Chapter 456 : Decisions After Dinner


I froze, staring at my ringing phone. My heart leaped to my throat. I felt suddenly watched, anxious. I said I’d call him, right?

Dahlia raised an eyebrow. “Gonna answer?”

I took a deep breath. I was overthinking. It wasn’t weird for him to call. Most dads called their children all the time. Hell, Dahlia and James had a weekly call.

I set down the paint bowls, grabbed my phone, and pressed it to my ear with slightly shaking hands. Dahlia leaned forward, eyes glimmering with interest.

“Hi.” My voice sounded scratchy and strange, but it worked.

“Olivia!” His voice sounded warm and easy, like it had at dinner.

I relaxed a little.

“I haven’t caught you at a bad time, have I?” he asked.

I met Dahlia’s eye. “I’ve got dinner in a bit, but I have a few moments to talk. What’s up?”

She nodded encouragingly.

“Well,” he said. “I was thinking about how you said we should get together soon, and how I just found this great café near me. Wanna do lunch?”