“We’ve repaired all bridges for our operations in Eastern Europe, which means we can finally start shipping in the volumes we were working with before Dmitri,” Gabriele said. “In terms of the expansion into the Middle East—”
A furious, pounding knock sounded on the door, and both of our heads whipped in that direction. I dropped the folder containing the data on our holdings. Gabriele placed a hand on the gun at his waist, and I ran my finger over the panic button I’d recently had installed on the bottom of my desk that would call all the guards in the compound to my location. I hadn’t had one previously because I didn’t like acknowledging that I might not be able to handle every threat that made its way to my office.
After a moment of knocking, the knob turned and the door swung inward. Gabriele’s gun was out of his holster before I could blink, but I hesitated a moment on the button. It was lucky I waited because the door revealed a panting, wild-eyed Alessandro.