Chapter 171 : Dark Forces Assembling


“So, as I was saying, Jessica, don’t you think Becca is a completely unfit mother?” I asked again, staring at my daughter’s friend with purpose.

The girl was not the sharpest knife in the drawer. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen her as a mother.”

“But Becca is promiscuous and violent and not a good friend to Tally, right?” I tried again.

Jessica rubbed her chin. “Tally’s dead, though. How can she be any kind of friend to her?”

I sighed and opened my purse, taking out a small stack of the financial reserves the Cartwrights had given me for… well… bribe money, to be blunt. “Think, Jessica. Think back. Didn’t Becca attack men, including Chad, at Tally’s parties?”

Realization finally dawned in the idiot’s eyes, and she quickly pocketed the money I slid across the table. “You know what, you’re right. She did. And she tried to get back at Chad. And Tally said Becca sent her dad to beat up Chad.”