Chapter 152 : Off to Italy


My stomach dropped to my toes. “You want to leave and take the kids with you?” I inferred.

“Yes. They deserve a better life, a happier one, and not to mention, a safer life than you can ever give them. So whether it’s New Zealand or somewhere else, I intend to make something pure and wholesome for them. Far away from you, from Neal, from Allegra, and your problems,” Becca confirmed.

I scowled. “Those are my child and my grandchild. You can’t just take them away from me.”

Becca shrugged. “You’re dead, and Tally gave custody of Alessandro to me, so, it would seem I can take them away from you. And I will.”

“I don’t intend to stay dead. Everyone who wasn’t supposed to know I was alive knows I’m alive. There’s no point in hiding it anymore. Besides, I left witness protection the moment I left Japan,” I said.

“Japan…” Becca’s eyebrows drew together. Then her eyes widened. “You’re the one who sent the box!”