She watched the sun go down behind the garden she had run out to earlier on. She watched as the sky changed colors, the same way her life has changed. The magnificent beauty took her breath away.

Focusing on such alluring beauty, as the sky turned dark, her eyes started to get heavy. She yawned and blinked drowsily. Darkness surrounded her as she succumbed to her fatigue.

"Shhh. Don't make any noise," a man in his late fifties said harshly, clasping his hand over the mouth of a little girl as she struggled against him.

  "Don't move. It'll be over quickly. You won't even feel anything."

The girl tried to scream, but no sound came out. She fought against him, but it was no use. He was unmovable.

No. No. Please no. Natasha begged from the wardrobe she hid with her stuffed animal. When the little girl heard the sound of the man's footsteps, she convinced Natasha to play hide and seek with get, hiding inside the wardrobe.