Natasha's body almost failed her on the way to the bathroom, but she pushed until the sound of the door clicking behind her happened. That was a sign she was safe and away from the man who sucked away all her breath.

She clamped her heart with both hands, and leaned against the door, before slouching to the floor.

She didn't mind the striking coldness against her bare ass. What was wrong with her? She was there for a mission, not to fool around. She could have taken on Lorenzo. Best the crap out of him. Then what? Fly away from his fortress? No. Play it cool, but make sure the heart doesn't get in her way. 

If this chance of clearing her name slips away from her hand, she might as well kiss her old identity and everything that came with that, goodbye. That would be stupid. Living as a loner, fragile, and easily a target to so many who thought she was the enemy.