Chapter 342 : Madness


“It’s such a pleasure to meet the Don of the Valentinos.” Dmitri smiled as he watched me carefully. There was a coldness to his eyes, the black irises almost dead-looking as he stared at me, not even blinking.

Fucking bastard.

“Unfortunately, we couldn’t have met under better circumstances,” Dmitri glanced around at the empty warehouse around us, a dozen men with their eyes and guns on me. “But you’re quite a hard man to find these days, Giovani.”

“Fuck off,” I spat, in no mood for these games.

Dmitri laughed, a high cold sound that was more like a ghost than an actual human being. There was a dark glint in his eyes as he stepped forward into my space, only two steps away from me.

He didn’t look angry or upset. He didn’t even look happy or pleased to finally have me in his clutches. He just looked empty–like a hollow shell without any substance inside.