Side Story 6: The Holy Seat's Decision

The air in the Holy Seat of Sol seemed magical today for Bishop Francis. The marble walls glowed in his eyes and his happiness was evident by the playful way he walked. With a wide grin, he stopped in front of one of the large doors and gave it a soft knock. Seconds passed and a tired-looking man pecked his head through, a book of scripture in hand. 

"May I come in brother Abraham?" Francis asked and Abraham looked at the happy grin on his face. With a nod, he moved back and opened the door wide for his friend.

"What is it, brother? I'm reading scripture." Abraham spoke with a tired voice matching his appearance but Francis paid it no mind. Taking a seat he looked up and burst into a wide smile.

"The annoying ArchBishop is dead." Francis came out and Abraham looked at him for a couple of seconds before going wide-eyed.