The Bells Toll: End of Arc Three- Troubles in the Conquered  Lands

"No." Marcus rounded the corner and he saw the Inquisitions Guards hovering over a body with somber expressions. Usually, he would make sure to be careful around them but he needed to confirm his fears weren't true. Pushing past them he looked down at the bloody corpse with a soft smile and covered his mouth in horror. "No." Reaching down he placed his hands on Raven's neck. It was a pointless endeavor but Marcus wanted it to all be a sick joke. He had to be sure that the man was actually dead.

"Fuck." Standing up he grabbed his forehead tired. "We must move the ArchBishop's body. He does not deserve to be laid on the cold ground." His voice was quiet and he got weak nods from those around. That being said no one moved to pick up his body, afraid to make his death a reality.