Eriks Worries and Isra's Newfound Resolve

Erik led his daughter away from the castle. Despite the kind smile on his face, his mind raced with worry for her. He could see it. How her newfound title and responsibility were corrupting her. Each ceremony she lingered on the stage longer, her eyes no longer focusing on the Gods, but instead on how people looked at her. How she would become bolder with each battle, taking more risks as if she were unkillable. How her eyes would light up when someone called her by her title instead of her name. It was the small things but he could see the arrogance and pride in her grow.

He loved that his daughter was getting the praise and reverence that she deserved as a God Summoner, but it was too much. She was only 20. Their praises and cheers were making her something divine when she wasn't. On the earth, she was still human and he wanted her to remember that. He could see how she looked at him and the other leaders of the Great Adventure. Her eyes getting colder, more rebellious and displeased. He was worried that she might do something stupid and wished to try and steer her away from it, let her still remember that she was Helga Erikdotter not, Helga the God Summoner or The Summoner Helga.

"My daughter. At today's feast, don't you think it would be best if you don't take charge of the ceremony? You will have responsibilities in the future and it would be good if you join me when dealing with the other leaders." Erik spoke softly and calmly. He glanced at Helga's face which went cold for a brief second, before returning to her gentle smile.

"Father. The people expect me to head the ceremonies. When I do it, they truly know that the Gods are with them, they have seen what I am capable of." Helga countered. She looked up at Erik's eyes. He could see it. The coldness in the back of those eyes, trying to be hidden by her gentle facade.

Putting on a smile he nodded. "Okay. Lead the event, but afterwards, join me and the others. It's time you learnt a little." He caved. Trying to move the conversation he quickly asked, "Frode proposed to you didn't he?" 

He could feel the temperature drop around him from the question. Helga no longer bothered to hide her disdain for him, "He is a mindless brute, who thinks with his cock and golden-tinted eyes. Gold and women are all he cares about. And if it's not that then it's restoring a lost era that he isn't worthy of." Helga stopped her father. "If you try to marry me to that thing father, then I will no longer consider you my blood."

Erik looked at her. He saw the coldness on her face and was scared. The girl in front of him had changed rapidly. Had the ceremony actually turned his daughter into a vessel for the Gods or was it how she always was and finally it had been unleashed?

"Of course. Only if you wish to." Erik smiled walking on, "Just be ready for the ceremony when you get back and don't act like that in front of him later." His words got a genuine smile from her as she carried on walking.

Erik didn't know, but his heart was heavy, the fear inside him for his daughter slowly building. He thought back to when she was younger. Had she always been like this? Her winning her first duel, she cheered and celebrated like any other kid. Her face when his wife died. She was distraught but bounced back quickly, trying to keep her legacy strong as a warrior. Finally the memory of when her brothers died. His spine went cold. It was faint, but the memory of her face was with a strange smile appeared. Tears came from her eyes but her mouth was fixed with a horrid smile.

He thought it was because she was distraught and didn't know how to react at the time, but now his mind raced. Was it something more? An early sign of something to come? Taking one last look into his daughter's blue eyes, he lightly shuddered. Her eyes wandered as she was lost in her mind, fantasising about the coming ceremony. 

Isra sat around the table with numerous advisors. They looked at the harrowing report that arrived for her. Thousands of invaders from across the ocean, laid waste to the southern coast of the Kingdom now began to head west in full force. 

Raven sat, his eyes cold. He played with the symbol of sol on his chest. "Reports of these Pagans are harrowing. Human sacrifice and unchecked pillaging." The venom and hate in his voice spoke lengths of how he felt. The others around the table nodded, holding the same grivances.

"Alfred must know about this by now. They said one of the sailors rushed to tell him about it." Isra spoke, her voice full of worry. She thought about the people suffering, and how they began a march West. She knew with each step they got closer, it would get harder for them, but all of them seemed mad from the reports she read.

"Although His Highness knows, it will take at minimum three weeks for him to march south. But that is if he was alone, if he marches with the military then I can't say." A noble spoke up clutching his head. His land was in the south but luckily was on the far west side, yet to be reached.

"They will head here. If they are following our forts expecting a big prize at the end, then it is inevitable they will come." Trying to keep a strong voice, Isra spoke, giving the grim reality. 

"I will mobilise all the inquisitors of the Kingdom. This is a religious matter and must be treated as such." Raven spoke up. His eyes were sharp imagining the heads of thousands of pagans falling.

"Have we tried to communicate with them?" The old voice of Esomnd spoke up. His words did inspire some confidence. Everyone looked around seeing if anyone had an answer. 

"We believe Admiral Manson tried to do so when he first encountered them. Looks like it was a failure, however. Reports of their language is also something foreign never heard before." A noble spoke up. His words got dark faces from everyone. It was an enemy they couldn't talk to even if they wanted to try.

"Send word to all nobles in the south. Tell them they have free reign to recruit the peasants of their land into a militia. Our enemy doesn't discriminate. Better to arm our farmers than leave them to die a dog's death." Isra gave the command. It was something that she didn't wish to do, but she knew that the land in the south was desperate. She was sure Alfred would feel the same and do it as well in this situation.

"Get all mercenaries in the kingdom to come to the capital. Send word out we are hiring. We must hold until Afred returns. Update Catherine and Abu on the situation." With the final order, she stood up, getting bows from everyone present. Nodding at them all she dismissed everyone, walking away with her guard following.

Entering her room she saw Daisy playing with Edward. "Thank you, Daisy, go and rest." Sending her away, Isra gently picked up Edward, clutching him in her arms. They gently shook as the nervousness got to her. She had been on the battlefield many times in the past, but the fear of them raiding the capital and harming Edward terrified her.

"Your dad will be back soon. And when he is, he is going to beat back all those invaders." She said in a gentle yet playful tone, bouncing the young boy. He laughed happily as he spoke some broken words. Hearing his playful voice and laugh, Isra's eyes steeled as her resolve was reinforced. She couldn't let anything happen to her son. She knew that if Alfred couldn't arrive in time it was up to her to destroy the invaders. 

Stroking Edward's black hair, she lay down on the bed with him next to her. Falling asleep peacefully.