Chapter 89 : News from Katrine


Just over a week later, Tally and the baby were finally home. The child was stronger than we could all imagine and pulled through regardless of being a few weeks early. We had been worried, though, that it would be weeks before he would come home, but he surprised us all. The doctor said it was a miracle; however, I knew it was the Valentino genes.

During the time Tally was in the hospital with the baby, I took the opportunity to get the nursery set up in my home. It wasn’t what Tally initially wanted, but after I explained to her, this was the best way for her to get help, she agreed.

I had even gone through a list of people to find the right nanny to help Tally with the transition to becoming a mother, something she finally had admitted to me she was terrified of failing at.

It was a common thing, though, for new mothers to worry about this, and after a lot of reassurance and finally being home, she was more confident with everything.