Chapter 95 : Plans are Changing


As soon as I got back to the apartment, Neal waited. His eyes looked at me with nothing but concern, and I knew right away things were not okay. It was obvious he knew something I didn’t, and because of that, I was wary of what he would say.

“Are you going to start telling me the truth about what is going on? We promised each other that we would never hide secrets.” I said softly, staring at him.

Neal's eyes cast from me down to the ground as he fiddled with his hands, trying his hardest to find answers that I obviously wanted. “It isn't that easy, Becca. I'm not trying to hide anything from you. James came to me not long ago asking if anything should happen to him to protect you. That’s what I’m doing.”

“He told you to protect me, and you didn't think that was something I needed to know?”