Auction House: Part 3

The two women walked in and stared at Alfred before looking at Abu to his right. The darkness in their eyes lit up, seeing him as they inch their way closer towards him. Alfred could see the man clenching his fists tightly, his eyes turning in his direction.

"You two were dancers for the Sultan? Where were you located?" The two looked at one another, wondering what the question was about.

"His manor in the North. We decided to escape using the war as cover." The girl said in a desperate voice, with the other one nodding profusely in agreement. Alfred may have outright believed them with the performance they put on, but the knowledge he knew from Isra made him know better.

"Stop with the act. Who was your target? Surely, even amid war, the Sultan wouldn't kill his vassals." His eyes turned cold, and the two women had shocked expressions. The one on the right reached towards her leg in habit but remembered her current situation. Alfred smirked at that, getting enough confirmation from that one move. "Must you two be so scared of me?" Alfred spread his arms cockily before pointing at Abu, "I haven't even died with this man here, so can't you two trust me for a minute." 

The two women looked at one another, giving small nods. "Who are you first?" Alfred once again pulled his seal out and threw it at the two. They recognised it instantly and took a step back, understanding the reality of the situation.

"Work for me. You two had failed your mission and will surely be killed to tie up loose ends; well, I'm sure you two would know that best. I have already promised Abu here anything he wishes for his cooperation, and I'm willing to offer the same conditions as long as they are reasonable." The two were surprised by the unexpected offer. It sounded too good to be true, especially coming from a man who should have been their enemy.

"And if we refuse. What then. You keep us locked up or just kill us." 

He nodded and put his hand on his chin as if having to think about it. "Well, sure I could, but I'm sure I would find my neck snapped by him if I did either. No, I would probably just let you go, but I don't recommend that. You're foreigners without any money. Sure, you have some skill, but this is the heart of my Kingdom, where the rich and powerful gather. I guarantee if you walk out that door, you won't even see the inner wall before some lord or merchant sees you and kidnaps you, and if you end up killing them, then I will kill you. I also have no reason to help you leave if you don't come. I already bought your freedom."

Alfred got up and opened the door, allowing them to leave. Even Abu looked away in annoyance, as Alfred was being true to his word and giving them complete freedom if they left. The girls looked at one another, with the younger one biting her lip but nodding and taking a knee. The older soon followed. "We will follow you. As you said, if we return, we will be silenced."

The will to fight for freedom had already left the older dancer, having seen the reality of this world. If they did leave, it was just asking for themselves to be captured by some lord and turned into their toy, and she wasn't dumb enough to not believe Alfred's threat. Alfred clapped his hand, "Perfect. From what I know, you two wouldn't be given names. So you shall be Violet, and you will be Daisy." The older dancer, now Violet, bowed deeper with the younger copying. "When we return, I will write a contract for you all. Let's leave." 

Alfred lifted his hood once more as Charles led the four out of the building. Most people who attended the auction hadn't left yet, mingling with one another. Alfred's arrival with the three slaves sparked conversations as some tried to approach him and talk. Most backed off, realising he wasn't replying, with a few brave ones trying to remove his hood, getting a quick strike from Charles's axe handle.

An unusual sight took place within the battlefields of the Sultanate. Two large armies stood opposing one another not moving with a table set up between them, two men sitting at it. "You seem to be well, Prince." The Sultan sat in his armour, dried blood splattered over it. His voice was full of hate as he stared at the man whilst clutching the hilt of his sword. Opposite him, the Grand Prince sat calmly, his spear across his lap.

"Thank you. But yes I am well. I must say you have certainly done well so far but I'm sure you don't wish to continue this war." 

"Ha. Do you think fighting on two fronts would be enough to destroy my beautiful Sultanate? We have the blessing of Khors. Just say why you called for this meeting and be done with this already." His hand gripped his hilt tighter as he became more annoyed. 

The Grand Prince sighed and could only grab his forehead. "His Holiness ordered me to end this war with you. He wishes to travel between our two lands, and a holy war does not help his situation. I do not wish to do this, but I must." A rare display of his true emotion came out as the Grand Prince clutched his face and sighed. 

"So you want to surrender then? " The Sultan lent back, chuckling to himself at the reality of his situation as he imagined a convey of riches entering his palace.


"Don't be stupid. A ceasefire." He sighed deeply before continuing. "If you wish to push this, be my guess, I will continue to fight; at most, his Holiness will give me a monetary punishment, and I lose his favour. But you? Can you take on me and the church's Inquisitors? Also, forget that treaty with the Kingdom; you attack the Pope, and he will be forced to join in a crusade. Your bloodline is eradicated."

"I do not wish to lose the church's favour, but if I must, then so be it. I had given this offer out of respect for you, but don't push it." The Grand Prince got up "I will give you a day to think about it." He pushed the chair back underneath the table and left the Sultan alone.

His fist slammed into the table multiple times. "DAMN IT! DAMN it. Damn it." His voice grew weaker each time as he got up from his chair. He understood the reality of the situation and knew that the Grand Prince had been lenient in his request, wishing to end the problem as quickly as possible. The deal was good for him as he could leave a war he hadn't started for little cost. Only his pride held him back, wishing to fight it out and win with his might.