Chapter 15 : Heated Morning Exchange


It was hard not to hear the conversation Tally had with James the night before. I was terrified of what had happened, but when Tally had come upstairs, all she said was her father wouldn’t tell her. That... and she was going to find out who it was.

My mind had wandered all night, and for the first time in a few days, James didn’t reach out to me. I figured it was because of what had happened, but I was grateful.

I didn’t want to get in the middle of some fight between her and her father.

Even if I was the one having sex with him.

Rolling from bed somewhere after 5:00 in the morning, I made my way downstairs in my pajamas in search of coffee. There was no point in still trying to sleep.

I was just going to be extra tired today.

As soon as my feet hit the bottom of the stairs, I felt an eerie presence. The silence was almost deafening. Everyone was still asleep, and even though I enjoyed the quiet... it made me nervous. I wasn’t sure what to expect for the day.