Chapter 408 : Distractions Are a Girl's Best Friend


The next day was Saturday, so Dahlia joined Gio and me at breakfast. For a moment, the table was completely quiet, and I could see Dahlia deciding whether to say anything.

“So….” she started.

I grabbed Gio’s hand and squeezed it. All of my worries from yesterday rose up again, and I didn’t want them to overtake me, but I didn’t want to block my best friend out of my life either.

“You can ask, Dolly,” I said finally. “But I don’t want to talk about it all day.”

She nodded. “What happened? Bad news?”

I opened my mouth, but the words died in my throat. I looked at Gio helplessly.

“Neither of us can have children naturally,” he said with a grimace. “Our options are surrogacy or adoption.”

Dahlia absorbed the information slowly. “And I suppose asking what you’re going to do falls under talking about it?”

I nodded vehemently.