Lorenzo gave her a pat on the back. "Get ready. We are going to see him."

As a five-year-old who has been promised Christmas gifts would excitedly run around the house, Natasha dashed to complete her interrupted bathing time. Lorenzo went to his office to make a quick phone call.

At the first ring, Vladimir picked. "Hello, son."

"Hi, old man. I must say that I am beyond grateful that you came. In exchange, I have a gift for you."

"You don't need to worry about that. You are mine, and what I did was for my own."

"You would really want to see this gift. You will be excited about it."

Sighing, "you are persistent. But, that is fine. I am on my way back to Russia. You have to ship it over."

"I am flying it to you now. I am coming to Russia."

"Why all that trouble? What is so important about this gift?"