Sons of Sven

"The scouts have sent word." Oluf walked into the tent where Leif and Sven were waiting. They sat far apart but the hard flares being thrown at one another felt as if a fight was about to break out. 

"What did they say?" The two refused to back down in their staredown but Oluf's hard punch on the table forced it as they looked at him simultaneously.

"Helga is retreating." His words were like a bucket of cold water as Leif grabbed the axe on his waist and threw it up catching it as he stood. 

"We go on the attack then."

"Why are you so impatient," Sven said annoyed, but Leif laughed at his words.

"Oluf, this coward doesn't want to fight but this is our chance. Obviously, King Andor accepted and began his assault. Why else would that bitch pull back." Sven stood up glaring at the man. "What. Did I say something?" Leif said playfully causing Sven to nearly reach for his weapon only stopped by Oluf's words.