Chapter 64 : Broken Plans, New Arrangements


A few days had passed, and the conversation between James and I hadn’t been as much as I would have liked. In fact, he had been more busy than usual, and I didn’t know what to do with myself.

Every day was just like the last. I got up. I did my morning workout. I walked down to the cafe and got breakfast and coffee and then went to class.

I would go through the day as if nothing in the world was wrong with me, and by the time I got done with classes, I would head back to my apartment to eat dinner and do homework.

Whoever said that life as a student in college was exciting was sadly mistaken. My life was full of nothing but getting my work done, passing my classes, and surviving to the weekend.

Then, usually on the weekends, I was way too exhausted and tired to even want to do anything. Not to mention I was not the kind of girl that enjoyed going out partying. I was the kind of girl who would rather stay home with a good book, a movie and a friend, and some pizza.