Chapter 400 : Start a Family


I stammered, staring into Gio's patient eyes as he waited for my answer.

"I never thought about it," I admitted quietly to both him and myself. "I just assumed that was something far off into the future. I didn't expect it to be positive but…."

"But?" he prompted, so gentle as he cradled my cheek in his hands. I leaned into his warm, calloused hand, shutting my eyes tightly as a few tears spilled over my cheeks. I hated being such an emotional person, hated how I couldn't keep myself calm like Gio.

"But it was," I said softly. "And I thought of you, and I thought of… the baby… a little baby with your curly hair and your eyes, and I realized…."

I sniffled, grasping Gio's hand as I buried my face into it. "I made the appointment with the doctor because I had to be sure, but she said I wasn't, and I just felt…."