Chapter 277 : New Visitor


I kept my eyes on the clock as I waited in Giovani’s bed. When ten minutes passed by, I finally stepped out, dropping the blanket. I rushed into the bathroom to grab my clothes, pulling on my hoodie, and stuffing my underwear into the oversized pockets.

I pulled the ends of the hoodie down, hoping it hid enough and nobody saw me. I cracked open the door, my eyes trailing down the hallway before I opened it softly.

It was completely empty, with not a sound of anyone there.

I breathed out, relieved, as I crept into the hallway with light steps, and gently shut Giovani’s door behind me. I checked both sides of the hallway again, paranoid that somebody would walk around the corner and see me at any minute.

I grabbed the ends of my hoodie and rushed to my own room, throwing open the door and shutting it behind me.