Chapter 195 : A Charitable Idea


A knock came at my door in the morning, causing me to let out a light groan. I turned in the bed, considering pretending that I was still asleep. Maybe I’d be left alone in my thoughts then.

I didn’t want to face this gigantic issue right now.

After that talk with Neal at midnight, my stomach had twisted into several knots. My feelings on the matter were too complicated to focus on right now, not when I didn’t know where we were going to end up.

James insisted on Italy, but I was firm in my disagreement.

Neal had sounded so dejected and depressed. I felt a pang of sadness but chose James for a reason.

So I thought. Right now, after all of this, and his insistence on going back to Italy, I wasn’t sure. That said, he loved the kids dearly.

He had been so happy upon the finality of that trial. We could be a family now, but his past would follow him like a baby duck to its mother. Italy was too dangerous, and I really didn’t know why he kept insisting so hard.