Chapter 93 : Shopping Surprises


“What are you doing today?” Neal asked from the bed. We had spent another glorious night wrapped in each other’s arms, and as much as he wanted me to stay there… I had shit to do.

“I told you yesterday…” I laughed as I peeked my head around the corner of the bathroom to look at him. His cool eyes stared back at me with his arms resting behind his head. “I have shopping to get done. Christmas is right around the corner, and if we’re going to be leaving, I’m not going to leave people empty-handed.”

“I’m not telling you that you have to leave people empty-handed. All I’m merely asking is, why do you have to do it today? Come back to bed.”

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes and continued finishing up the rest of my makeup. If I was going to beat the masses, which I highly doubt I was going to do, then I needed to hurry up and get my ass out there so I could get my shopping done.