Chapter 222 : It's True


My heart was pounding as I got into the car with security in tow. I needed to confirm this with the hospital clinic, and luckily they could see me right away. A bright, happy smile was plastered on my face as we drove through the city to where I’d hopefully be told the test was right.

We pulled into the garage and parked. I got out, trailed by security, which helped me feel extra safe. James had offhandedly mentioned moving from the large family compound we were in to a smaller one, so I hoped we’d start that process soon. I’d be less stressed for sure.

We entered the hospital, my hand over my heart as I worked to calm myself down. Nothing was set in stone yet, and being disappointed right now would be horrible. The worst news, rather. I needed to keep my expectations realistic, after all. The test could have shown a false positive.