Using the Past

"This is the fifth one." In a suit that was out of place in the damp dungeon that reeked of blood, he looked at the figure hung on the wall, his wounds telling of the torture he had endured.

"The church is moving fast it seems." The man next to him sighed as he looked at the body of the preacher. "How have the people been taking on their words about the prince?"

"Dismissive for now. The rally held here has secured a strong imperial sentiment but in those places where it's weaker." The man shook his head getting a click of the tongue in response.

"Did you get anything from this one either?"

"Once more, a church official approached him, giving a script to follow." Walking over he touched the body getting a small twitch from it. "But they never have anything more."

"Another beggar then." The man nodded walking to the side and grabbing a bag of coins, throwing it at the other.