Chapter 56 : Love is a Beautiful Thing

Sitting down in the restaurant, I took in the general splendor for dim lighting and warm colors. The entire air of the place was rather romantic, and the way James looked at me made me feel as if I was the only woman in the room he had eyes for, and perhaps that was true, but I had to keep my head straight.

“This place is really nice,” I said as I continued to admire the room before letting my eyes fall upon him. The lust filled gaze he was giving me made my stomach knot with anticipation.

“I figured you would like it,” he replied, lifting his wineglass to his lips with a smirk upon his face.

To think, just days ago, I was considering letting go of everything I had with James, and now I was sitting here across from him trying to decide if the situation was real or just an elaborate dream I had come up with.

“I suppose we should discuss some things…”