The Hunters Hut

The sun rose over the fort the next day. What should have been a normal day for the patrolling guards quickly turned into madness. The body of Frode and a random woman stabbed to death were easily found. Helga slept in her tent when the commotion awoke her. Her annoyance was clear when she was brought to the scene of the crime. No one dared to say anything to her, afraid of antagonising her whilst she was already in a bad mood. 

Halfdan walked in minutes later. He grabbed his forehead looking at the body, feigning annoyance at the scene. "Search the castle and its premier. Anything of note bring back to me and the Queen."

Helga walked up next to him. Many stood around waiting for her to talk. "What do you think?" She gave the question to Halfdan. No one doubted the man's intellect but they also knew not to rule him out as a suspect. He was the best person to create a theory of the crime scene but who was to say he didn't do it?

"The woman died first. A quick and easy kill, one she didn't see coming." Looking over at Frode's butchered body, he knelt next to it. "He must have seen the murder take place and lashed out. But being unarmed there is only so much he can do. The amount of stab wounds and the frantic nature of them shows a struggle, but ultimately the stab to the neck killed him." His voice was indifferent to the whole affair. Others around looked at bodies and couldn't argue with Halfdan's analysis. They knew what type of person Frode was and would assume he would put up a great fight.

"Find anyone that has any notable wounds. If Frode put up a fight, then they will be the most suspicious. Anyone who has bad blood with him is to also be brought to me." Those around bowed. Many were Frode's men and knew who their King had the most problems with. Around the keep, many were searched indiscriminately. Many tried to resist but hearing it was Helga's orders they just let it happen.

It was twenty minutes later when one came back, holding a bloodied dagger. Helga took it passing it to Halfdan. He analysed it in great detail before handing it back to the queen. Many of Frode's most important bannerman stood around along with other stragglers. "The knife is too high quality to be anything our people can produce." 

"So it was one of the King's people?" Helga asked in a confused tone. All around the air seemed to freeze. Those who were Frode's bannerman rage seemed to become visible as the air warped. 

"Not necessarily, but it was definitely their weapon," Halfdan spoke but it seemed no one listened to his words.

"Cowards. Didn't even give him the chance to die in battle." Many similar words were thrown out of their mouths. The bloodlust in them apparent. Halfdan could see that Alfred's plan was working. The way they acted now definitely meant they wouldn't want peace with him. 

One of the bannerman asked why targeted Frode. "The King of this Land has spies and scouts watching us at every moment." Halfdan was the one to explain, "He knows of the man's loyalty and prowess in battle. To kill him like this removes a loyal general of our Queen and a skilled warrior in the battles to come." Helga gave a nod in his assessment. They looked towards the queen.

"We must avenge this slight. To let the false King get away with such a brazen act is shameful to you." He looked at Helga with hopeful eyes. She gave a gentle smile and nodded.

"Of course. To kill one of my followers in my own home is a grave sin." Helga stood up, "That being said, we must first look internally. The king didn't know of our banquet so a traitor must still be here." Helga walked passed, quickly followed by Halfdan. Frode's bannerman remain alone, quietly talking to each other about the next step forward.

Within her own room, Helga took a seat leaving Halfdan standing. "We need to give them a traitor. If anything to shut them up." Halfdan smiled.

"One is already being prepared. One of Knut's bannerman. A believable culprit." Halfdan paused, "That being said, his death must be quick. No drawn-out ceremony. We can't give him the chance to speak." Although Halfdan would love to see what elaborate execution Helga could think of, it was a matter which he had to put his foot down on to make sure the plan worked.

A glimpse of disappointment went through her eyes but she nodded. "I know. I'll gag him and make it a swift kill." Halfdan nodded in approval. "That being said. When does the next phase begin?" 

Halfdan paused. "I must see the King's man to arrange a meeting point. Surely he will bring a small force with him. This is strictly business to him after all." Halfdan thought. He knew that he had to get Helga close, but it would be impossible with his guard. He also had to make sure not to destroy relations with him too much. "He will probably bring his personal guard with him. You may kill them all other than one with scars all over him. He seems to have a close relationship with the King and killing him will ruin everything. Just make it seem believable."

Helga nodded. She knew that Halfdan had been around Alfred for longer and it would have been a better read. If he asked to keep one alive, it was nothing to her. Halfdan smiled at her compliance and the two began to plan. 

Days passed and Alfred walked through the treeline. With him Chris and two other Royal Guards. They had been given a location by Halfdan and seeing him follow through on his promise meant that Alfred had to do the same as well. It was a small hunting shack. He didn't know what happened to its occupant and he didn't wish to know, just another number in the casualty list that had been created.

Standing outside it, a dim glow came from within. "Search it." Alfred gave the order and two of his Royal Gaurd went in. Alone Halfdan sat. They picked him up and forcibly searched him. Seeing he was clear, they flipped the place upside down. It took five minutes but nothing of note was found. Coming back out they gave the clearance to Alfred.

Alfred left three outside walking in with Chris alone. He gave a sniff in the air, a very subtle smell permeating the air. Halfdan smiled at him. "It's the candle. Not much we can do about it." Alfred looked at it. It was white wax, normal for a candle. He looked at the string running through it. White as well. Nothing seemed off and assumed it must be the hunter's herbs that lived here before.

