Side Story 6: Story of Creation- The Sisters of Gaia Version

First, there was emptiness. Then, there was light—an all-consuming and all-powerful light that filled the cosmos. Sol was nothing, and then he was everything—an omnipotent being forced to be alone in the endless sea of space. Aeons of loneliness took its toll, and finally, the old god moved.

With a small movement of his body, the cosmos shook, and for the first time, he wielded immense power. Taking a part of his light, he created his first child—a beautiful son whose appearance was neither male nor female. With one glimpse of his son, the loneliness he had suffered for aeons vanished, and the second emotion in the universe was created: love.

"Khors." Cuddling the ball of purple light, Sol spoke his name and, with his breath, gave a part of his power to him, creating the second God of the universe. The young god opened his eyes but quickly closed them, blinded by his father's radiance.