Her heart thrummed hard like the wings of a bird, but her breathing and composure were steady as she reached the window and opened it easily. She jumped, hanging to the edge. With all her strength, she pushed herself up.

  Natasha climbed out the window, and when she reached the ground, her legs felt weak. She stumbled for a moment. Looking around her, she didn't see anyone.

Relief filled her, and she took off walking to the side of the street she had sighted a payphone. She went to it, but the problem was that she had no money with her. 

Natasha waited for a friendly old couple to walk past her. "Excuse me. I am lost and want to talk to my mum, whom I came to visit. Can you spare me some change to call her?"

"Sure, Dear." The wife reached for her purse and poured some coins into Natasha's hand. "Would that be enough, Dear?"

"Yes. Thank you."