It took an extra three hours before they arrived. Lorenzo made sure to instruct Antonov on what to do while connecting with Matteo on a video call, asking if there was an update during his absence.

He also quickly searched Natasha while she was knocked out respectfully even though he was tempted to…it just wasn't his thing. Taking advantage of one.

At their arrival, Matteo was already waiting outside. Lorenzo left, leaving Natasha to Antonov. With a curt nod, he strolled past his quivering men with Matteo back to the house.

Lorenzo almost broke into a laugh. What was funny? No one has even questioned him. No one stood composed in his presence. No one. Not even the ex-seal, military, special ops, assassins, drug lords, and Matteo that he controlled.

Everyone knew their place and made sure to stay submissive. Until recently, a tiny girl who he could easily snap her neck, did not only questioned him but refused and beat the crap out of mighty Lorenzo Lizzo.

The thought was still processed in his head as he found it difficult to comprehend.

Briefly, Matteo took another route to attend to something, leaving Lorenzo to make his way to his office. He was leaning back on his sofa chair trying to get some rest, head tilted toward the ceiling, his eyes closed when the door opened.

He knew who it was without opening his eyes. Only one person would dare come into his office without permission.

Opening his eyes, he caught sight of Matteo strolling in. He closed the door behind him, leaned against it, and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Seriously?" he asked as he stared at Lorenzo, his face expressionless.

"I need a full background check on Natasha," Lorenzo fired back without answering his question.

He knew what Matteo was talking about, but Lorenzo had no desire to discuss that matter. It was none of his business who he decided to acquire and keep or not. Lorenzo stood up and walked over to the small bar.

"I'm sure there's more to her than she pretends to be, but I still want a check, in case you find something."

After he poured some vodka into two glasses, Matteo took one from Lorenzo's hand and sipped slowly. They both stared at each other, the air tense around them. When Matteo's glass was empty, he placed it on the bar and turned back toward Lorenzo.

"What are you planning, boss?" he asked, giving Lorenzo a strange look.

Lorenzo shrugged. "Why do you think I'm planning something?"

Matteo scoffed and shook his head. "Because you never do anything without a plan. You just met this girl less than twenty-four hours ago at a club, and you acquired her. Not only that. You brought an external to your home. Sounds like a plan to me." He paused for a second and then asked slowly, "Is she a spy? Is that why you are keeping her? To know who she's working with?"

Shaking his head, Lorenzo glared at him. If it were someone else questioning his decision, they would be on the ground writhing in pain. But Matteo was his second in command and practically most trusted ally.

He has never given Lorenzo any reason to doubt his loyalty.

"Do you really think I would keep her if she was a spy?" he asked through gritted teeth. He got on his nerves sometimes.

"Anything is possible with you. Why are you keeping her, anyway?"

"None of your business. Do as you're told," Lorenzo responded harshly.

Antonov nodded and stepped away from the bar.

"I'll let you know what I find. However, I would like to give some advice or a suggestion. We have a lot going on. Adding a liability might be a weakness that would cost us. We don't know her. She could be an enemy, and before we find anything about her, it might be too late. Our focus. . ."

"Enough! Matteo. Enough. I know what's good and necessary to do and what's not."

Lorenzo turned toward the large windows, dismissing him.

He heard his feet shuffling and then the door closed. Lorenzo looked down at the glass in his hand as he moved it around my fingers.

"Let's see what we get about you, Natasha," he whispered, bringing the glass to his lips. He was intrigued. His body was coursing with excitement.

He would slowly uncover her, layer by layer, until he knew everything. Every last detail. And when he was done, he would devour her until nothing was left.

A few minutes later, he was still standing in front of the large windows that overlooked the massive pool. His phone rang in his pocket and he quickly took it out, answering the call without looking.

"What?" he barked.

"There's nothing on her," Matteo said.

Lorenzo's hand tightened around the phone, and he smirked. He knew it.

"She doesn't even exist in any system," he continued, his voice smooth and calm, as if he knew the information wouldn't surprise Lorenzo.

Lorenzo let out a small laugh. Shaking his head, he thought about the seemingly innocent girl he found looking forced at the club.

The moment he saw her, he knew there was more to her. She was potential trouble, and, instead of taking her out, he invited and took that ticking disaster and brought it home.

Why? Simply because she fascinated him. She challenged his authority and made him feel his nerves pumping.

It wouldn't be for long, though. She better watch every step because staying hidden from Lorenzo was only for a while. Now that her existence as a ghost has been found out, Lorenzo would move Heaven and Hell, to dig out the least thing as her favorite color. He had the wealth and power to do so.

"I got this," he said through the phone and hung up without waiting for an answer.

Well, it is going to be fun.

He walked away from the window and out of the room.