Chapter 445 : Welcome to the World


“Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Valentino.” Dr. Schmidt smiled, holding a swaddled, squirmy baby in her arms. Sticking out through the folds of the blanket was a tiny, chubby arm, red and angry skin but undeniably a baby. My baby.

My mouth opened, no words coming out as I stared at the little bundle completely speechless. Gio’s arm around my waist tightened, and I could feel the tension in his body, the nervousness he was trying to hide.

It had been a long nine months.

I opened up my arms, hesitantly reaching for the bundle. I’d been dreaming of this moment for over a year, waiting to meet our baby, but now that he was here, now that he was right in front of me, I couldn’t bear to take another step.