Side Story 8: Birthday Banquet

The hall was filled with pleasant chatter as the high society of the Empire gathered for Alfred's birthday. Looking down on them, he thought the same thing he always did: 'Annoying.' Despite that, he kept his thoughts to himself and pleasantly watched from atop the balcony, looking down at them with a small glass. Isra came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Smile more." Hearing her words, she laughed slightly and sipped his drink.

"It's funny. Most of them hate me, yet they happily eat my food and wish me a long life."

"They must love you then." Isra teased, causing Alfred to roll his eyes. "Whilst I would love to stay and brood with you, I'm going to enjoy myself."

"Do what you want." Alfred lifted his glass and saw her off. Turning to face Alfred, she made a small gesture for Alfred to smile once again and gave her one. Looking back down on everyone, he sighed and leaned forward again, drowning himself in his drink.