Natasha was left astonished. If Luca was opting out, there was no relevance in being in Lorenzo's vicinity, which might be growing to be a potential risk.

She needed to find her sister fast. How would she genuinely escape without being caught like last time?

She peered around to find emptiness. Hurriedly, Natasha went to her room and headed to the toilet. She flushed the phone. Natasha changed into a nightie while choosing a black hoodie, black sweatpants, and black sneakers, placing them under her pillow.

She began to pace back and forth, overlooking the window. She studied the positioning of the guards.

Would it make things easier if she made snacks and laced them with drugs, then serve that to everyone?

Her heart kept fluttering while she paced around until everywhere went completely dark. Celine didn't come to her room, which was of much relief.