Chapter 275 : Shower Time


I stirred into consciousness as a bright light passed over my closed eyelids. I groaned at the sudden intrusion, turning on my side and away from the offending light.

I was dazed for a minute as my brain powered up and memories came flooding back–Dahlia going missing, Giovani leaving and then coming back… the terrible nightmare that had awoken me, and how I’d gone to Giovani, the way I’d broken down on him, and he had held me all night until my eyes had closed, and I’d drifted off to sleep.

I sat up in bed in a hurry, my legs twisted up in the blanket as I blinked away the sleep around my eyes. The sun was shining brightly through the window, the curtains pulled away to let it in.

The room was the same as last night, except for the missing owner of the room.

My eyes trailed to the right of me, and I reached out for where I thought Giovani had been. It was still slightly warm, indicating he hadn’t been gone for long.

Where had he gone, though?