Chapter 304 : The Hand You're Dealt



The minute I stepped out into the hallway, I knew I was fucked. There was Alessandro at the end of the hallway with a dark look on his face. A combination of fury and hatred glimmered in his eyes, a nasty look that was disconcerting to see, even for me.

I stiffened as I shut her door behind me firmly, hoping she didn’t hear him. I kept a blank look on my face, trying to play it cool even as a cold sweat developed down my back.

Of all the people who could’ve caught me sneaking out of her room, it had to be Alessandro.

Fucking hell.

“Alessandro,” I called out, low and quiet, but I knew he heard me. I kept a casual stance, trying to force it despite how stiff I felt. I didn’t need this right now, and if he found out what Olivia and I had been doing, I doubted she would forgive me.

There was only one option–lie my ass off and hope he was stupid enough to believe me.