Lorenzo took his hand away from her face and moved several steps back, severing their connection. He stared at her and smiled. She thought she could fool him. Such an innocent little girl.

It was obvious her name was not Natasha. She must have not known. He could read anybody like a book. See through their fears and use their weakness to his advantage.

He knew when someone was lying. He could sense it. And her lies were written all over her face. She was a horrible liar, and he couldn't help but scoff at her nerves. More than she started that name Natasha, he knew there was more. She didn't blink when she accepted the offer, meaning she wanted it. But the rest…all of it was a lie.

He would find the truth, but that wasn't the reason he was offering her the job.

He stared at her, her arms wrapped around her waist. She looked so small. So innocent. Poor little girl. She didn't know what she just brought upon herself.

There was one thing everyone knew. What Lorenzo Lizzo wanted, he got. And the rebellious, tired-looking girl in front of him, he wanted.

A tough lion yet a soft dove. He laughed at the thought. His little maid. She was now his. He was going to find out what was hidden underneath all that toughness, breaking every restriction.

Under her softening gaze, he felt his body warming up. It was like his body wasn't his own under her careful and intense attention. Natasha licked her suddenly dried lips, heightening the effect he was feeling.

Why was she doing that to him? One minute she acted unquenchable, while the next, she behaved like a dirty seductress.

Lorenzo scoffed. Of course, it was a game. That's what she did. She worked in a club. What else did he expect from a club girl?

"Antonov," Lorenzo yelled suddenly.

His harsh voice snapped Natasha out of her thoughts, and she jumped when the door banged open behind her.

She swiveled around quickly to see the guy she had kicked earlier, crowding the doorway. The way his feet were planted apart and his wide shoulder shooting erect, showed he had recovered from the pain he was suffering earlier.

Antonov was Lorenzo's combat specialist and one of the four. Yes, Lorenzo moved around with a squad of guards, but four specialists stayed closest to him, Matteo being one and Antonov being the second with two more others.

For that attack by Natasha earlier, he didn't see it coming. And, he must give it to her, she was faster than his reflex action. Or, maybe, his business blinded him for a moment.

His hair was cut very short. A long, deep scar ran from the right side of his cheeks just underneath his eye and down to his chin. It made him look even more vicious. He wore a black long-sleeved shirt with a camouflage trouser. Two guns were attached to his holster.

Natasha felt herself shiver when the man gave her a hateful glare. There was no way their encounter would be forgotten in a hurry.

"Antonov, get me the manager. Let Matteo know that we have a new maid," Lorenzo said in a familiar hard tone.

The softest his voice had ever been was the few minutes he spoke to Natasha. Outside that, it was a voice without emotions and strictly for command.

"I'm not going with you today. You've to give me time to think and pack," Natasha protested.

"You're right. This is too sudden," Lorenzo surprisingly agreed. He paused for a while, "take all the time you need," he added.

"Thank you."

There was a brief silence, with Antonov glancing between Natasha and Lorenzo and back to Natasha.

"Done. You've exhausted your time. I'm sure you're done with your thinking. You don't also need to pack anything, as I don't allow external things into my house. Everything will be gotten for you." There was no twitch in his words, and neither did he blink.

Natasha just stood dumbfounded.

Lorenzo knew the importance of time. Giving her time might give the loophole for her to revolt, as he had seen. Pull them when they're unprepared has always been his strategy. "She will be staying in the room next to mine. Let Matteo know that," he continued. The whole time, Antonov's face was emotionless.

When Lorenzo finished, Antonov gave a sharp nod and waited for Natasha to move. Lorenzo stared at her, waiting to see what she'll do.

"Let me inform my boss first. Leaving…he might…umm" she stuttered nervously.

Lorenzo stepped closer until they were only an inch apart. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Anything I tell you, you do it. For now, I'll take care of that."

She stepped back quickly, her heart beating faster at his admission.

"Excuse me?" she asked, her tone edgy.

"Go with Antonov," Lorenzo said as he moved a step closer. "But if I want you to do something else…" He left his sentence hanging, his gaze intensely on hers."Then I'll let you know."

His words did not soothe her in any way. In fact, they made her even more nervous. The way he finished his sentence, it was obvious that this was going to be more than a maid's job. Whatever he wanted her to do, he was going to get her to do it,

She had to do it. Without any questions.

"Antonov, take her away. I've got business to do," Lorenzo demanded, taking a step away. His gaze was fixed on hers as Antonov got closer to Natasha.

Lorenzo nodded as if permitting Natasha to go. Antonov grabbed her arm roughly and started to pull her out of the lounge. His hold was tight and Natasha felt her arm going numb.

Shortly after Natasha was escorted out, her boss came in. " Mr. Lizzo, you asked to see me. I hope you're having a great time. . ."

"I'm taking Natasha off your hands. Henceforth, she is no longer a worker at Splash club," Lorenzo sharply said.

He already knew that people would do anything to be on his good side. He didn't need to hear the ranting as if they cared if truly, he was having a good time. What if he wasn't?

"Umm… Mr. Lizzo, there's how these things. . ."

"How much do you want?"

"I wouldn't get money from my biggest client when he wants something like that. Take it as a gift from me to you. As long as you want, you can keep her."

"I thought so."

"I heard you sent the girls away. If you want a different set, I'll have them here in seconds. I'm sorry if the ones I sent weren't your desire of girls."

"It's okay. Just don't let me see that Sugar girl again. For now, I have things to deal with. I'll take my leave."

His body was at Splash club, but his mind rested on his new acquisition. It was time to go uncover the lies she was trying so hard to protect. No one played a great game with Lorenzo for long. Not even Natasha.