Chapter 123 : Words of Warning


The moment that I had picked Becca up from the hospital and seen Dalia in her arms, my heart swelled with pride and excitement at being able to bring the both of them home.

However, the last thing that I expected was the moment that we got home for Becca to be swooped away by Layla, who was explaining everything that she had done while Becca had been gone.

And to top everything off, somebody had decided to send her a package, and I knew very well who that somebody was, and seeing how excited she got over what they sent reminded me of what my place actually was.

According to Allegra, I was jealous, and for the most part, I damn sure was. I was the one putting all the time and effort in, and even though she was nothing but grateful and showed me nothing but compassion, I couldn't get over the fact that I wasn't him.