Chapter 76 : Slap in the Face


It had been two weeks since I had spoken to Becca. I still couldn’t believe the moment I was leaving, she found comfort being able to just call it off with me.

Maybe I should have tried to force her to stay with me or something. I didn’t know what the f*ck I was doing or thinking.

At the end of the day, I’d just let her go. I let her say goodbye to me. Even though it killed me, it was happening. I had done so much for her, and she didn’t seem to want to make it work. She just wanted a way out, and as hurt as I was—I was angry.

No matter how many times I’d called, no matter how many times I texted her—nothing.

Only twice did she respond, and those were vaguely a conversation. Her response was just like the other times we’d aruged. She told me I had priorities I needed to situate, and she wasn’t one of them. That perhaps in the future, things would change.

I was angry, on edge, unable to focus on a goddamn thing because she clouded every single moment of my waking mind.