Chapter 216 : Kill Her


“BITCH! I’M GOING TO BLEED YOU DRY, BITCH!” screamed a familiar voice in my ear. My eyes widened as I realized Allison was here with her arms wrapped around me, pulling me away from the nursery and slamming me to the ground.

I still had the poker in my hand and quickly raised my arm and jerked it to the right, causing her to miss a strike with something. I couldn’t tell what she had, exactly, but assumed it was a knife of some sort.

At this point, my eyes had adjusted to the dark enough to see the whites of her eyes. They were wide, eerie, as though she was possessed. I knew the truth. She was completely unhinged and was actively trying to kill me.

My mind clicked to self-defense mode as I managed to knock away some of her blows. I took a deep breath, my entire world ruled by adrenaline. Not only did I not want to be killed, but I needed to protect my kids.