered the barn, dragging the lantern along with him, checking out the space carefully. While other two guards dragged the body of their fellow away, Danny hesitated at the entrance, watching as Grenet walked around inside. He took the remains of the rope, which was used to tie up Cameron´s prisoner, into his hand, clenching it in his shaking fist.

"You were faster this time, Kamenashi," Grenet murmured spitefully, not really caring about his surroundings. "But just this time…"

Then the man stood up again, throwing the useless rope away.


"Yes?" the boy reacted hesitantly.

"Get me Cameron. I don´t care if he sleeps or fucks someone, just get him to my office. Now."


The painful hiss made Kame slow Ukushi down and turn back. The recent captive was riding on a strong horse, which they managed to snatch from the unguarded fence for him, after the man insisted that the animal was rightfully his. Somehow, they also took one old saddle from the barn, but no matter that the ride was probably at least a bit uncomfortable for him. His features were distorted in pain and he was riding in a strange position. He was probably tied up there for quite a long time and his stiff muscles were submitted to the sudden freedom and hard movements.

"It hurts..." the blonde one moaned, more annoyed than in pain.

"It´s the blood coming back to your veins. Grit your teeth and speed up, if you want to preserve your freedom," Kame recommended him.

The other one observed him curiously: "You know something about this stuff or what?"

"A little," Kame nodded.

"Interesting… I guess I have no other choice," the blonde one caught up with Kame´s mare, and glanced back at the darkness behind them.

"Do you expect to be pursued?" he asked the tense former prisoner directly.

"Not sure…" the blonde one murmured. "I had a feeling that Mr. Stone Face was done with me already… But I bet that he doesn´t like his prisoners on the run."

"We should move on then," Kame urged.

"Hey, wait a second," the other stopped his horse, with Kame unwillingly doing the same.


"Just… I´m Koki," the man raised a bruised hand toward his rescuer smiling. "And I owe you a lot."

He repaid his firm grip nodding: "Kame," he introduced himself shortly. "And I will remember that, Koki."