Halfdan gave an internal sigh of relief. The smell given off the candle was so subtle that he assumed Alfred to not notice. He was lucky the King assumed nothing of it or he was sure he would have died right then. Taking his seat Alfred gave a nod. "You have proven yourself to be at least willing to work with me and follow orders. So here's what I can offer you. One: a guarantee of you and your people's life. Second: Lordship of the southern coast. Whilst you will start at the rank of Count, this can rise to Duke if you prove yourself. The South has been free of a Dukedom for a while now, but Far Mile will be free of your domain. Thirdly: A tax relief for four years. Although your people caused the damage, it will take a while to fix it and I don't wish to tax my subjects money they can't earn."

Alfred gave his offer. Halfdan didn't know what a Count of Duke was but assumed it was similar to him being Jarl. It was obviously below the rank of King, but it seemed to command a great deal of power if the entire South was meant to be a Dukedom. The offer was good and Halfdan almost felt wrong for tricking the young King. Halfdan cleared that thought. He did wish to swear loyalty, he just wanted more, something the King wouldn't give.

Alfred looked at him with cold eyes and Halfdan knew he had to give an answer. "This is perfect. Whilst I do not have the knowledge of what those titles mean, I assume they will give me real power in your Kingdom." Alfred gave a nod. Halfdan put his hand out, "I accept then. I will prepare my people to stay out of the upcoming fighting."

"If we are done here then I will leave," Alfred said getting ready to get up. Halfdan panicked but quickly composed himself. 

"Your Highness. Before you leave there is a matter we should discuss." Halfdan threw the words out before he could think of something to follow them. It got Alfred's attention before and stopped him in his place. Halfdan wondered where Helga was already knowing he couldn't hold Alfred much longer. He also wondered when the candle effects would start to kick in.

"It is about Queen Helga. I know she does not wish to make peace, but to kill her would be a terrible idea." Halfdan spoke. His eyes could hear it in the distance. The sound of multiple men marching. Lifting his arm, he could tell the effects were kicking in, his arms feeling heavier and movements slower.

"I know what you wish to say Jarl. She had a cult of personality. I have seen these things before. It is why I don't order you to kill her like Frode. She must die in a way fitting for her status and for that, it must be on..." Chris grabbing his sword shut Alfred up.

The sound of metal clashing quickly began outside as the door swung open. Tens of people stormed in with Helga at the head of them. He could see his guards being swarmed outside and knew that it was over for them. One shot an arrow at Alfred's arm, scrapping across it but not piercing. Alfred grabbed the wound with fury in his eyes as he looked at Halfdan with hate. It quickly left seeing the man having fear on his own face.

Either he was brilliant at playing with his emotions or it was genuine. He knew the man could fake them but it was such a sudden incident that he wasn't sure. Chris pulled his sword but noticed his slow movements. Alfred did the same, pulling a dagger from his waistband.

"Fucking traitor." Helga's voice was full of venom as she looked at Halfdan. She ran forward stabbing into his shoulder. Halfdan was prepared for it and skillfully positioned his arm to make sure the sword wouldn't do serious damage. Helga pulled it out kicking him to the ground. She wiped her sword with a cloth, before rubbing a green liquid over it.

Chris took his place in front of Alfred, his eye sharp. Helga sent her men in first. Although Chris felt slower, he quickly adjusted, skillfully defending against them. He was thankful for the small room or he would have been quickly surrounded. Alfred helped with his dagger. He skillfully dodged attacks as best as he could, but he felt his vision becoming dim and blurry. He looked at the small wound on his arm and assumed he had been poisoned.

The dagger fell out of his hand and he stumbled to the ground. Helga smiled seeing this. Pushing past her men she attacked Chris. The man was tired and slow. He didn't know when he was poisoned but knew that he had been. Helga knew it would be annoying to attack the man. His heavy armour made it so not many places could inflict the poison. She also knew she couldn't kill him.

Dodging his swings, she stabbed the sword close to his neck. Chris couldn't dodge. He assumed he was going to die at that moment and looked at Alfred's collapsed body. With pure willpower, he let the sword cut across his neck, making a small wound. Throwing himself at Helga, he swung his fists down, trying to kill her in whatever way he could. 

She was impressed the man was poisoned yet could put up a furious final struggle. Despite that it was meaningless. Her men threw him off and Chris with great hate and defiance in his eyes looked as she approached Alfred. He was unable to do anything being held down as he slowly slipped out of consciousness.

Helga took one last vial out of her belt, happy it didn't smash at Chris's reckless charge. Pouring its contents into Alfred's mouth she smiled and waited. "Make sure they see to their injuries." She gave a final look at Halfdan. Even when being stabbed the man still had that cold calculating look in his eyes. Not once did break character unless needed.

Her soldiers dragged the two away to deal with them as the fighting finally ended outside, the final royal guard falling. To say she was shocked by their skill was an understatement. She looked at them once but turned away and waited, a wide smile on her face as she watched Alfred, ready to complete her wish.